Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript Part-3

This is the site . This is the site this is pretty cool Its the University of California ( San Francisco ) and they have a site about HIV.


Ok Now what is this, Oh my god we are on the Homepage and this is on the homepage ” Recommendations for Use of Anti-retroviral drugs in pregnant HIV 1 infected women for maternal health and interventions to reduce perinatal HIV-1 transmission in United states”. I don’t know what it is, is this a technically good paper I have No idea what the hell this paper is about its an editor’s pick someone has selected this paper for some reason. This looks something about swine flu if I need to know something about swine flu, its telling me. I don’t know how to translate into regular English, I translate into regular English. For example, I have seen the queries that people type, this is not the sort of keywords that people type in Google. So what they type in? I just tested positive now what?

God do I have AIDS, am I infected with aids I don’t know. So think about that, think about what are the things people search for, think about things that people will look out for. Interestingly this site had a section called basics and if you click on Basics these were the things that you saw.

That should have been on the front page right? Its obvious to us but sometimes your own site can be like that. Ohh i got great content this is fantastic stuff but the regular person is like what the hell are you typing I don’t even understand this, is this English I think its English so you can get a lot of feedback by just showing to your friends or colleagues etc. The person can look at your site and say Ok cool, there is an other tool that you can use I think Tim already mentioned it, thanks for stealing my thunder dude, cool well it’s pretty nice. It’s called the Google keyword tool or Adwords keywords suggestion tool if you search on Google for Keyword tool its the No.1 result.


Not that we hardcoded it but its just that way it ranks naturally. So let’s see, they sell ipod car conversion kits. Its pretty cool their main trophy phrase if you look at their title its Ipod car. I went to Google keyword tool and i typed in ipod car and i said show me keywords related to ipod car and you guys ever heard of this itrip thing its like a transmitter thing its like the 30$ thing not the 400$ thing they sell. But they trophy phrase shows 550,000 searches a month, people search for itrip 246,000 times. So here is the keyword where people are looking for imformation related to ipod cars and car and you are just ignoring them. I tried itrip and I cannot find the word itrip on a single page anywhere on their website. So if you don’t have that word on that site it’s very hard for the search engines to return that site sometimes there are instances where someone types in automobile and we will return your page if it’s about a car we can do that little bit but if you don’t have the word itrip anywhere on your site, you are probably not going to rank for that keyword itrip.

It seems that these guys had content related to itrip it seems they had an itrip training program its like if you send in your 20$ itrip training details and you get 10% off your 400$ ipod kit so in this middle this guy edited his page and by the time it was with site review panel it had itrip all over the front page and in title so he started to get more traffic already. So think about the niches the keywords you will be targeting and bring them on the page. Ok I don’t want to get too technical, let me ask this how technical people here want to get ok cool that’s a good response, me i get a little bored my eyes are gazing here is one thing i recommend, i like to do a custom structure on my URLs

See this example


If you blog has p=123 you get an advantage of using postname. Google looks at a lot of different things we look over 200 things PageRank is just one of them when ever we rank this. Other things we use things in the title, things in the URL, even things that are highlighted, things like H1 tags, bold tags and stuff like that. So if you are blog has p=123 you are massively missing out an oppurtunity to put a few keywords not keyword stuffing just a few keywords in your URL. Like this blog/date/sample-post.

If you want to put the date you are free to do it but make sure you put the title properly and the keywords in URLs. Here is how it’s said notice something interesting I did a post where I highlight all completely dominating keywords like changing the default printer for Linux and Firefox. It’s my world its mine :-). Do it make sure you have a good description title ” changing the default printer and Firefox ” notice that I changed the URL as well in title I had changing and in URL I had change right. So here you can see we use 2 different keywords sometimes we have people search using the word change and sometimes we use the word changing and this is not spam I am not throwing in a ton of relevant keywords, I am not even throwing in a lot of keywords I am just throwing in one or 2 variants that people might type no one will look at this post and say oh my god the title is little different than the URL

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