If you want anyone to find your listing you should acquire good ranking in major search engines. The number of links pointing to your site, from other sites on the web is link popularity. Search Engines will consider your site to be more important and rank it higher if more sites link to your site. The major 'off-page' factors such as link popularity, PageRank and Anchor Text in incoming links play a main role in your site's ranking in search engine results pages.
Building link popularity will improve the PageRank of your web pages. In general, the higher the PageRank of your website, the higher its importance for search engines and higher it will get ranked in the search engines result pages. They also take into account the PageRank of the pages that link to your website and its industry importance to your own industry. Links from higher PageRank pages and also relevant sites give your site a higher value. You can either establish trade links or one way links. Trade links are easy to establish links from other sites to your site.
posted by Skarmund
@ 10:58 AM
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