Well if you are then my reason here then you'll realize that you don't in fact need just a handful of worth links. That's because you (and everyone else outside of Google, Yahoo

Now I'm not saying you should go out and buy some automated program that will submit your link to thousands of blogs or forums. I am saying keep with the tried and true manual link building methods.

I am also saying don't dismiss a site as a prospective link just because it doesn't meet with your own worth standards. After all, who's to say that your quality standards are even remotely close to Google's (or Yahoo's or MSN's)?

Just because a site has a low PageRank (according to Google's Toolbar) or a low link count (according to Yahoo's Site Explorer) doesn't mean it is a low quality site. There a many many more factors aside from PageRank and inbound link count which are used to measure quality.

posted by sarah @ 12:41 PM permanent link   |

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