5 ways to generate site traffic

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5 ways to generate site traffic

Post by robseolas »

1. Blogging. There are a hundred good reasons as to why you should be blogging, but in terms of building a web audience, the two best reasons are A) It gives you near immediate time-to-market with your message and B) It’s a great way to put a face behind your message. Popular blog services like Technorati can deliver great traffic. If we take our search engine blinders off, blog search engines are now reaching high enough adoption rates to send over great traffic, too. Ok, search blinders back on. Don’t forget to be an active and valuable commenter on the blogs of other key influencers in your business.

2. Podcasting. I don’t have any specific stats on podcasting, but just ask yourself, “Do I or anybody I know listen to podcasts?” I’m betting the answer is, “Yes!”, and the number is higher than it was a few years ago. Like blogging, Podcasting is a great way to control your message and bring it to market quickly.

3. Link buying. Search engines turn up their noses at link buying, but I have been buying links long before they were used to juice link popularity scoring. A good link can deliver tons of targeted traffic. Some Wikipedia links deliver way more benefit from their traffic than they ever did from their link authority. See: Text Link Ads.

4. TV Buys. It turns out TV time really isn’t that expensive in local markets. Check out Spotrunner. You can buy great air time for a whole lot less than you probably expected.

5. Web Directories. This is how the Internet used to be organized and the genesis of Yahoo. While most fly-by-night directories won’t ever send you enough traffic to merit the fee, take a look at Aviva Directory’s List of the Strongest Directories. Work your way down this list and you’ll see targeted traffic.
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Post by Jenie0109 »

Link building is the process of getting other web pages, and web sites to place a hypertext link to yours, which generates direct targeted traffic to your site, while more importantly increasing your search engine visibility and rankings. Building links to your site should be an ongoing process of research, communication and attaining quality in-coming links to your web site. Here are some techniques to maintain a strong linking relationship with other relevant websites.

Link Exchanges
this technique is commonly employed to exchange links with other web masters. Where you place a link back to his/her site from your web page, and they'll place a link back to yours.

Article Writing and Submission
Another technique is by creating and distributing information and content to other web pages. There are many web sites that accept article submission and offers for distribution as indicated all over the Internet.

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Post by rachelbles »

you can also try social bookmarking and networking... will give you more traffic
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Post by joeljonathan »

Also I would add participating in forums and commenting on blogs that are in niches similar to your site.
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Post by ellehc »

Social networking are good way for traffic generation.

Post by jaikanth123 »

The 5 ways to increase traffic are:
1. High-Profile Article Marketing
As you probably know, article marketing is one of the best ways to drive highly-targeted traffic to your website. However, if you re-focus your efforts towards high-profile article marketing can generate 10x as much traffic.
Instead of submitting your articles to article directories, you submit them to the top websites and blogs
in your market.

2. Forum Marketing
Forum marketing is another excellent strategy for building a list of subscribers and sending tons of traffic to your website.
Forum marketing is a highly underrated, but extremely effective strategy for building a list of subscribers, driving highly-targeted traffic, and establishing yourself as an authority in your particular market.

3. Ad Swaps
Once you’ve built a list of 1,000 subscribers, start using ad swaps to grow your list exponentially. This is an extremely valuable technique that can add hundreds of subscribers to your list at a time.

4. Paid Advertising Options
Paid advertising is another excellent option AFTER you have optimized your sales process.

5. Video Marketing
Video marketing is one of the best ways to tap into the massive amount of traffic on sites like YouTube, Viddler, Veoh, and Google Video. Create 3-5 minute videos that you can post to all of the top video submission sites

Post by jaffery12 »

1. Join forums, forums are a great way to achieve links to your website.
2. Submit to search engine directories.
3. Creating an ezine will probably be the most beneficial step you can take to increasing your web presence.
4. Creating and publishing articles.
5. Links from related websites. Gaining links from related websites can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can attempt.

Post by jckkeith »

Here are 10 effective methods to generate traffic to your website:

1. Leave comments on other people's blogs with a backlink to your site.
2. Advertise your website or service in the appropriate category on Craigslist.org
3. Participate in LinkedIn.com
4. Exchange reciprocal links with other related sites in your niche.
5. Purchase ad spots or solo email ads in popular newsletters.
6. Submit articles to trade magazines with a link to your site in your bio
7. Use OnlyWire.com to automate your social bookmarking and automatically generate backlinks and traffic
8. Promote your website on the "Thank you" page of other sales sites related to your niche. Work out a mutually beneficial commission with the site owners.
9. Participate in online forum conversations that are related to your product, and insert your site link into the signature area.
10. Create your own blog. Blogging is a powerful and effective way to get free traffic from search engines, RSS feeds, other blogs, blog directories .. and more!

Post by ericdesouza »

IMO, forums and blogs, and rss, social networking and social bookmarking can bring traffic, and at the same time, this helpful to your search engine ranking- another imporant source to get traffic
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Post by devnty06 »

Thanks for sharing!!!

Post by babloodmax »

Hi Buddy!!!

Thanks many for your 5 tips about seo basic...meet again.
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Post by meso »

Thanks for the post your dicussion solve my problem..
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Post by tester »

Adding XML sitemap to you website and submitting it to search engines can make a difference as well. There are some free XML sitemap generators available. My choice because it's great for bigger web sites but for smaller ones you can use xml-sitemaps.com and others: there are many available. It takes time to find the right one though :)
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Post by Gloria11 »

thanks for you good imformation
Tokyo Hostel Kyoto
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Popup script

Post by Tokyo Hostel Kyoto »

One of the most effective methods is to use a popup script
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