Few Copywriting mistakes you can make:
This article might sound crazy but its true there are some copywriting mistakes you can afford to make but can get away with it.
1. It’s the mercurial M-dash Copywriters use it all the time in their words. There are copywriters who use it effectively and even abuse it. Most of the abuses are not visible because they hide it so well in their sentences. Copywriters use it most of the time- to emphasize their ideas well.
2. Quotation marks and parenthesis are not often used but it’s another very useful way if you know how to use it. Most of the time quotation marks occur when you want to quote something like a saying from a famous author. E.g.: Gandhi said “Non violence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed” This place it’s good to use but it can also be used in other places even without quoting if you use quotation people want to know what you are trying to say in the quotes and its highly visible to users. Parenthesis works the same way (similar to quotation ) you can use it as often as possible and people always see words in parenthesis as a cross reference to the words you use in actual sentence. If done right parenthesis can be good for your sales copies.
3. Ellipsis: You know ellipses are that dots that come after a word where a missing word or a continuation of the missing word should be. It’s too good to know ellipsis as often as possible since it highlights the way people see or read your copy. Ellipsis are like hamburgers if you like it you will use it for your life and the more you use it I am sure you will learn to use it effectively.
4. Apostrophe: You know how to use this it comes in lot of places you want to use or even in places you don’t want to use. If you use it more on right contextual areas it looks your copy very natural and very much readable.
5. Using slangs are not wrong in sales letters or website contents. Internet is completely made up of contractions we use it every day in our life while chatting or sending emails to friends so why not use it in your copy. Words like biz instead of Business, info instead of information is never wrong in fact it sometimes makes your copy look even better. So don’t hesitate to be natural use your slang it makes you look unique and people are used to informal dialogues after all you sales copy is talking to people right.
Though some of them are termed as mistakes using them will help beat your competition and will make you an effective copywriter.
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