Trace the panda updates and develop your website
Google Panda’s update on Feb 24 – 2011 dragged many feature sites to down stairs which were lacking with panda’s guidelines. This update made a mark on Google’s search engine algorithm. Matt Cutts stated, Panda update was intended to affect almost 12 percent of all explores and approximately 500 of explore progress were scheduled for release in coming years.
Here are few key places were panda update plays major role:
Quality Content
Only Quality content matters. A page or article in your site must contain at least 700 words and more. Google spider considers only worth content. More often sites with poor content rank high than quality content stuffed site.
Spammy Links
Google always avoids spam links and content. This panda update has made landmark on spam link from blogs and profile links which no longer pass much quality to your web site.
Social Networking Sites
Facebook and Twitter are two prominent Networking sites. Google understand, how people are connected with this social sites to develop their own website by considering what friends tell them and how seo is done.
Content Farms
Websites that proceed like content farms have been diminished by Panda. This is important factor since low class and out-of-date content into their web pages for the solitary reason of gaining traffic and raising their search engine rankings.
Losing Long Tail Keyword Ranking
Keywords sense a lot in your web site to gain traffic. Long tail keywords often never last long until the content is much qualified and up class. Panda never touch primary keywords. Only long tail keywords are under problem.
Sitemap and Exact Match Domains
Sitemap is simply known as map of your website. Always update your site map. If you use WordPress, there are plugins available that routinely produce and update your sitemap.Many poor websites achieve good ranking because of EMD. A domain of a website is one of the significant attribute of a website. Due to panda 30% drop in this case of websites.
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