SEO Advice: Spell-check your web site – a typical Joke from Matt cutts
Matt cutts seem to be in happy mode today when he blogged about a site which offers 100% money back guarantee, The site which posted this offer has a banner which has typo errors, so how do you get business when your banner has spelling errors, Nice that matt noted this,
See spelling error in this message,
Boris Floricic shuts down german wikipedia even after his death,
Boris Floricic was a german hacker and phreaker, He died a mysterious death in the year 1998, Many reported his death was a suicide, some members of his family reported he was murdered by an intelligent agency,
read more on the wikipedia entry here – Boris floricic hacker
the german reads as follows due to court rules
“Liebe Freunde Freien Wissens,
durch eine vor dem Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg am 17. Januar 2006 erwirkte einstweilige Verfügung wurde dem Verein Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V. untersagt, von dieser Domain auf die deutschsprachige Ausgabe der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia ( weiterzuleiten.
Wir lassen derzeit durch unsere Rechtsanwälte alle möglichen Schritte prüfen, um Ihnen schnellstmöglich wieder einen unkomplizierten Zugang zur freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia zu bieten. Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass wir aus rechtlichen Gründen bis auf Weiteres keine weiteren Stellungnahmen in dieser Sache abgeben werden. “
Million Dollar Homepage owner Alex is a new millioniare
Alex of million dollar homepage has sold out all his pixels, Alex came out with a great concept , he sold a million pixels on his homepage at 1$ per pixel, He sold out his final pixels at ebay auction for more than 38,000$,
He came out with one of the greatest concepts in the history of internet, He has featured BBC, CNN and other top news sites,
In SEO its all about natural linking and doing something unique to make people link to, Alex did this and we hope some else does something more interesting, we are willing to hear from our readers any good suggestions which can bring in lot of natural links,
Care to share??????
Del.icio.ous – A great site to get tagged – massive traffic flow experienced,
Del.icio.ous is a great site, Recently it was acquired by yahoo, it is a bookmark site where people just bookmark when they like a page or a site, If your site gets into the popular listing of you can expect massive traffic, Plus many other sites just pick up the story, To get into many people around the world have to bookmark it at the same time,
Scottie Claiborne – who is Scottie Claiborne? review on scottie of successful-sites
Who is Scottie Claiborne?
There are some people, who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other and Scottie Claiborne matches the third.
Right from her childhood, she was in touch with sales and marketing and took her first lessons in marketing from her mother’s jewelry shop. Thus her sales ideas grew, found out new strategies in the game of marketing, caught the tactics behind the career and finally employed it as her vocation.
She enjoyed the fun in watching different sales techniques, how it worked and how it failed at times. Scottie found interesting how the chain of marketing ran successful that started from message, and ended up in audience through merchandise.
Scottie placed her first step in online marketing successfully when she became confident of managing sales in any stage. Since 1998, Claiborne has been developing corporate intranets and was managing online content management system for Levity Technologies, Inc. as Vice President of Product Development. She then started Right Click Web Consulting in 2001 with the idea of maximizing the potential of the web.
Right Click Web Consulting is a result of clear planning, right management and bright execution of ideas. She knew what a website was in need of and was upright in the decisions she took.
“Succeeding on the web is all about timing, creativity, and usability. It’s more than marketing since a website acts as the billboard, storefront, and processing center all in one,” says Scottie with a deep and strong knowledge about the networking world. Her Masters Degree in IT is an added feather to her colorful success.
Scottie Claiborne also contributes to newsletters and articles and takes an authoritative tone in the concepts she deal with. Staying ahead of Competitors, Web Analytics Terminology, Hiring a Search Marketer etc are right examples for her creative contributions to the field of online marketing. Scottie’s articles carry an experienced pitch and could confidently handle any subject she was familiar with.
Scottie proved herself unbeatable. As days pass by, she might open up new doors in the field of online marketing.
Scottie’s sites , proxy creates mirror copys of your sites a chinese based proxy server creates mirror copies of your sites, for example when we type in is mirrored and displayed as a subdomain of, Already google is suffering from 302 redirects and causing dupe content penalties, this new feature of proxy might be a major problem has more than 150,000 pages indexed in google and most of them are mirror pages of established sites, check it out here,
Gigablast Hits One Billion Pages
Gigablast Hits One Billion Pages – It seems gigablast is moving fast, it was started by Matt Dwells, He says he hard coded the whole search engines from scratch in his blog
Gigablast has fast indexing capabilities, Now it seems they reached the 1 billion pages mark, Read the press release here, Returns 5x Greater Number of Pages Than on the Site
A webmasterworld poster reports he is seeing more than 5x of pages showing in the site: command of google, as many are aware of site: command shows the pages that are indexed under a particular domain, It is an useful command for various reason one good is reason is if you want to find a particular information on a news site or some information site we can use the keyword that document contains with the and find that page,
From what i can see there are no changes in site: command, probably what that user found was just a glitch,
Resource zone on the move, Dmoz forum taken down for maintainence,
it seems the dmoz forum was taken down for maintenance, I just visited in thoughts of asking some questions but was disappointed to see the following message on their site,
Resource Zone, Extreme Tech Support, What Pisses You Off,,
Extreme VB and the rest of the sites are moving to a new home. This is a huge
undertaking so expected time to re-opening is December 8, 2004. If any further
delays are encountered I will update this page.
How do you spell Levenshtein?
Saw an interesting posting in MSN search blog about their spelling correction system implementation into their new MSN beta search, see what have are saying,
How do you spell Levenshtein?
Doing a good job of helping Search users to
correct misspelled queries is super important for two main reasons: a) 5 billion
crawled docs and a bleeding edge ranking algorithm can’t do much if the query
isn’t spelled right and b) more than 10% of all searches are misspelled! So we
made sure our new search engine included a revamped spelling correction system
that’s much better than our old one.
To improve the speller we worked with
Silviu Cucerzan and Eric Brill from Microsoft Research’s Text Mining, Search and
Navigation Group. Silviu and Eric have developed some novel techniques for using
search query statistics and iterative transformation of query strings to improve
spell correction. Their published paper on this topic – Spelling correction as
an iterative process that exploits the collective knowledge of web users –goes
into much more detail on some of the technical thinking that inspired the
spelling correction system we built.
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