Search Engine Optimization

Website Optimization Tips for Link Building and SEO

Trust, timing and power are three metrics that crash the aim site for building links. Sites that rank at the helm of search engines do so because of fundamental characteristics communal across multiple industries, websites and topics.

Sites ranking in the top 10 are there because they (1) either started previous to others realized the potential for those keywords and contain an advantage of time to market / indexing diffusion (2) because they appreciate link popularity and contain built a plethora of links from a diversity of sites or (3) because they understand the value of a good domain, site structural design and on page optimization.

Not to say that this is the simply way, but we are only focusing on three metrics for the sake of argument. I have mentioned before that chronology begets power, in layman’s terms, if you in progress years ago optimizing, cleansing and grooming your site for senior search engine visibility, you understand the layers concerned in producing high ranking search engine consequence pages.

Offer Quality Content

  • Ensure your home page has at least 150 words of relevant, descriptive text about your products and services. Include the keywords your customers are most likely to type into a search engine when looking for your services.
  • Stand firm and say NO when your web designer insists on an animated “Flash” intro page to your site. Search engines disregard them and your customers have seen enough of them!
  • Provide as much useful content as possible on your site.
  • Create fact sheets and expand your existing content. Search engines view a 50 page site as more “important” than a five page site.
  • Create a news section – it’s a great way to have a continual stream of new, relevant content.
  • Archive the articles even if they may seem out of date search engines will love you!

Five reasons that Google uses to rank websites

Page rank: Every site is given a page rank from zero to ten. The basic rule that can increase a page rank is to get links from other websites and limit the number of links going out to other sites.

Incoming links:
The quality of links is an important factor. Google looks for sites that have natural link popularity. It means that a variety if sites have to be linked and not just one type. Also link text is important. Relevance of the links is also important

Page titles:
This is one of the most important factors of the page that the algorithm looks at.

Keyword density:
If keywords are used too many times then it is a sign of spam to Google and will actually hurt the sites ranking. A good idea is to keep keywords density lower and instead use related keywords.

Age of domain:
The age of a domain can be a friend or enemy for SEO. Newer domains are difficult to be ranked but domains that are two years old are much easier.

Top Task

A top task is any action that

  1. A large number of people need to complete online
  2. Is essential for people to accomplish quickly and easily

Importance of Top Task

  • People come to your website with a specific task in mind. If your website doesn’t help them complete that task, they’ll leave.
  • Identify the mission the purpose of your website, to help you clarify the No1 top task your website should help people accomplish.
  • Don’t yet have a mission statement for your website? Now is a great time to write one!

Submitting to Directories

To get started, be sure to get your site listed in the following directories that are crawled by the search engines:

  • Open Directory Project or DMOZ
  • Yahoo! Directory

When you are submitting to directories, be sure to take the time to find the best category for your site and read the submission guidelines provided by each directory. By following their guidelines, you will improve your chances of being listed and decrease the amount of time it takes to get listed.

There are many more directories where you can submit your site. Don’t forget to find local or thematic directories that are relevant to the topic of your site. You will be able to find many in our list of search engines and directories.

It will take time for the search engines to index your site after it has been listed in the major directories. So, be patient and expect to wait at least a couple more months before your site starts appearing in the index of the major search engines.

Advantages of SEO outsourcing in India

There are various advantages of SEO outsourcing in India. The biggest advantage in India is it has largest number of English speaking experts. Good communication skill is needed with the clients. SEO is nothing but to rank the online site at the top of search engine. One of the major works of an SEO is writing contents and articles so for that proper knowledge of English and at the same time knowledge about the subject is also required. The main cause of SEO outsourcing in India is the language. One more benefit of outsourcing SEO work to India is there are huge numbers of IT professionals who are well qualified in their work. Another advantage is that you end up saving huge amounts of money. That’s why more and more companies are outsourcing their SEO work in India. If the SEO work is done in any country it would cost nearly eight dollars, but if the same work is done in India it would cost only three dollars. That is half the amount. Many companies have earned huge profits after shifting their SEO outsourcing in India.

Develop Criteria for your Content evaluation

Functionality do all links work, and go to the expected page? Can visitors successfully navigate their task from start to finish?

Quality is the page written in plain language? Are there errors in spelling or grammar? Does the page duplicate information found elsewhere on your site, or another government website? Does the page follow your standard website template?

Review top task content more frequently than lower priority content. The content that is most important to your visitors, or that is likely to change often, should receive the most attention.

Significance of Metadata

Metadata is important for many reasons

  • Provides a standardized system to classify and label web content.
  • Supports website maintenance and administration.
  • Improves search relevancy.
  • Provides an audit trail (information about who created the information and when it was created).
  • Helps identify redundant, duplicative, and possibly obsolete content.
  • Identifies similar content so you can establish logical links and other relationships.
  • Allows information to be tracked and assembled government-wide.

Importance of Homepage

Having an effective homepage is one of the best practices for managing your website. A homepage serves as the front door of your website. You should design your homepage to feature the public’s most requested information and services and to serve as a top-level directory to access the primary sections of your website.

The homepage is the main tool for sending your visitors in the right direction.

  • Government websites need to focus on helping the public find the services and information they want and need most.
  • Research shows that more than half of all web users evaluate websites based on homepages alone. If you have an ineffective homepage, many visitors will immediately be turned off and may never come back to your site.
  • Web visitors want fast, efficient service. On homepages, they expect to find what they are looking for with little or no scrolling.
  • Web users are impatient. They do not want to be distracted by text or graphics that don’t help them find what they want or that increase download time.
  • Even if your website is targeted to specialized audiences, your homepage needs to communicate basic information to the general public. Citizens as a whole are an audience for federal public websites, funded by taxpayer dollars.

How does personalization help SEO?

Google is stepping into personalized search results. The growth of personalized search should have an impact on search marketers.

According to Danny Sullivan, anyone who signs-up for any Google service using a Google Account (such as Gmail, AdSense, Google Analytics among others) will automatically be enrolled into three additional Google products:

Search History
Personalized Search
Personalized Homepage

Personalized search has been enabled for all accounts, new and old alike. All accounts also automatically get home pages generated based on account information.

Personalization benefits users as their searches can be relevant. This can benefit site owners also because they have excellent content which will be weighted more favorably. Apart form good content, web pages need good title and meta tags play an important role, because these are displayed on the search results page, through which human users will judge whether to visit that particular site or not.

You can also gain by getting yourself on the Google personalized homepage of many search users. One way to make users visit your site is to have a Google gadget, add to Google button, Google bookmark button so that more users can visit your site. The more a user relies on your site, the better ranking your site will receive.

In-depth competitor intelligence can reveal which sites ae competitive strong or weak compared to the client’s site, regardless of that the respective ranking numbers would show with rank checking. In- depth competitor intelligence will tell SEO practitioners how to prioritize the SEO factors revealing semantic relationships between client’s content, the competitor’s content, and he semantic nuances of a keyword phrase related to search personalization of user results. Search will change dramatically once personalization is widely adopted.

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