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Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:48 pm
by siteadmin
Good post thanks for sharing information on SEO,

Need Help for Backlink Tracker or Inbound Link Checker

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:55 am
by vkvenkat1
Need Help about Backlink Checker or Inbound Link Free Tool

website seo tools

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:07 pm
by seotrigger
SEO Tools is very important to Website SEO Link building is a tedious process and requires careful planning and execution. The process involves identifying the potential link partners, sending them link request with a value proposition and then waiting for a response.

SEO Tools

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:41 am
by mikenicholls
Reciprocal Link Check
This tool helps you ensure that your link partners are linking back to your website. It also determines the anchor text used by your link partners to link to your website.

Check Yahoo WebRank
This tool help you evaluate the importance of a URL as perceived by Yahoo and Google. Its one of our Yahoo seo tools

Domain Stats Tool
This tool helps you get all kinds of statistics of your competitor's domains. The statistics include Yahoo WebRank, Pages Indexed by various Searcb Engines, Backlink count, Alexa Taffic Rank, and Age of the domains.

Domain Age Tool
This tools displays the approximate age of a website on the Internet and allows you to view how the website looked when it first started. It also helps you find out the age of your competitor's domains, older domains may get a slight edge in Search Engine Rankings.

Keyword Playground
Users enter keyphrases in Search Engines to get information they need, It is VERY important that you optimize for such keyphrases. This tools help you determine key phrases and report on its monthly search estimate.

Website Keyword Suggestions
This tools tries to determine the theme of your website and provides keyword suggestions along with keyword traffic estimates.

URL Rewriting Tool
This tool helps you convert dynamic URLs into static looking html URLs.

Keyword-Rich Domain Suggestion Tool
Having a KEYWORD-RICH domain name is an important factor of Search Engine Optimization. This tools will suggest keyword rich domain names.

SEO tools

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:43 am
by Malinda
There are many SEO tools available for free on the internet. I personally use this website This website provides tools like page cache test, backlink checker, keywords density, visitors breakdown and many more.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:56 am
by ericdesouza
These are some of the tools which i use:
Search Analytics Tools - establish your marketing goals and establish a baseline for where you are at right now.
Keyword Research Tools - discover the keywords your customers are searching for right now.
Competitive Research Tools - see what keywords your competitors are targeting.
PPC Tools - buy important keywords and track the results to understand how well they convert, which helps you focus you organic SEO strategy on the most profitable keywords. Save money using these free Yahoo! Search Marketing & Microsoft ad Center Coupons.
Link Analysis Tools - start building your link profile and track your progress compared to competing websites.
Search Engine Ranking Checkers - determine how effective your marketing is by watching your search engine rankings improve.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:31 pm
by jonnybbush
There are so many SEO tools are available such as

- Keywords Suggestion Tool
- Link Builder tool
- Link Analysis Tools
- Search Engine Ranking Checkers
- Search Analytics Tools
- PPC Tools

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:33 am
by Jame Smeth
There are many tools use SEO, but the best SEO tools is, SEO Toolbar, Rank Check, SEO for Firefox this is the Firefox extensions and Web-based tool is, Keyword Suggestion, Keyword list generator, Robot.txt, Keyword list cleaner, Spider test, Link suggestion, Meta tag generator, Server header checker, these is the tools that SEO are using.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:16 am
by sarika123
Hi guys.....
Good post !!!!! thanks for sharing useful information on SEO......I think Need Help about Backlink Checker or Inbound Link Free Tool...Thanks for share this...



Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:47 am
by deandevid
Best SEO tools are as below.

1) Backlink Checker.
2) Page Rank Checker.
3) Keyword suggestion Tool.
4) Keyword Density Tool.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:05 am
by AuroINSEO
Hi all..

Thanks for all the useful informations on SEO tools. Here I would like to add one point. with you. All the above SEO tools are very useful for us to know the improvement of our websites. Now -a- days many Advanced SEO tools available over Online. It can automate your operations by tracking your performance and get enough traffic. These tools are automated software that can increase the performance rather than the manual operations.


* Directory Submission Manager: It will help you much to track your submissions to various web directories.

* Sitemap Generator:
Help you to create your Google Sitemap Online.

* Similar Page Checker:
It will allows you to determine the percentage of similarity between two pages.

* URL Rewriting Tool:
Create Search Engine Friendly URLs.

* Number of pages indexed:
This tool will generate a report showing how many pages of your website has been indexed by the search engines so far.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:30 am
by htmsystem
1. Firebug
2. Photoshop
3. Panic Coda
4. Dreamweaver
5. Fireworks

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:38 pm
by forkmartin
SEO tools are mainly used to make our work easy and faster. SEO tools are very important in so many manners. and here is the list of some important seo tools according to me.

Panic Coda
Keyword suggestion Tool
Check Yahoo WebRank
Link Popularity Checker

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:50 am
by Kavi
1. Firebug
2. Photoshop
3. Panic Coda
4. Dreamweaver

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:18 am
by hennywales
SEO Tools is very important to strengthen links Website SEO is a tedious process and requires careful planning and execution. The process is to identify potential partners link by sending link request with a value proposition and then wait for a response.