Local search uses all the tools accessible through effective SEO to market your local businesses to the search engines so that local consumers can find you more easily. It’s SEO, but it’s a more definite type of SEO in that you are targeting a specific geographic area. Local PPC relies on the same principles, but in terms of pay per click advertising instead of search. Companies that efficiently learn how to make local PPC and local search work for them have a huge leg up over the competition. The bottom line is how effective you are at researching your keywords and putting them to work for you.
Through the Google Ad Words, MSN ad Center and Yahoo Search Marketing ad there are three ways a local audience can be targeted:
Local Keyword Campaign:
This method is most effectual for search marketers who want to advertise local products or services to an audience outside a certain geographic location. A good example is a New Jersey real estate developer who wants to sell "New Jersey vacation properties" to a national and worldwide audience. This approach necessitate that the search marketer proactively selects the proper core keywords and local geographic modifier combinations and submit those to the campaign. Good examples are: "Florida vacation properties", "hotels New York".
- Geographic Targeted Campaign:
Geographic targeting is the most frequent method used for local PPC advertising campaigns. Using this preference, which is now available at the top-3 PPC ad networks Google Ad Words, MSN ad Center and Yahoo Search Marketing, the search marketer simply selects the local audience for which the ads need to be displayed - state, city or customer defined area.
- Ads on local business listings and maps:
This option needs an account at the Google Local Business Center. When an account has been recognized, the search marketer can write text ads that appear on a Google local area map within Google Local after a local search has been conducted.
In this issue we chiefly focus on the most commonly used geographic targeted campaign option. When geo-targeting is used make sure your PPC campaign is targeted to the local area which you want by making use of the PPC ad network's geographic targeting choice (option). With geographic targeting you can resolve in which areas you want your ad to appear: state(s), cities or a user defined area. Geographic targeting frequently, automatically inserts an extra line at bottom of your ad that indicates the local area you serve to. Additionally, make sure to include the main keyword your writing the ad for in the ad header and ad text, when feasible, in order to get the keywords in bold when the ad shows up in the search results. The latter will attract the searchers attention.
- Geographic targeted campaign
Geographic targeting is a very common method used for local PPC advertising campaigns. Using this choice, which is now available at the top-3 PPC ad networks Google Ad Words, MSN ad Center and Yahoo Search Marketing, the search marketer simply selects the local audience for which the ads need to be displayed - state, city or customer defined area.