Search Engine Optimization

Managing and Categorizing Content

Organizing and categorizing content is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your users can easily navigate and search your site. Here are steps to help you do that:

Organize content based on audience needs

  • Have a good homepage
  • Use common content, terminology, and placement
  • Use consistent navigation
  • Don’t duplicate existing content
  • Manage links
  • Apply metadata
  • Avoid putting employee information on your public website

SEO – Planning And Strategy

The majority of all traffic to a website comes from a search engine; the only way you’ll get that traffic is to optimize your site for those search engines. There are many ways to optimize your site, and fortunately, it isn’t hard to do just that. If you’re looking to start a site, the first thing you should do is build your site around search engines.

You already know the reason for your site; the only thing left to do is figure out what keywords you’ll need to get the traffic you desire. The use of “SEO Tools” such as keyword analyzers and rank analyzers, which can be found online, will be of great use to you in building your site. These tools will ensure a correctly optimized website for all search engines.

Each search engine is different; some require a certain amount of “link backs” or clicks to your website from other sites to rank high, while others need targeted keywords. The most used search engine by far is Google, and if you want to rank high in Google, you’ll need “link backs” from known sites.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to obtain the “link backs” you need, though the cheapest and easiest method is to create targeted content unique to your website. Larger websites will have a reason to link to your website if you give them one; creating content relevant to your site is the best way. After you finish creating the site of your dreams and have packed it full of the content and keywords you want the next step is to submit your site to search engines.

Before you submit your website directory to a search engine, you’ll want to make sure you have quality material focused on the keywords you’re targeting. You’ll want to create “Metatag data/descriptions” for each of your web pages, giving the search engines into what your site is about. There are tools you can use to accomplish this and make things much easier for yourself.

So you’ve created the site, built the content and submitted it; so now what? Well, let’s make sure you’ve done the job correctly before quitting. You looked over the available SEO Tools to maximize keyword usage correctly. You’ve built the right content to increase “link backs” from well-known websites. Relevant Meta Tag Descriptions are in place on all web pages you wish to index, and you’ve submitted your site to be crawled by the biggest search engines.

Best practices checklist for Search Engines

Index content frequently

Index the content of your website at least once a month. Content that is added and updated frequently, such as press releases, should be indexed more frequently; however, content that changes infrequently, such as archived or historical documents, may be indexed less often.

Have a quick response time

Your search engine should produce results in less than three seconds (on average). Monitor and log search response times to ensure that adequate hardware and software capacity is available to achieve this response time standard.

Ensure relevant results

Routinely identify the common search terms used on your website, evaluate the relevancy of your search results for those terms, and configure your search services to provide the best ranking possible. You should conduct this review at least quarterly.

Provide an advanced search function

Although usability research indicates that very few people use “advanced” search features, you should allow visitors to conduct more refined, focused searches to achieve more relevant results. For example, you may want to provide options for searching within certain sets of information, databases, or applications.

Increase Search Engines Rankings

Link Exchanging is the idea of 2 webmasters approving to post each others links on each others websites to add to Link Popularity.

It increases its quality, not quantity. Search engines may penalize your site for counting unconnected links. Its best to link to websites in your type. If you own a casino site, do not link to a farming site.

The procedure of link exchanging takes time. Once you’ve exchanged links, its up to the search engines to revive their databases with new information. Once this is complete, watch your search engine listings move stealthily up.

There are a few benefits concerned with link exchanging technique of Link Building process:

I. Increased search engine rankings – With manifold links linked back to your site, search engines see this as a significant website, which this in revolve increases your search engine rankings.

II. An increased quantity of sites link to you – If you sell a product on a website, you want it on as a lot of websites as possible. You will be astonished at the amount of hits your may receive from links pages.

III. Think concerning it this way – If there are 5000 websites out there in your type, whats leaving to put you close to the top? The three most significant things are: Link exchanging, keyword content, and page density. What if you have the same satisfied and same keywords? Link exchanging is the answer!

Federal Requirements for Search Engines

Providing a search function is one of the requirements for managing your agency’s website, as outlined in OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites. A search engine will help the public find the government information and services available on your website.

OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites require agencies to include a search function on their “principle agency website and any major point of entry.

In limited cases, such as small websites, a site map or subject index may be used instead of a search function. The search function should allow visitors to:

  • Search all files on the website that are intended for public use
  • Display results in order of relevancy, based on search criteria
  • Provide a timely response, equivalent to industry best practices

Webmaster manages multiple websites

Some of the most important task for a webmaster:

1.Website statistics:

The webmaster has to check the web statistics very often and take necessary action if the site is going down. If the number of visitors have come down last month then the webmaster have to do something abut it. The webmaster has to know what went wrong.

2.Login Details Maintenance:

Webmaster has to look after a lot of websites so it may be difficult for him to remember all the usernames and passwords. Avoid using the same password for all the websites. Do track all the website’s login details, when you want to access those websites via FTP.

3.Taking Backups:

If the web server does carry automatic back ups then it is the duty of the webmaster to take copies of the website’s data. Regular use of back ups can help the webmaster when he wants to change servers.

4.Email Management:

Looking after a lot of websites means a lot of email addresses. The best way to go through it is by using email forwarding. This will redirect all e-mail messages from one e-mail address to another. All messages will be redirected to your main email address.

5.Client Management:

Webmasters also offer web hosting services, through which they can earn some extra money. If the webmaster has certain clients then he has to keep track of their web hosting accounts.

6.Website/Domain Management Software:

Now WHM/C control panels can control all the accounts. New software has been created based on these control panels that helps to manage multiple websites and accounts even if they reside in different servers.

There are a lot more issues to talk about relating to webmaster’s tasks. Some of the important tasks have been discussed above.

Web Analytics Products and Services

There are many different commercial web analytics products and tools used by government agencies. Key criteria for selecting products are:

  • Price
  • Training available for your web staff
  • Ease of use
  • Vendor viability
  • Features and functionality

Because most leading metrics tools have similar features and functionality, you may find that other criteria such as vendor support and cost are more important.

Ten statements will help you provide top ranking in the search engine

Search Engine Optimization is all about smart work and not just adding random keywords and submitting to every directory possible. This article will reach out to the SEO buyers and help them distinguish the crooks from the genuine SEO.

No Rank Guarantees. (Period)

Search Engines alone control their indexing and ranking algorithm. There is a simple rule to improve the search engine ranks: make it logical. Web content is mainly for the site visitor. To get top ranks in search engines will naturally take time. Hard work has to be done on two things one is the content on the website and second is the links on the site.

Ranking is not the end, it’s the means.

Try to find out how to get a top search engine rank. Many businesses are interested in increasing sales on the website. To get a top rank in the search engine choose the right keywords.

Know your competition.

Rank is very important in search engine results. Search engine results will tell you how much hard work you have put over competition. Analyze competitor’s keywords, links, keyword density and spread. But never copy your competitors.

Use Search Engine Friendly design.

The website should be convincing enough for repeat visits by search engines and potential customers. Make sure you have search engine friendly Urls.

Select Keywords that are worthy.

Research the keywords before targeting. Try to know how many searches have used that keyword in the last one year and the number of web pages that are targeting that keyword.

Write Great content.

Great content appeals the target audience and brings repeat visits. Content should be fresh. Try to add and edit the content regularly. The web page should have desired action embedded in the content.

Use good hyper linking strategy.

Hyperlinks make the content accessible and contextual. Good links are appreciated by the Search Engines and by the visitors.

Write relevant and original Meta content.

Meta content is like business cards. Try to include only that Meta content which is relevant to the page but include everything that is relevant.

Acquire Relevant Links.

Good links increase your webpage’s equity on the World Wide Web and bad link make a dent to the equity and credibility. Be selective in reciprocal linking. Both reciprocal and one way links work, if you are prudent in selecting the links. Submit your website to the relevant sections in relevant directories.

Consult experts, if you need to.

If you have the capability there are two ways to learn. Try learning from one’s own mistakes or from other’s experience. Choose any one. If you have the time and can wait for the online dollars do it yourself. If you want to get started now it may be useful to consult the experts.


Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are two of the most important things in online business. Google’s Internet shoppers are increasing year by year. Let’s have a look as to how beat the competition and dominate Google.
This article has three parts; Stats, Spying and Shortcuts.

Part 1; Search Engine Stats: This will offer you the latest Intel on search engines. This will help you make decisions regarding how to spend your SEO time and where to expend SEM money.

Nearly half of the internet users buy their products from Google. Here are the exact numbers as provided by the “comScore for” survey:

42.7% – Google
28.0% – Yahoo!
13.2% – MSN
7.60% – AOL
5.90% – ASK
2.60% – All Others Combined

Now that we know how much the search engines are used lets plan for SEO and SEM strategies. According to a UK based firm users of Google versus those of MSN are very opposite when it comes to natural versus paid search listings.

Nearly 72.3 percent Google searchers prefer using natural listings while only 28.8 percent searchers use natural listings.

Only 27.7 percent of Google users prefer paid links, while 71.2 percent msn users use paid links.

The ROI that website owners get using SEO AND SEM for lead generation and actual sales are

Lead Generation: * 79% SEO * 75% Paid Search (SEM)
Actual Sales: * 78% SEO * 63% Paid Search (SEM)
These are huge returns on investment

Part 2; Spying: will provide all the inside information as to what the competitors are doing and how to beat them.

This site will help you to see everything you can get, free and paid.

Here’s a blurb from the site that tells what SpyFu offers…”Want to know which of your competitors has the largest ad budget, or which term gets the most clicks per day? Use SpyFu’s Advanced Search to find out. Advanced Search allows one to search by all the metrics provided on the site and allows you to focus on the data that’s most important to you. What’s more, you can save your Advanced Search results to Excel with the click of a button.”

Part 3; SEO and SEM Shortcuts: Shortcuts are based on finding how the professionals do it and follow their footsteps. The best shortcuts involve finding the best performing and least expensive software. This will provide the quickest return on investment.

A) The best SEM shortcut is use software to find out top keywords or manage pay per click campaign. Two of the most popular and widely used tools are and Keyword Elite.

B) Picking the top SEO tool is a no brainer for me. Try using SEO Elite. It helps in finding the 121 top 5 rankings on Google within 3 weeks. SEO Elite will also help you in finding the 377 high quality link partners in two weeks itself. It was SEO Elite Company that published Keyword Elite. They’ve been a major SEO software development player for years and the lifetime of free upgrades with zero annual costs they provide is that special touch that shows they can relate to people in the world of search engine optimization.

This information can help you dominate Google, Yahoo and MSN very quickly.

10 steps to making your website rank top

Their is simple way of making your website rank top and search optimized.

Step 1. Before buying the domain name think what your business/website services. Try to get the same meaning URL. …or if you already have a website try to make your website starting page content matches the URL.

Step 2. Define your website content in 6 to 10 words and make that as Title

Step 3. Make your heading start with short heading and match the content.

Step 4. The first heading what you place is very important, many search engines even google-bot grab the first body text as the description. You should start this heading with explaining your website or list your services on the top as menu etc.,

Step 5. a. Do not place too many keywords of one or b. do not place too many diffrent keywords. In a. case it will narrow your search optimization to only one set of keyword family In B case it will confuse the search engine while categorizing

Step 6. Place your keywords in the Meta-Tags which are used to detail your website. Write keywords 30 to 60 which are related to your website, and what user should type to see the services Write the Description related to the starting para of website, URL, couple of keywords and services but not more than 100 words.

Step 7. Place each link with a short hint what it is. This will also be your keyword indirectly

Step 8. Place comment tags inside the script in such a way you can edit in futur and this will help now.

Step 9. Make the title Attribute even though these does not influence any search optimization but helps in keywords in content

Step 10. Keywords in text links. When you are keyword is a text link then it sounds very close that the keywords is a website contect for you.

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