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Some common grammatical errors and how to avoid them

What do you think is common in blogging and good copy writing? It is the conversational style that appears in both blog and a well written copy. Since the conversational writing style is a personalized form, there have been relaxations regarding strict grammatical rules for communicating effectively. Often you find sentences ending with prepositions, a technical word would dangle at the end or even abbreviations are used in the place of em dash. All this is basically incorporated to get the feel of talking into the content.

But this informal style of writing doesn’t give you the authority to mess up with all the grammatical rules. You need to avoid mistakes that would affect your credibility. Even though it is true that the message that has to be conveyed is more important, some people are very particular about the grammar and they simply would not subscribe or link to your blog if it lacks authenticity.

Using ‘you’re’ instead of ‘your’: This is a common mistake that most copy writers commit. You can easily avoid this error if you simply take a second and think about what you are trying to convey. Basically ‘your’ is a possessive pronoun which is used to indicate some possessions. For e.g.: your blog, your website. Whereas ‘you’re’ is the contraction for ‘you are’ as in ‘you’re writing a blog for many reasons’.

Messing up ‘it’s’ with ‘its’: It is yet another common confusion among the copywriters who use it’s in the place of its. This can also be avoided by thinking through what you are trying to say. ‘It’s’ is a contracted version of ‘it is’ or ‘it has’; like ‘It’s easy to avoid spelling mistakes’. On the other hand, ‘its’ is a possessive pronoun as in ‘The company is losing its identity’. There is actually a golden rule of thumb; if you have doubtful about using ‘its’, just repeat your sentence out loud using ‘it is’ instead. If that sounds senseless, then ‘its’ is the right word.

‘There’ v/s ‘their’: This mistake happens occasionally to everyone often as a complete typo. The only way to prevent it is by looking for the error during proofreading. ‘There’ is used as a reference to a place (She wants to go there) or as a pronoun (There is no money). Whereas ‘their’ is a plural possessive pronoun.  For e.g.: It is their house. If you want to get rid of the confusion, ask yourself if you are talking about more than one person and something that they possess. If yes, then you need to use ‘their’.

Confusing ‘affect’ with ‘effect’: Even the grammar experts would pause while before using affect and effect at the right place. As with any other grammatical errors, you just need to take a second and understand the whole sentence before using the words. Basically ‘affect’ is a verb and ‘effect’ is a noun. For e.g.: ‘Your spendthrift nature will affect your wealth’ and ‘Your character will have an effect on your child’. The confusion can be clarified by putting ‘the’ in front of the prospect word. It has to be noted that ‘the’ will not come in front of a verb. So it won’t come in front of affect.

How to write attention grabbing headlines for enhancing your content

Readers are busy and they don’t have time to read one lengthy article or even a small paragraph. So what essentially have to catch their eyes would be the headlines. We have been hearing a lot about the importance of headlines and how it has to be crisp and short. Ultimately your target would be to stop the readers in the track, hold their attention and finally persuade them to buy your product.

If you want to increase your sales, you must understand the magic behind magnetic headlines that pull readers in. The power of the headlines and content should be such that a casual browser should turn into an avid reader and eventually a buyer of your product or service.

Headline should be relevant and straight forward
Gone are the days of catchy headlines written in flowery language.  Readers just don’t have time to go through the whole article to find out what it is all about. They don’t want you to beat around the bush. Be straight forward and convey the element of the content in headline itself. People who read the content would also like to know if the subject is relevant for them. Hence it is important to include relevant words and phrases in your headline than jargons or catchy phrases.  To be precise, the headline should be clear not clever. Make sure to include specific keywords into your headline which convey the message instantly.

Magic of ‘how to” headlines
Ever wondered why the ‘how to’ headlines are always a success? The basic reason is that people are in constant search for advice or tips in everything that they do. So when you are offering some tips like, ‘how to find reliable auto transport companies?’ people would surely want to know the easy steps. Moreover such headlines are extremely relevant by nature. But you have to careful and wise in putting the ‘how to’ headlines only for relevant contents.
The easy way to coin a ‘how to’ headline is by thinking about the crux of the content, prominent problem or solution that readers would seek and make that the basic of your headline. If you are successful in doing this, readers would surely go through the whole content.

Offer a solution or advice
Once you have established the problem or situation in the ‘how to’ headline, your work doesn’t end here. What the reader wants would be a solution or advice for his problem. So provide a delightful result along with addressing the problem. For example, ‘how to avoid moving scams for a hassle free move’. Keep in mind that even though your ultimate aim would be to sell your product or service, what the reader expects is a beneficial outcome. Before you frame the headline, ask yourself what would prompt the reader to go for that particular content.

Spice up keywords with adjectives
A little flavor can be added to the headline by putting in some compelling words. You can use adjectives for this purpose. By using such appealing words, you are intensifying the promise of the desired results. If your headline says,’ 5 easy steps to start a bus charter service’, ‘easy’ is the word that makes the keyword more powerful and attainable.

Finally, you need to sharpen your skills and improvise the already written headline. But make sure that you don’t overdo the improvisation. Just be casual in reading it again and again until you feel that it conveys what you have in mind.

The basics of SEO copy writing

Copywriting for SEO is indeed a skill. It is something that most of the copy writers learn over time by time doing it. The SEO copy writers have to be in constant vigil looking out what the competitors are doing. This can be effectively done by reading up on how to write copy for websites, blogs, press releases and articles.

So what exactly is SEO copywriting? It is basically the art and science of combining three elements namely the valuable content, readability and structure and formatting.

The need of valuable content

Content is the king in search engine optimization copywriting. Hence it is important to provide reader with quality content that affords them the provision to learn, experience or clarify a product, service, position or opinion. There are certain factors that determine the value in your content like the level of details, a snapshot of the content, reader perspective, usability and specific calls to action.

The content is not merely that has to be read and thrown out of mind. It must provide the reader with something that they can make use of when required. The overall reader experience can be calculated by the variety of different levels of knowledge and proficiency with the topic. Here you need to concentrate on defining and organizing the thoughts that comes in. start with putting everything in a nutshell with the 5 Ws and 1 H ( who, what, where, when, why and how). Later you can elaborate each detail in a step by step basis.

The significance of readability

There is no room to play with jargons and flowery language in SEO copywriting. Reader must essentially understand what you are talking about without pondering over for so long. The golden rule of thumb here is that you must write for the reader first. Then the second and third priority should be given to the search engines.

The benefits of structure and formatting

Even though there are no hard and fast rules for getting the best results in search engine copywriting, a well structured and formatted content would surely hold the attention. These days, the search engines have become smarter in assessing the value of content. But there are indeed a variety of distinguishable factors that determines the quality of good content. A little care is all you need to invest in structuring and formatting.

Do you need to know the dictionary to write best copies

Well I am just using slang here. Obviously we don’t need to know the full dictionary to become a great copywriter. But there has been some misconception that the more words you know and the more different types of synonyms you use better copywriter you are. Well I wouldn’t disagree with that more. I feel most of the time people like to read what they speak. When I go through a website and if its using too much advanced words that are not used in standard speaking language I will not waste too much time there. It’s simply because I don’t want to go to a website that has too much complicated words which I need to refer a dictionary to understand.

Research has determined the average time a person spends on a new website he visits is just 20 seconds. So you just have 20 seconds of time to keep your visitors to your website. If you are using high words and if the person finds it difficult to understand your copy then you are doomed. You will loose a lot of potential visitors / buyers. So I recommend don’t spend too much time on reading dictionary and identifying new words. If you know some words make sure you use it the best way possible. Make sure you use good grammar. Grammar plays an important role when it comes to quality of a webpage / web copy.

Headlines play a vital role

In any marketing piece, headline should be given utmost importance. Creating a headline swipe file makes good sense.

What a good headline is supposed to achieve?

  • Attract attention of your prospect.
  • It should deliver a understandable message.
  • It should enable the prospect to read your article.
  • Prospect should understand what’s in it for him.
In most of the advertising materials you’ll see that their are several sub-headlines in the copy. Make sure that sub-headlines fit the parameters above.

Some ideas as how to start a headline

  • Do you struggle with….
  • Discover…..
  • 10 ways to……
  • Learn exactly How…..
  • 7 Amazing strategies to…..
  • A Guide to…..
  • 7 Sure-Fire Tips for….
  • Tips on…..
  • Learn how to start…..
  • 10 Steps to…..
  • 5 Action Ideas to Get….
  • The 7 Secrets to…..
  • Learn how to Explode…..
  • Proof that….
  • Uncover….
By using these headlines you can create great article and advertising headlines. These are just a few examples. If you have more interesting headlines let us know.

Increase traffic of real estate websites through article marketing

Real estate investors can increase traffic of their website through article marketing. Article marketing is extremely powerful and can give you following advantages:
  • Increase traffic in your website
  • Authority and expertise in your niche
  • Your site will get powerful one way back links
  • Exposure
  • High search engine rankings for very competitive terms
There are endless advantages of article marketing. If you write a short 300 word article and then post it on an article website you can get various benefits. If you write a real estate article, then within hours your website and name can be seen on the first page for your keyword phase.

Write articles based on your area of expertise. For instance, if you know about foreclosure niche, then write articles on foreclosure subject, how people can save their house from foreclosure etc.

Always write an article in conversational manner. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct. Remember few points before writing an article:

  • Find out at least 1-3 keyword phrase before starting an article
  • Pick one main keyword phrase and use it in your article title.
  • Add the selected keyword phrase in the body of the article.
  • If you have 100 words in your article, you should mention the keyword at least 3-5 times in the article.
  • Add keywords in your keyword tags and resource box. Each article directory has a keyword tag and resource box. Add those keywords there.
There are hundreds of article directories but the most important ones for real estate business are,,, and

Article marketing tips

Article marketing is considered an excellent strategy as it helps in increasing traffic for your website and helps in selling more products. Here are some article marketing tips that may help you in writing some killer articles.

Write a killer title:

It is very important to write an effective title for your article. Try to write keyword rich title to have a successful campaign. Even if you have written some good content people will never read it if your title is boring and doesn’t correctly convey the subject of the title. If you want people to click on your title so that they can read your article, try to give them something valuable and enticing. Another thing to remember is your title must have keyword. If your article doesn’t have keyword in it, your article won’t be indexed highly by search engines.

Make it easy to read:

Your article should be structured in such a manner that it should be easy to read. To have a successful article marketing make sure that the information readers are looking for can be easily read and found. Use subheadings, bullet points whenever possible to build an article structure that is easy to read and scan.

Provide Valuable information:

To have a successful article marketing campaign, make sure that your article is valuable and informative. You can gain a lot of traffic for your website if you can provide information for what people are looking for.

Hook Readers in the Summary:

Most of the times potential readers will read only your summary or first paragraph, so you should make sure that its both catchy and memorable so that you can hook them into reading the entire article.

How to improve your English for online copywriting:

How to improve your English for online copywriting:

Having good English skills is essential to become a quality copywriter. A good copywriter will have good grammatical skills. Here I would like to highlight few points that can improve your English. I take into mind that you already come from a decent English background. This is article is for people who are already good in English and want to improve their SEO copywriting and copywriting skills.

  1. A primary source for good English. More you read better you get in copywriting. You should make reading has a habit. Utilize every possible chance you get to read English. If you are using regular internet browse other quality news sites and go through the latest news. Read the news don’t just read the headlines. Take local English newspapers and read the information from them. Don’t hesitate to read when you eat, lie down on bed, listening to music, watching tv etc. Even dont ignore bathrooms its good place to relax and read. My point, make sure you use all possible ways to improve your English. Making reading a habit can push you a long way forward in copywriting.
  2. Writing: Reading helps but writing helps more. When you write something it stays in your mind for a long time. You get a chance to recollect better if you write. So when you read something try to put that into writing it helps. When you write get help for proof reading. If you have a teacher or someone who can assist tell them to proof read and see if there are potential mistakes. People are more than happy to read than write so you can find a lot of people who can read and fix mistakes.
  3. Study Grammar: Grammar plays an important role in copywriting. If you don’t have good grammatical skills you will fail in your copywriting goals. So improve your grammar and tenses by reading more about grammar in English.
  4. Practice: Practice makes a man perfect. We all know this and have come across this some part in our life. More you practice better you become so don’t hesitate to make mistakes. The more you make mistakes better you get chance to correct yourself. Once you practice, make mistakes and fix them you will become good in English. I personally write lots of articles, before I never used to be a quality writer now I improved and people recognize me as a good writer only because of my experience in this field.
  5. Experts advice: Go through lots of copywriting and SEO copywriting related blogs and get tips from there. There are good blogs out there than can help your copywriting skills by a long way. I personally go through 10 SEO copywriting / copywriting blogs through feeds and most of them are very informative. You get creative when you get tips from others.

I can list more but the important ones are already in list.

Successful Copywriting For Google Adwords

The copywriting for Google Adwords has its own particular style and length requirements. Two key factors influence whether your copywriting will be accepted by Google Adwords seemingly mysterious approval system. The first factor is identifying the right keywords so that you will be paying for targeted as opposite to random hits. The second is writing out ads that are tiny, brief, clear and right to the point.
Initial you need to consider your headline. The headline needs to convey one of two things – either the profit or the end result if a consumer goes to your site. In order to devise this you need to outline what your web site’s most attractive feature is and correlate them with some key phrases.
The next step would be to try to include keywords into those key phrases. If you’ve used Overture pay-per-click engine you identify that there is a greater click through rate on search results that use the exact key phrase the surfer types in. The similar thing holds true for Google’s AdWords program.
After you have written your ads, your last step is to post your ad and see whether they will perform for you. Google frequently notifies you very rapidly if your ad is disapproved or if they feel it is not performing. An ad that does not act upon for Google is one that is receiving a less than a .05% click through rate.
Winning at copywriting for Google Adwords is a bit like playing a game of finding the best synonyms. Sometimes all it takes is one little replacement, for instance changing the word “small” for “tiny” to increase your click through rate.

How to get paid for your work / find work:

First step to success is to impress people with your articles you need to make sure people are happy with your articles. If your article is impressive and people are convinced i am sure they will buy your article:

Just for promotion purpose you need to give away free articles to senior content writers i am sure they will do a free review and will give you their feedback.

Post your articles and ideas in leading forums like digitalpoint forum i am sure you will get good response when people notice it. I got many freelancing orders by posting in forums.

Be honest in your Business everyone likes honesty if you are honest business with come to you. If you write an article for someone sell it to them don’t sell to anyone else it spoils your dignity if the original buyer notices your cheating he will try to bad mouth about you.

Run PPC or use SEO to promote your website. Website is a good promotion strategy.

How do you find topics for your article sets that will sell?

Choosing hot popular topics, or evergreen topics like weight loss, is the key to success when writing and selling PLR content. How do you find these topics? Look at what’s in the news. Look at what the bestsellers are on See what the most active auctions are on Scan lifestyle and fashion magazines for popular topics. Visit the websites of the same magazines and scan their back issues to get a feel for what topics are popular at what time of year.

Take into consideration how long it will take you to write the articles. If it’s a topic you know well and don’t have to research, it may take you as little as four hours to write the ten articles. On the hand if you are not familiar with the topic and have to do quite a bit of research, it may take several days to write them.


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