Yahoo Video search Rocks, Yahoo’s video search has some excellent videos for all type of searches,

Yahoo’s video search is an excellent product from yahoo, yahoo has introduced ways to search videos online, they use their web crawler yahoo slurp to index millions of video URLS and give that to their Users, yahoo video search is excellent,

Today I was browsing through videos of yahoo and they have a huge database, I was very excited by seeing some videos which I had never seen before, though their product looks more similar to altavista video search they have more videos than altavista used to have those days, Now altavista is owned by yahoo and we can expect some technology implementation of altavista into yahoo video search,

overall yahoo video search is a great product,

To read more on yahoo video search visit their help page,

Also their search blog describes ways to include your own videos,

Yahoo accepts video URLs in Media RSS format,

To submit your videos to yahoo video search visit this URL,

What is media RSS??

“Media RSS” is a new RSS module that supplements the enclosure capabilities of RSS 2.0. RSS enclosures are already being used to syndicate audio files and images. Media RSS extends enclosures to handle other media types, such as short films or TV, as well as provide additional metadata with the media. Media RSS enables content publishers and bloggers to syndicate multimedia content such as TV and video clips, movies, images, and audio.


You can even to advanced yahoo video search visit the yahoo videos help page for more information,

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