Adsense not affected moving to https

Barry of pointed out that he is facing problem with adsense revenue after moving from http to https. We recently moved to https but relatively new to adsense. We never wanted to stuff our sites with ads but penguin update made us do it. I moved to https because I don’t care about back links. Many webmasters are worried they might lose back link value if they move to https. The whole purpose or one of the most important purpose for Google to make this initiative is to make sure back links don’t play that vital role anymore. We have 100s of 1000s of natural links coming to our blogs, free tools and we are not worried of any unnatural links. Only people are having many un-natural links should be concerned with losing their back link power.

Adsense not affected moving to https .

Our traffic has increased after moving to https and people trust us more now than how we were before. And NO our adsense revenue has not dropped a bit. Make by the CPC is a bit low but our revenue has been steady. From our site. Barry I think you need to look elsewhere for problems. I don’t the problem is with your https.

I recommend going for https. Now we recommend almost all our clients to move to https. It is not just for Google it also reduces hacking attempts because all data transfer is secure. I support this great Google’s initiative everything they did were for the welfare of internet except yes the killer update you know what I mean

Google has some specific instructions for webmasters who run adsense on their sites and planning to move their site to https

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