Search engine penalties

  • Google Sandbox effect
  • Google sandbox effect is one type of test for newer websites, because google wants the best websites or quality content websites or established websites to be listed first as it wants the quality results to users. It also helps to stop scam websites getting popular quickly. There are many webmasters who purchase lot of links quickly so that their website could be listed on 1st place for highly competitive keywords from the day of launch. One can reduce its risk of getting its website into sandbox by targeting less competitive keywords, so that Google might have no point in applying filter for such websites.

  • Expired domain penalty
  • Expired domain name is subject to temporary penalty. Google may refuse to index the pages during that period due to content theft.

  • Duplicate content penalty
  • Duplicate content penalty is applied by all search engines when content on your website is largely the same as found elsewhere on your site or on other websites across the internet. The simple solution to avoid this problem is don’t rely on duplicate content to drive traffic to your site.

  • Google supplementary index
  • The importance of a page is measured by the number and quality of links pointing at it. Also what matters is the degree at which Google trusts a site’s inbound links which influences the importance of a page. The few reasons why pages go into supplementary are because of duplicate content, lack of content, lack of page rank, dynamic URL’S, and orphan pages.

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