Tips for reciprocal links email

1.) Address the email to a person by name if possible.

2.) Start with a kind statement about what you like on their site.

3.) Introduce yourself and your site.

4.) Lead into why you feel your site is a good, non competing match .

5.) Mention that you have already linked to their site and hope they feel a reciprocal link will be valuable. Provide the URL to the page you linked from.

6.) Explain why you linked from the page you did and the anchor text you used to explain you understand link strategy.

7.) Request that if they link back they use one of your anchor text suggestions along with the correct URL you want them to link to.

8.) Offer to change the link anchor text of their URL if they wish.

9.) Thank them genuinely for their time and sign with your first name to make it more personal and normal.

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