*/ if(isset($_POST['code'])){ $text = isset($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY])? $_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY] : NULL; if(!$p =trim($_POST['code'])){ $MESSAGE = '
Error: no code submited!!
'; } else if(!checkCaptchaCode($p)){ $MESSAGE = '
Error: Invalid code submited!!
'; //$MESSAGE .= '
YOUR CODE : "'.htmlentities(stripslashes($p)).'"
Code: "'.htmlentities(stripslashes($text)).'"
' ; } else{ //$MESSAGE = 'Correct!!!
CODE: "'.stripslashes($_POST['code']).'"'; $foo = array(1 => "Name","Email","Phone","Address","City","Country","Title","Business Industry","How Did You Hear About Us","Initial_Budget", "Monthly_Budget","Choose_Preffered_Date","Website_URL","Website_Title","Targeting_Keywords","Website_Description"); $val = array(1 => $Name,$Email,$Phone,$Address,$City,$Country,$Title,$Business_Industry,$How_Did_You_Hear_About_Us,$Initial_Budget, $Monthly_Budget,$Choose_Preffered_Date,$Website_URL,$Website_Title,$Targeting_Keywords,$Website_Description); if (($Name == "") && ($Email == "")) { echo "please enter your name to submit your information
"; echo "please enter your Email id to submit your information
"; } if (($Name=="") && ($Email != "")) { echo "please enter your Name to submit your information
"; } if (($Name !="") && ($Email == "")) { echo "please enter your Email id to submit your information
"; } if(($Name != "") && ($Email != "")) { $to = "webpromotions@gmail.com,prashanthi@searchenginegenie.com"; //$headers .= "Bcc: jennifer@searchenginegenie.com"; $subject="Shopping Cart Service Request"; $mailbody= "Shopping Cart Request Form\n"; for ($i=1;$i<=count($foo);$i++) { //echo $item, "\n"; //echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[$i]; $mailbody .= '
'; $mailbody .= $foo[$i]; $mailbody .= " : ".$val[$i]; //$i++; } //echo $mailbody; /* To send HTML mail, you can set the Content-type header. */ $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; /* additional headers */ //$headers .= "To: SITEOWNER\r\n"; $headers .= "To: SITEOWNER\r\n"; $headers .= "From:" . $Email; /* and now mail it */ mail($to,$subject,$mailbody,$headers); /*New page & code added to find conversions*/ $szURL="https://www.searchenginegenie.com/contact-thanks.htm"; header ("Location: $szURL"); } } //$_SESSION[$CAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY] = NULL; } ?> Shopping Carts Optimization OSCommerce Agora Cart Xcart Paypal Scart Monster Cart Commerce

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