Why we monetize our SEO blog

Well Search engine genie has provided free tools, blogs, forums for many years without making a single penny. All our revenue came from our once successful SEO Business. We were proud to be one of the best free SEO resource site. We always want to continue that way. But Google literally killed our Business. We used to get regular Business from existing and past clients but things have changed after Penguin update. Especially the October 2013 Penguin update killed 75% of our SEO business.

We are not worried about it. You cannot depend on Google all the time. It is their search engine we were lucky and happy to do Business using Google. Now things have changed, SEO has changed. It is mostly Do It Yourself SEO now. We also planned to move into other web related areas. We run a decent network of sites all good quality sites. Now we are pushing to monetize all our sites. Search Engine Genie is one of the high traffic sites we own. We don’t want to resort to selling links. It has always been against our policy to buy or sell links. So we thought Adsense will be ideal for us. For a site like ours where we don’t stuff our pages with ads people like to bid more. So we get some decent income from Search Engine Genie and other sites we own. We are pushing more towards a much bigger Adsense revenue Business. Google still pays us but more directly. Before we indirectly made money now we make direct revenue from Google.

We are grateful to Google and will make sure we abide by Google’s webmaster guidelines and Adsense guidelines.

SEG penguin killing

Search Engine Genie site to monetize now




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