Best ways to get successful reciprocal linking campaign

1.)Write down the keywords you want to be establish for.
2.) Draft a standard letter you can use to easily modify for each site .

3.) Run a search on Google for each keyword and jot down the URL for each and every match returned.
4.) Remove some direct competitors from the list.
5.) Go back through your list and find the contact info for each site.

6.) Create a link to each page you need to get a link from. This must be from the most appropriate page on your site, not the homepage. Do not exceed 10 outbound links per page at most.

7.) Send the modified email with the considerations outlined below.
8.) Verify their backlinks.
9.) Remove any outbound links that do not reciprocate within a month or so.

10.) Check your inbound links every couple of weeks. Ensure you are still getting the links you earned and that the people linking to you have not moved you to a less desirable page.

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