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Ways To Maximizing Your Google Product Search Feeds

If you want to maximize your results in Google Product Search, the very nature of the service is to allow your potential customers to search among your products and those of your competitors based on a variety of customer-driven factors, most notably price. In addition to price, they can drill down and process their search results based on keywords and more. Therefore, there are some important factors you should keep in mind when creating or revising your Google Product Search feeds.

High Quality product images are important

Be sure that they are clear and of sufficient size. Google Product Search requires that the image URL you submit is the image that is on your website. Google Product Search doesn’t allow thumbnail images that are less than 90 x 90 pixels.

Google Product Search

Include as much recommended data as possible in your feeds

Google Product Search allows merchants to make their product descriptions into miniature sales pitches. As the object is to pitch to your customer to get them to buy on your website, it is the same in your Google Product Search feeds. Ensure that you incorporate your targeted keywords in the title and the description. Also, be sure to that your products are mapped to the correct Google Product Search category. Those are some of the foremost factors in ranking extremely in a Google Product Search.

Concise and clear product name and descriptions is essential

Product Names and descriptions should be concise, accurate, and follow manufacturer’s conventions. Be sure to embrace alternative spellings in your descriptions.

Google Product Search

Be conscious in your price

Regarding price, be aware that most consumers sort by price. Since this is the case, try pricing your products a little lower than your competitors. For example, if the going rate for widgets is $59.99, price your product at $59.88.

Google Product Search

Update frequently to keep inventory and prices new

Google Product Search takes away any data that is more than 30 days old so you should probably ftp the feeds at least once a week. The data usually gets loaded into Google Product Search within 24 hours. This allows optimizers to tweak their feeds, and resubmit to see how their rankings vary.

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