Java Servlets are a key Component of Server side Java development.A servlet is a small, pluggable extension to a server that enhances the service functionality. Servlets allows Developers to extend and customize in java-enabled servers such as web server, a mail server, an application server or any Customer server with the hitherto unknown degree of portability, flexibility and ease.A Servlet is a generic server extension, a java class that can be loaded dynamically to expand the functionality of a server. Servlets are commonly used with web server, where they can replace CGI scripts. A servlet is similar to proprietary server extension, except that it runs inside a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the server. So it is safe and portable.Servlets operate solely with in the domain of the server unlike applets they don't require the support of java in web browser.Java servlets, as define by java Software divisions of Sun Microsystems (formally known as Java Soft), are the first Standard extensions to java. This means servlets are officially blessed by sun and are part of java language, but they are not part of core java API.