A blog, as most of us may be aware is the abbreviation for of the term weblog. It may not be wrong to define blog as a type of website usually created and maintained by an individual with regular updated entries of comments, articles, descriptions of events, or even graphics or video. The word ‘blog’ has become so widely popluar that today; it is also used as a verb. A typical blog includes text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages etc. The provision encouraging readers to leave comments makes many blogs interactive and lively.
Which resemble an ongoing diary or comments/opinions of an individual. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, though the fact remains that most of them are seldom read by any outside visitors.
Sample Personal Blog : http://willysr.blogspot.com/
Meant more to promote business. Corporate blogs are instruments for either improving inhouse communication or for marketing, public relations and customer development. There are subject-specific blogs where bloggers focus on travel, fashion, entertainment, music, educationetc. There are all types of bloggers - subject experts, aimless ramblers, travelers, holiday-makers, writers, journalists, celebriti
Sample Corporate Blog : http://googleblog.blogspot.com/
Bloggers who are sincerely wanting to add some meaningful additional content to their own sites. They usually take prior permission to reprint your article in full and also add bio with bio and links you specify. They follow certain ethical principles and can be classified as good.
Bloggers who take the liberty of reprinting your article but without availing your prior permission but extend the courtesy to link back to the original article. These bloggers who have not sought permission can still be condoned for their act of omission as they had at least the decency of linking back to the original article. It may not be wholly wrong classifying them also as good.
Bloggers write something very similar to what you had written earlier but are courteous enough to link to your original article. They additionally provide their own unique commentary to go with it. This is a fair type of blog post as it entails no plagiarism and gives credit where it is due. But at times, these types of blog posts are also critical of what you have written and express divergent views. Nonetheless, these bloggers are to be deemed fair and acceptable.
Bloggers who write about what some other blogger has written but link to both the original article and the blogger's commentary. This category of bloggers can be labeled as good though at times, it is annoying when the secondary blogger's post gets more credit than the original piece.
Bloggers who write about what some other blogger had written about it – like in the immediately preceding category, but who link back only to the blogger and not the original. These types of bloggers are widely prevalent and most bloggers snub the original author in a veiled way. But it is only fair that the original writer should get credit where credit is due and in a more direct manner. This category of bloggers is to be classified only as bad.
Bloggers write on the topic but then Digg as their own post instead of crediting the original. These belong to the sleazy category though borderline cases. If the topic is Digg-worthy, it is appropriate that the original article or post that gets Digged.
Bloggers who do not ask to republish but do it anyway, and do not even linking back. They cleverly avoid putting the original author's name on it. This can be deemed plagiarism. If they do mention the author's name, but never link back to them in some manner, then it is pretty sleazy.
Bloggers who sometimes link and sometimes do not, but unfailingly add contextual link ads and other irrelevant or junk material to the content. This is becoming a contagious disease among bloggers and a good lot of them fall into this category. It is unlikely these pages get any traffic and thus it is confusing why they do it. This is downright sleazy.
Bloggers fond of writing but most of the time getting the facts wrong and it is difficult in what category to place them. Authority Blogger writes primarily to build a profile and share expertise with others. Relationship Blogger write to make contacts and community. Pro Blogger are those who blog for direct income, such as Adsense or working for a blog network. Hobby bloggers write about their hobbies their areas of interests. They presumably enjoy sharing with like-minded people and that is the only reward they expect.
Random bloggers just write down whatever thoughts occur to them at that point in time. They do not post for any conscious reason or aimed at any monetary gain. Then there are those who just blog because everyone else does.
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