Google Webmaster Central Live Chat: Full Audio transcript: 11,000 PLUS WORDs.


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Answer: We are looking out for sites really high bandwidth so that users click through that video they are going to have to get good user experience and not a problem with that. So I think what we are getting at to is if she has videos on youtube may be she can encode in results and results can go to that site and definitely we are getting better and will be able to check videos that are on big portals. And I also can say if you want to place your videos on youtube or goggle video or what ever site that is currently featured in universal search we are working to add more within universal and Google is moving cautiously.


I think what I noticed is videos that talk about business talks are more logon video. A lot of people focus just on website videos and you know as simple I guess say 15 videos say a year and half ago and then watched a quarter million times I don’t want those videos you know so if you are in a local business center make sure your business is working and you have good references all those images and videos can be different ways for people to find your website results but there are a lot of competitions especially universal image search there are lot of opportunities for your websites to come up. So make a great type of video it can be fun it can be educational , you can have the skill you can have screen cap setting you can get a ton of free view and a ton of great exposure as well. Coming to URLs in videos on your site one way you can make us grab one of those videos is be adding it in your site map and submitting it to Google videos ( )


Q and A session I think:


Answer most probably by MattCutts:


So a site that sells links you know that they are selling links you can see the links on a page and you know they have control over that page. So if a site wants to sell links its certainly their choice they are welcome to sell links especially for the sake of advertising but if you want to see Google and Google search engine you need to make sure that the page that is selling links doesn’t pass Pagerank and if it does pagerank then you loose trust to your site that’s sort of a straight way you know and of course we can take action against your site so that your site don’t show up in search results and in fact don’t show up at all. We are trying to be very clear about Pagerank we have send out message a lot of times and a lot of people discussed it and you know about pagerank we need to maintain our algorithm. If you are selling links there is a high risk in Google so if you are selling links you can block those pages in robots.txt you can nofollow anything that can be prevented from search engines and keep those links for users.


Yes the main think about if that something she got because of pagerank can you tell the reason that it gets picked from the site.


Yeah a great way to do it is you can register your site in webmaster tools save all your backlinks and check which are links that are not under your control or that are hurting your site or something that you don’t want it there to be and email the site owners and tell them to remove those links. If you can’t do that you can just block those links from passing pagerank in your robots.txt or something like that, that’s the best way to do it.


Adam: We got a lot of questions today about sub domains and two quick questions I got in my mind, one of them is when is best to use sub domains instead of subdirectories and the other questions is; Hey we see some folks in Google search results that gets listed for more than one results for several sub domains why is that how can I get something like that? So let me first get to the first question of course you guys want me to tackle the 2nd question first thing is a website has sub domains were there links such for your users this point if you already have your site setup with some sub domains there in no point in taking it down you are doing fine with subdirectories actually that’s fine as well. Use sub domains where it really makes sense for your site for instance you need to have a help support section, you need to and you have a lot of content under that. One thing you don’t want to do in either sub domains or sub directories is to have really dodgy ones say you want to have a if you don’t have any pictures or anything relevant to San Francisco then that’s not good for the users and that’s not good for the search engines. What you guys want to tackle is more than one sub domains listed within the search results. Yeah there are so many types in hp or IBM or so many types in eBay so that’s normal sort of behavior. At the same time you need to balance that for the desire to limit, there are nth results for one site you need to limit that since it’s not good for search results and not good for users. We had a joke about this today she saw a site who was listed six times in top 10. So there are instances where there are sites which have more than one or 2 pages relevant to a query even though other pages gets downgraded that’s also one thing you need to worry about its not like we try to same site after all we are trying to get an accurate fair amount of representation of each site in the search results. And in future the trend will be changing and there will be more diversity over search results and if you are looking for top 10 there is no guarantee about getting multiple pages listed.


Adam: Thanks we also have other folks ask about syndication, so can any of the folks talk about what can you do if you syndicate your contents to lot of other sites. Should that be a concern what can you do to tell Google that the content is yours?


One thing what you can do is link back from the article to your site and say that you are the source


Adam: That’s a really great idea so we say we have article from and your site with a link back saying that the article is yours. That’s fine so how can Google better understand this content is originally yours.




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