SEO copywriting
How to write a flyer:
Flyers are everywhere these days both in offline and online marketing flyers play an important role. Flyers are a kind of advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; “he mailed the flyer to all subscribers” Flyer can be an effecting marketing strategy. Good flyers distributed by email marketing or by mailing list can get good responses.
Writing flyers vary based on the topic you want to cover. Say you are selling perfumes and your targeted customers are primarily women then you need to make sure you impress them with your writing. If you have good description about a particular product or brand you can use it in your flyer.
Make your flyer sound attractive offers on flyers get good appeal. You can say buy one and get one free or this perfume can reach the hearts of millions of people. Something catchy like that.
Some important points that need to be there on the flyer:
1. Why should someone buy perfume from you when there are 1000s of businesses out there selling similar or same perfume?
2. Good way to contact you like email ID, phone number, website URL, product URL etc.
3. What are your best perfumes that kind of perfumes you have can be highlighted in a short way.
4. People always look for offers good pricing and better offers attract people. Make sure your products are well priced and they get offers that are not common in internet? Also see if you can do additional offer like gift wrapping and include that in your flyer.
5. Buy one get one offers are always strong and useful see if you can offer it.
Rupert Murdochs News Corp wants Google to pay for news page ads.
Murdochs said in a recent article
“Murdoch also addressed concerns among newspaper publishers that search engines like Google Inc and Yahoo Inc help users to find stories by aggregating links to newspapers websites and blogs — but then wrest ad dollars from them that they think should be theirs.
“The question is, should we be allowing Google to steal all our copyright… not steal, but take,” said Murdoch. “Not just them but Yahoo.”
“What Google News does, is give free publicity to the newspapers, by sending zillions of customers directly to the newspaper site.
It’s exactly the same as if a new TV channel were set up, which did nothing but broadcast nonstop advertisements for all the TV shows on OTHER channels. Any NON-MONOPOLISTIC TV station owner would love for someone to do that for him.
NON-MONOPOLISTIC. That’s the kicker. Murdoch obtains profits by pushing competitive views off the newsstands by his newspaper monopoly. Google restores the level playing field by letting people see all those NON-Murdoch news sources, as well as the Murdoch ones.
That’s why blocking Google from indexing Murdoch properties doesn’t serve Murdoch’s desires. What he WANTS is for Google to stop indexing NON-Murdoch properties, so he can return to the monopolistic power he enjoyed.
This attitude has driven most of the big-media attacks on Google: not only newspaper, but book publishers, Movie moguls, and Music Industries Goons feel extremely threatened — not by Google stealing content (it doesn’t), not by Google promoting their own content (it does WHICH IS GOOD FOR THEM) but by Google promoting content from other sources, thus allowing those other sources free access to promotion (thus allowing the “little guys” to evade the monopolistic lock in distribution channels owned by the pigopolists.
Publishing ANYTHING for the purpose of promoting something IS an advertisement. Snippets are the ideal advertisement, as book publishers know. (That’s why they publish multipage snippets of an author’s next book in the back of the current printing of his last book.)
Snippets are fair use (by U.S. law). They do not substitute for the original, they are intended to promote the original and they do have that effect.
And it is not the publishers who have “gathered at great cost” the snippets. The publishers gathered (at whatever cost) the original article entire. It is Google who gathers, at great expense, articles of interest to surfers based on specified criteria–and promotes those articles to those surfers. There is no conceivable harm in this. The harm, I repeat, is that Google gives people alternatives and therefore bypasses the monopolistic distribution channels.
On your theory, Murdoch could prevent damages by taking his content off Google. He hasn’t, and he won’t, because THAT’S NOT HOW GOOGLE IS DAMAGING HIM. Google is damaging Murdoch by opening up promotional opportunities to Non-Murdoch news.
And that is not only perfectly legal, but of great public benefit. May they continue to profit as they deserve!
SEO Copywriting – is it different?
SEO copywriting is copywriting for your website with search engines in mind. Copywriting and SEO copywriting does make a difference. Copywriting has just few criteria you need to clear on the topic you right and make sure the requirement is fulfilled. But SEO copywriting is done to make both search engine algorithms and humans happy. You need to maintain a delicate relationship both with search engines and humans.
When you’re doing SEO copywriting you need to make sure relevant keywords and phrases are used up appropriately in your copy. Keyword density and keyword distribution plays an important role when it comes to SEO copywriting. Only if you have proper keyword distribution search engine algorithms will understand your copy effectively.
For SEO copywriting its important to use keywords some may say otherwise but fact you need to use keywords. When i write copies for our website whether its web design service or search engine optimization service i will first research the keywords and later use them appropriately in my copy.
Cold calling for copywriting services worth it?
Cold calling to get business had been in existence for years together. People do cold calling to sell credit cards, loans, sell their crap services etc. But now cold calling have moved into copywriting industry too. In my personal opinion you should get Business by branding or by other effective methods. Cold calling is the worst way to get Business. No matter how good you are at marketing your service through cold calling still I feel you need to stay away from tactics like this.
When I get a cold call or out of the blue email offering copywriting services for my website I first tell them to hang up and if I am not in good mood I will go after them. People who cold call don’t have any guts to prove their service they are just thrown away people who never get Business through ethical means.
Most of the people who cold call would have first tried all possible ways to get Business but finally they end up disturbing people. Cold calling and out of the blue emails are biggest disturbance to anyone.
I agree cold calling sometimes work but it doesn’t come under standard ethical way of getting Business. Cold calling just scares people away most people prefer to stay away from people who cold call. Primary reason behind this is most people who cold call provides crap services and people are very much used to it. If you cold call you will also put under the spammer category which I feel is not worth for your Business. I recommend find ways to get Business by ethical means or by branding yourself. Stay away from cold calling or you will piss off people like me and we take cold calling very seriously.
Tools are essential for good online copywriting.
In today’s vast internet there are 100s of tools that you can choose from for use in your copywriting.
Here is a decent list that you can use for your copywriting purposes:
Microsoft Accounting Express
Serif WebPlus SE
Cute PDF (to make your own ebooks and stuff)
Open Office (so you don’t have to pay for word processing software and other things, like spreadsheet software, even has a PDF maker)
Google Docs (can share with people on a team if you’re working on a project together)
StorYBook – Open Source novel-writing tool.
FreeMind – free mind mapping software
PingMe – online reminder tool
eFax – receive faxes by email
The Free Dictionary – online dictionary
Freelance Switch – freelance hourly rate calculator
PDFCreator – for recording audio to my pc (skype interviews, audio to insert into products, etc) – nice way to ‘score’ short headline ideas
He also has several other writer’s tools.
To jumpstart creativity I sometimes use Dreamlines, just type in a few keywords related to the scene you’re developing and watch the show.
Few Copywriting mistakes you can make:
This article might sound crazy but its true there are some copywriting mistakes you can afford to make but can get away with it.
1. It’s the mercurial M-dash Copywriters use it all the time in their words. There are copywriters who use it effectively and even abuse it. Most of the abuses are not visible because they hide it so well in their sentences. Copywriters use it most of the time- to emphasize their ideas well.
2. Quotation marks and parenthesis are not often used but it’s another very useful way if you know how to use it. Most of the time quotation marks occur when you want to quote something like a saying from a famous author. E.g.: Gandhi said “Non violence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed” This place it’s good to use but it can also be used in other places even without quoting if you use quotation people want to know what you are trying to say in the quotes and its highly visible to users. Parenthesis works the same way (similar to quotation ) you can use it as often as possible and people always see words in parenthesis as a cross reference to the words you use in actual sentence. If done right parenthesis can be good for your sales copies.
3. Ellipsis: You know ellipses are that dots that come after a word where a missing word or a continuation of the missing word should be. It’s too good to know ellipsis as often as possible since it highlights the way people see or read your copy. Ellipsis are like hamburgers if you like it you will use it for your life and the more you use it I am sure you will learn to use it effectively.
4. Apostrophe: You know how to use this it comes in lot of places you want to use or even in places you don’t want to use. If you use it more on right contextual areas it looks your copy very natural and very much readable.
5. Using slangs are not wrong in sales letters or website contents. Internet is completely made up of contractions we use it every day in our life while chatting or sending emails to friends so why not use it in your copy. Words like biz instead of Business, info instead of information is never wrong in fact it sometimes makes your copy look even better. So don’t hesitate to be natural use your slang it makes you look unique and people are used to informal dialogues after all you sales copy is talking to people right.
Though some of them are termed as mistakes using them will help beat your competition and will make you an effective copywriter.
Qualities of good SEO copywriter
Copywriters are now one of the most in-demand professionals in the world of marketing. Copywriters are used in all forms of media like newspaper, radio, television, magazines and the internet. The copywriting skills are also widely used in publicity releases, promotional materials, brochures, fliers, and the other promotional materials. More than their good English and extreme pressure, copywriter should also possess the following qualities in order to attract and maintain customers.
1. Copywriters should be highly creative. They must have an ability to examine things under multiple perspectives. Creativity also means that he should possess knowledge on doing layout.
2. Copywriter is required to listen intently. By listening to the need of the client the copywriter can actually gathers information and comes to know about the ideas of the client. This will help to produce effective content by copywriter.
3. A copywriter should be able to meet all the deadlines. A real copywriter is one who is ready keep up the tight schedule but those who are always late are always out of work.
4. To become a copywriter a well-furnished mind is always necessary. Copywriter is required to be both creative and critical thinker so that it can adapt to any copywriting task.
5. Copywriter should be good researcher. If the copywriter research the product properly he can produce a good copy of it, this means he is showing his real interest and sincerity.
6. A copywriter is required to give attention to the details. He has to serve its purpose by covering everything that is supposed to be covered. Being detailed oriented means following instructions and managing multiple responsibilities.
These are some of the qualities of copywriter which is required in one to become a successful copywriter. Being a copywriter is not great deal but being a quality copywriter is what matter.
Learn to be a better Article Marketer
Solve a problem
If your headline tells a browsing reader that your article solves a problem for someone, they’ll be eager to read your article. Do what you say you’ll do by writing content that matches the headline.
Follow a pro
If you’re in the beginning stages of article marketing, find a guru to follow and mimic what they do. Don’t plagiarise, of course but look at their strategies and the way they write not just their headlines and copy but the way they summarise and how they outline their resources box or byline. If you don’t know how to find a guru, check out a site like and read lots of articles in your niche. When you find a style you like, read everything you can by that author and dissect their articles to find out why they’re compelling and how you can learn from the writing style.
The power of social marketing
Once the article is out there, use some social marketing tools to help it go viral. Ping it, blog about it, microblog about it, Digg it, Stumble it and see your sales soar.
Copywriting – Best marketing method!
Basic copywriting has the single intention of selling. The reason for the copy is to sell a product or service. When it comes to website copywriting, though, there are two main intentions.
Website copywriting has the goal of selling and also a goal of boosting search engine rankings. For this reason, website copy is usually more in depth and wordy rather than the typical copy.
Copywriting is the aspect of choosing words and text. It does not usually include the look of the copy. However, when it comes to website copy, all aspects are considered.
Since the main idea of copywriting is to sell an idea, product or service, it is very important for a business owner to understand what makes up a good copy. It is all about quality content that gets to the point and captures the potential customer’s attention.
Copywriting is about knowing how to use words. You have to know how to manipulate them and put them together in a way that achieves your ultimate goal. A good copy will grab attention and make people excited.
The internet is a large place to try to run a business. Success in the internet market place is all about catching people’s attention. You have to be able to get people to come to your website if you ever want to sell a thing.
SEO Copywriting – Great Career
Many people select to pursue various jobs that are within the writing industry. Some of the most common jobs that a person can choose in the writing industry include writing as a freelancer, publishing, and even copywriting. Copywriting jobs are becoming more and more popular as time progresses. There are numerous things that make a copywriting job appealing to many people. Here, you will find many of those things.
One of the first things that make copywriting an appealing job is the amount of flexibility that the person who holds this career has. Seeing that copywriting is a job that entails paying special attention to detail and ensuring that a quality product is completed. Due to this fact, it is important for a copywriter to take their time in releasing their final product. This allows the person who chooses the copywriting career to set their own pace, and basically invest the hours that they see fit into the project. Many people thoroughly enjoy the freedom and the flexibility that the copywriting career has to offer.
There are many different areas that a person may work the copywriting career. One such place may be with an agency that specializes in advertising and marketing. Many people may work as a copywriter in the entertainment industry. Other people may work as a freelance copywriter in the comfort of their lovely home office. There are numerous opportunities when it comes to working as a copywriter. You can select to work for yourself, or a company. This is one of the many things that make the copywriting career very appealing.
Many people who find the copywriting career interesting enjoy the fact that the work, while it remains mostly the same, is constantly changing and offering challenges on a daily basis. Many people enjoy the fact that they are able to be constantly challenged by new tasks and that the pace of their work is ever changing. This makes a great career choice for people who love to be pushed and pushed to offer their best work. It is also a wonderful career for people who place a high quality on detail and ensuring that items are completed as they should be.