Link Building

“Penguin impacts have different levels” Reveals Matt Cutts tweet

The Google’s penguin update released on April 2012, that penalizes sites for building unnatural backlinks has been putting webmasters in a great mourn.

The penguin updates has wiped off many sites from the face of Google and some are thrown at the verge of extinction. The reason is quite simple and has been revealed by Matt Cutts in a recent tweet to one of the webmaster.

Matt Cutt tweet revealed that there are different levels of penguin algorithm we can say it as low, mild and heavy.

Here is the Matt Cutt’s tweet to webmaster:

In his tweet he recommended the webmaster to carry on his backlink cleaning process as he still sees a mild case of Penguin there.

It means penguin algorithm of Google does not affect all sites equally; the impact depends on the extent of unnatural backlinks.

So the impact of penguin update on a site can be a lot or a little or somewhere amid. The tweet is very interesting and reveals that the impact of penguin algorithm varies with sites backlink quality. But it is hard to conclude that only cleaning up backlinks can get out your site from penguin algorithm.

Recovering strategies for unnatural link building penalty

It is quite painful when you see a notification of a manual action for unnatural links from Google in your Google Webmaster Tools account. It has become a common and a troublesome issue among the webmasters after Google’s unnatural link penalty changes. How to recover from this? The most important solution that everyone is eager to implement to recover their site. The answer is quite easy; by just following simple guidelines and working hard to take a prompt action can solve the issue to a great extent.

But before we move forward, identify the links that cause the trouble. Google does not provide an insight view on the unnatural links which penalized the site.

Here are a few examples which assist you to analyze the offensive links pointing your site:

  • Trading Links: This includes buying and selling “do-follow” links simply to boost rankings.
  • Extreme link building: Involved in excessive link building campaign just to enhance the site rankings.
  • Linking to spammers: Linking to low quality and unrelated sites in an effort to manipulate page rank. This includes links from low quality and spammy directories and bookmarks and forums that just created to provide room for submitting links.
  • Excessive footer links: Excessive footer links and links from blogroll and article directories.

Let’s move forward to remove this links:

Once you have an idea of the unnatural links you can start cleaning up them, in other words taking action to remove all those spammy and low quality links.

Get a list of all your links from your webmaster tool and make a separate spreadsheet of the unnatural links as you identify them. Removing unnatural links can be done in the following 3 ways:

  • Removing links that are under your control
  • Removing links by contacting other webmaster
  • Removing links with disavow tool

Removing links that are under your control

The best place to start is collecting and removing links that are under your control. This includes links of low quality and spammy article directories, bookmark sites, profile sites, forum and blog comments and excessive footer links that just created as brook for submitting links. If you have set up links from any of this and you have direct control over, you should remove or edit them. This step of link removal process works up faster than any other ways and you can see the results immediately.

Removing links by contacting other webmaster

This step works little bit slower than the preceding as it depends on your approach and the webmaster you reach for. If during your link building campaign, you have obtained links from unrelated or low quality sites or blogs you can remove them by contacting the webmaster to do so.

It’s a fluky process. Try to approach them in a way that makes the job easier for them to carry out. Don’t give up with the first try, remind them frequently until your job is done. When done right it has the second highest possible ways to get success in your unnatural link removal process to recover your site.

Removing links with disavow tool

Disavow tool – the biggest gift of Google to the SEO community and to the webmasters who were suffered by the unnatural link penalty. This tool can be very useful to add success to your unnatural link removal campaign where you cannot implement the above mentioned steps. By making use of this tool webmasters can explicitly submit links to Google that they consider unnatural backlinks to their site. Google treats all the links submitted using disavow tool as no-follow links. Though it works slowly and takes time to bring up the change, when used appropriately it can boost up your site recovery process.

So it needs a simple understanding and patient to be successful in recovering your site from the penalty of unnatural link building.

Matt Cutt’s Link building advice to stay ahead on Google

For the past two years, Google has been updating its algorithm and has reframed with many changes. Despite the updates, link building still plays an important role in your site’s rankings. The only new is the strategy that we use to build backlinks. Link building is one of the most powerful criteria that determine your website visibility on search result.

In the present epoch of Google updates, the right link building has a Herculean effect on the organic traffic yet to come. Negative link building strategies can wipe off your site’s visibility from Google.
Here are some of the Link building advices by Matt Cutt’s to stay on the good side of Google. Following these guidelines can help you to survive long within Google’s strict guidelines.

Using a 301 Redirect is Safe Says Matt Cutt

Sometimes you need to change the URL when you are moving to a new domain or simply while changing its appearance in search results. There are no issues if the page does not have any backlinks. In case if the page has huge backlinks and brings a significant amount of traffic, using 301 redirect is the best solution to curtail down the damage caused by modifying the URL.

A 301 redirect automatically directs users from the old URL to the new one thereby preserving the link juices you had from inbound links pointing to the old URL. So it is always safe to use a 301 redirect to gain the power of your old URL, says Matt Cutt.

Say No to Unnatural Link Building

Link building works great when done right. Building backlinks through unnatural way has the ability to harm your site to a wide extent that it takes years for you to recover. Google penguin update was made mainly to penalize sites that build backlinks just to boost their sites through unnatural ways.

The Penguin update of Google has vanished a number of sites from the face of Google for building inbound links in an unnatural way. Google has crushed a number of link networks that offers paid links to users. Matt Cutt recently let everyone know that Google is penalizing sites that build links violating Google algorithms.

Build links that give long term visibility in Google and not the one that vanishes away your site from the face of Google.

Use the Disavow Tool Appropriately, Yet it may not fix all issues

Sometimes during your link building campaign you might unknowingly get linked to low quality sites. In certain situations, to minimize the damage you can use Google’s disavow tool to unlink your site from those low quality sites. Matt cut says once you have identified the backlinks that points from a low quality site go ahead and use the disavow tool whenever you want. He has also mentioned that disavowing all the low quality sites won’t fix all your issues. You should try some alternate ways to remove all those links manually by approaching assistance from a webmaster. The more effort you put to remove the bad backlinks, the more it helps to recover from Google’s penalty.

Limited Guest Blogging

In recent years, ‘Guest Blogging’ being one of the natural ways of building backlinks, is acquiring more popularity among the website owners. This became the reason for many issues to emerge. It has become too popular that it has made Google to take a notice of everything that you do too much.
Matt Cutt says, to stay on the safer side of Google, ‘Guest Blogging’ should be moderated.
It means you should not rely completely on this to build backlinks for your site; instead your link building should be as diverse as possible.

The certain things listed below need more attention when it comes to ‘Guest Blogging’:

•    Verify that the guest post site is a high quality site.
•    Guarantee that your guest post content is cent percent original and worthy to the readers.
•    Be sure of using natural anchor text to get backlinks to your site.

When done moderately with attention ‘Guest Blogging’ will have no chances to harm your site.

Un-Natural Link Notice impelled at your webmaster tool’s inbox

Did you receive a mail regarding the Google webmaster tools notice of detected unnatural links?

What does un-natural link mean?

Un-Natural (or) Artificial Link is typically obtained through buying links to exceed in PR (or) contributing in link building process. Poor link building process ends in un-natural link. Quality of link must always be analyzed before we do a link building process.

  • Google instantly mailed to over 1 million (In few months) webmaster’s regarding this issue.
  • A reconsideration request mail can be send to Google, unless you can’t control over the artificial links that roll over your website.
  • Your website will receive a penalty after the alert
  • Result of this penalty issue is loss of ranking on your landing page of site and over all the pages too.

Reconsideration Request:

Lot of webmaster have mailed with the reconsideration request to Google before removing the bad link from their website. But, still Google replied them “Still links are live”. Bother sending a request to Google after working with great sense on bad links. You can also link to Google Doc on this issue to ignore some links.

Step to Over come:

Avoid preferring for quantity sites than blending for a quality.

Only good content and links can make you survive now at Google eyes.

Consider 1 good link than 100 artificial links.

Overcome a complete check on your website to locate bad links.

Help & Advice:

For further suggestion on this issue, let a comment. We will provide you a free step of advice and we are happy to assist you at any extend.

Link Building Structure in Essential Manner

There are many reasons for optimizing link building in a website. It’s harder after panda updation to list out good quality links since, it played major role in drowning Spammy links. Link building is a part of on-page optimization so, we can’t avoid link building concept to our developing website. A worthy link can be determined from few things such as dofollow link, link from quality content site etc. We have listed from rungs to estimate a classy link structure.

Traffic Driving Links

PageRank boosting or elevating termed keywords to top page does not generate traffic completely. Traffic generating is a step by step work. Text links, banner ads, forum participation, blogs commenting, social marketing, famous directories etc are few list of generating traffic. Google AdPlanner and Compete are two excellent traffic mounting links. Links will allow exposing your website on result page with a good optimism of referral visits.

Google AdPlanner:

  •  Allows to know unique visitors, page views, average time on site
  •  Article on Audience interest, related sites visited, and keywords searched for
  •  Also demographics info’s such as gender, education level, income level, age
  •  Lets you know, which site accepts advertising and links to their page on website


  •  Allows to compare up to fives websites
  •  Good Ranking keywords, Referral sites, Most often searched keywords

Result Page Enriching Links

To enrich termed keywords to a good position on search engine result page, main key is obtaining dofollow links to your sites related pages with perfect anchor text.

KeywordLuv plugin is an essential way to get backlinks to your website. Always do guest posting with anchor text using related keyword phrase. Also use on your forum signatures, article promotion, directory submissions, organic links, author bio etc.

Links to Enhance PR

PR- Google PageRank is a very important factor to consider while we search a site. Google keeps on updating the PR every time after some duration. Pr matters a lot in mounting traffic. SEO Quake can be used to enhance more about page rank on your website.

Obtaining link on higher PR page is an essential step to obtain good ranking. Once you discover significant pages with high PR, you start constructing PageRank improving links to your website via blog comments, link requests etc.

Reputation Building Links

Reputation links can be assembled in a massive amount of ways.

  •  Interlinking one social profile with another
  •  Blog commenting using your name as anchor text
  •  Social profiles as the website URL
  •  Adding up your social profiles to relevant directories

Hints about Limitations on Link Building in Google Panda Era

Traits that are judged to be more essential:

  • Link quality, link quantity, link speed resembles with high rank
  • Age of Domain
  • Your neighbor server must never be spam and trust on domain
  • Use content of 2400 words. Avoid poor contents with 300 words
  • Applicable Tags and Doc type must be used
  •  Onpage aspects
  • Miscellany on using html tags
  • Healthy upholding of site

Try to fix panda dilemmas and build your site in great way. Small web sites may have crucial problem with poor content and stuffed links. Avoid such things and be clear and worth. Try to explore wit ads but in recent amount.

If you web site is bowing down in ranking, Try to hold up all important factors and never panic until next update of Panda. Satisfy your customers with great content and continue worthy link building.

Inbound and Outbound Linking Resembles Good Result to SEO

Inbound and Outbound Links are important part in Link building for a site. Numerous numbers of links are not necessary, only valuable worth legal links must be used. Illegal links may dump your page rank too. Search engine always depends on quality of links. There are two kinds of link in seo, Inbound and Outbound links. Inbound states when you get a link from other site. Outbound states when you provide link to others site and get a backlink from them. Outbound link is not as effective as inbound links.

Every Backlink in your site states your sites worthiness. There are many sites which can provide your bad backlinks, it’s very significant to choose a worth site that is related to your site, also with related content. Anchor Text is very fine act in Backlink building. Must provide useful related text, if you click anchor text, a hyperlink opens that relates that site.. Limit on linking is good, buying thousands of backlinks will create un-trust. Search engines observe link farms promoting links in bulk and because buying links is a technique to influence the explore results; this act will be penalized by search engines. By linking with high Quality site it improve your visitors to site. All visitors are in search of good content and good links.

How to get Natural Backlinks to our Website

Natural Backlink plays a vital role in boosting up our website. Main aim in achieving natural backlins is, by producing healthy and supreme quality content in the website. By accomplish natural Backlinks, we produce a great successful way in link building. It attracts customers only by posting worth content. Natural Backlink stands as the superior reason for website developing and a website crushing. In SEO, Link Building resembles as most important feature.

Accurate Techniques to enlarge Natural Backlinks to your Website:

– Main essential step to bring Natural Baclinks to your website is, by providing quality beneficial content.
– This is done just by spreading out quality content.
– Attract customers need by writing relevant bulk of data.
– Try to attract with key terms, controversial things etc.
– Can attract by using important tools and by displaying related video with content.

When stepping to build link, avoid spotlight from just one kind of attack. Your website should target to main different kind of things so, that it push your site to get Natural Backlinks naturally. If possible, your link building should be more alerted on ways that will give confidence other people to make links for you this will end result in the most natural link. 80% of your site development depends on link building. It helps you to rank your site well and good.

Google focus only on valuable content cen percent to get Natural Backlinks. Search engines had work on task to know some good sites which are really in need of Backlinks and focus on them. We must just promote our website in such a great way, so that people will shower more interest to get a Natural Backlink.

– Always may high interest in solving problems by the valuable content you post.
– Display your framework in good visual manner.
– Try to gather more links to different pages of your website.
– Avoid stuffing your worthy content with irrelevant key words.

Perfect Link Building Profile

In theory we all know what we are doing and we all know how to build links and where to look for the quality stuff, but in practice 99% of web owners get links blindly, without a link building plan, all this is just for the sake of gaining more links. In the process, they sacrifice their link profile and quality of the links. Everyone is aware that a few strategically placed quality links can easily replace hundreds and thousands of low level links. Now the issue here is not how to get a link, But to know as to how to have a “perfect” link profile.

Balancing Link Building Profile

It is very simple, we need a balanced link profile, and the first part is to gain the links gradually and this will not take place at overnight. It is also important to have as SEO plan as well as a link building plan, you need to plan the link velocity, at least the part you can control.

So to balance things, make sure you have a solid ratio of, “do follow” and “no follow” links. There isn’t an exact aspect ratio, 80:20 will work better, but you can have more no follow or less, just make sure you have a healthy and good number of no follow links. I guess 50 no follow links on 2,000 do follow links works fine.

To keep your link profile balanced you also need to have diversified anchor texts. Building links with only one anchor text will not do any good, while on the other hand it’s a good practice of adding synonyms that will make your website even more relevant for your chosen topic.

Keeping Quality and Diversity of your Link Profile

In order to result well in Google, you need to have a diversified link profile, varied anchor texts and no follow links in site will help you to fetch you links, as well as deep links, but there are a few more things that needs to be kept in mind to bring yourself closer to the so called perfect link profile.

Links are diversified into two types they are, the quality of the website where you get the link from and also the topics /content of the sites from where you get the links. You can also go for high quality links as well as low quality links. Also, topic relevance plays a vital role here, but there isn’t a single site that has only topic related links so try getting high quality links from the topic based websites and also other links.

Link building works in your site only if you have quality links and related links. Don’t just exchange links; instead get links which do have a perfect link profile. Following these tips will enable your website to have perfect link profile.

Easy link building Steps to increase your google page rank

Link Building sometimes can be tedious and boring at times. However, recent time it seems to be one of the most profitable activities of your business. Backlinks will increase your site popularity which will gradually increase your Google Page Rank. The majority of your Page Rank is determined only by the good backlinks.

A good content:
It is said that “Content is king”. The content plays a vital role in link building.
The content should be informative as well as interesting it should be more precise with proper and minimal usage of keywords.The information should be conveyed in a very simple method and mainly within few pages. Proper navigation within a page is also an important factor which should be considered. And therefore it should be a killer content.

Creating blogs
Do not just create a blog and dump it with useless posts. Blogs should be created out of passion. It is necessary to keep your blogs updated with all interesting and entertaining stuffs. Occasionally, you should link it back to your main website. This is also one of those link building strategy.This also helps your page to remain active.

Social bookmarking is necessary
Social bookmarking is not exactly creating backlinks however; it helps you to fetch significant links from social bookmarking sites of high page rank.

Getting permanent backlinks
The only thing that puts you off is that when your page is not ranking well. It’s common for all sites to drop off and lose your backlinks. If you buy links from any link services that require a monthly or annual subscription you run the risk of losing your links when you cancel. This will drop all your links and cause your search engine ranking to drop as well

Getting links from high Page Rank sites
Getting a link from a high page rank site will yield you more value than a link from a low page rank site. The home page URL carries more value and that’s why links from high PR sites are so sought after.

Use of proper anchor text
Use of proper anchor text is very important in building quality back links. Using your keywords as anchor text in your back links is a great way to add traffic to your keywords.

Avoid giving nofollow links
Most of the sites now have the “nofollow” tag which was actually introduced to deter spammers from posting random links everywhere. The nofollow tag means that a link will not be considered as a backlink, and thus do get links from nofollow sites they will be worthless from an SEO point of view.

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