The basics of SEO copy writing
Copywriting for SEO is indeed a skill. It is something that most of the copy writers learn over time by time doing it. The SEO copy writers have to be in constant vigil looking out what the competitors are doing. This can be effectively done by reading up on how to write copy for websites, blogs, press releases and articles.
So what exactly is SEO copywriting? It is basically the art and science of combining three elements namely the valuable content, readability and structure and formatting.
The need of valuable content
Content is the king in search engine optimization copywriting. Hence it is important to provide reader with quality content that affords them the provision to learn, experience or clarify a product, service, position or opinion. There are certain factors that determine the value in your content like the level of details, a snapshot of the content, reader perspective, usability and specific calls to action.
The content is not merely that has to be read and thrown out of mind. It must provide the reader with something that they can make use of when required. The overall reader experience can be calculated by the variety of different levels of knowledge and proficiency with the topic. Here you need to concentrate on defining and organizing the thoughts that comes in. start with putting everything in a nutshell with the 5 Ws and 1 H ( who, what, where, when, why and how). Later you can elaborate each detail in a step by step basis.
The significance of readability
There is no room to play with jargons and flowery language in SEO copywriting. Reader must essentially understand what you are talking about without pondering over for so long. The golden rule of thumb here is that you must write for the reader first. Then the second and third priority should be given to the search engines.
The benefits of structure and formatting
Even though there are no hard and fast rules for getting the best results in search engine copywriting, a well structured and formatted content would surely hold the attention. These days, the search engines have become smarter in assessing the value of content. But there are indeed a variety of distinguishable factors that determines the quality of good content. A little care is all you need to invest in structuring and formatting.
1 Comment to The basics of SEO copy writing
That’s ralely thinking out of the box. Thanks!
April 23, 2011