Easy link building Steps to increase your google page rank
Link Building sometimes can be tedious and boring at times. However, recent time it seems to be one of the most profitable activities of your business. Backlinks will increase your site popularity which will gradually increase your Google Page Rank. The majority of your Page Rank is determined only by the good backlinks.
• A good content:
It is said that “Content is king”. The content plays a vital role in link building.
The content should be informative as well as interesting it should be more precise with proper and minimal usage of keywords.The information should be conveyed in a very simple method and mainly within few pages. Proper navigation within a page is also an important factor which should be considered. And therefore it should be a killer content.
• Creating blogs
Do not just create a blog and dump it with useless posts. Blogs should be created out of passion. It is necessary to keep your blogs updated with all interesting and entertaining stuffs. Occasionally, you should link it back to your main website. This is also one of those link building strategy.This also helps your page to remain active.
• Social bookmarking is necessary
Social bookmarking is not exactly creating backlinks however; it helps you to fetch significant links from social bookmarking sites of high page rank.
• Getting permanent backlinks
The only thing that puts you off is that when your page is not ranking well. It’s common for all sites to drop off and lose your backlinks. If you buy links from any link services that require a monthly or annual subscription you run the risk of losing your links when you cancel. This will drop all your links and cause your search engine ranking to drop as well
• Getting links from high Page Rank sites
Getting a link from a high page rank site will yield you more value than a link from a low page rank site. The home page URL carries more value and that’s why links from high PR sites are so sought after.
• Use of proper anchor text
Use of proper anchor text is very important in building quality back links. Using your keywords as anchor text in your back links is a great way to add traffic to your keywords.
• Avoid giving nofollow links
Most of the sites now have the “nofollow” tag which was actually introduced to deter spammers from posting random links everywhere. The nofollow tag means that a link will not be considered as a backlink, and thus do get links from nofollow sites they will be worthless from an SEO point of view.
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