Tools are essential for good online copywriting.
In today’s vast internet there are 100s of tools that you can choose from for use in your copywriting.
Here is a decent list that you can use for your copywriting purposes:
Microsoft Accounting Express
Serif WebPlus SE
Cute PDF (to make your own ebooks and stuff)
Open Office (so you don’t have to pay for word processing software and other things, like spreadsheet software, even has a PDF maker)
Google Docs (can share with people on a team if you’re working on a project together)
StorYBook – Open Source novel-writing tool.
FreeMind – free mind mapping software
PingMe – online reminder tool
eFax – receive faxes by email
The Free Dictionary – online dictionary
Freelance Switch – freelance hourly rate calculator
PDFCreator – for recording audio to my pc (skype interviews, audio to insert into products, etc) – nice way to ‘score’ short headline ideas
He also has several other writer’s tools.
To jumpstart creativity I sometimes use Dreamlines, just type in a few keywords related to the scene you’re developing and watch the show.
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