Keywords are important for two reasons.
Firstly by using the keywords which relate to your reader you get listed by search engines accordingly meaning that people can find you. Notice that I phrased the last sentence carefully. I said keywords which relate to your reader. It's important to understand that what you consider key words might not be the keywords your visitors are using to reach you.
Secondly and from my point of view more importantly keywords help to qualify your audience after they have arrived at your web site. If you click through from a search engine to a web site and the headline or first paragraph don't strike you as relevant to what you're looking for you're likely to bounce. The key words you use help to assure your visitor they are in the right place.
Good use of keywords embedded in your copy and content will firstly help you to attract the right kind of people and secondly help to effectively qualify them as being in the right place. If you manage to attract and qualify them, the reader is then more likely to click through to find out more about what your website is about. If they do that, there is a much higher chance that they will convert to your desired goal.
A good SEO or SEM company in my opinion is one that understands that its about answering the visitors needs, not simply packing the website with related key words and phrases.
posted by Horshan
@ 7:39 PM
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There are various advantages of SEO outsourcing in India. The biggest advantage in India is it has largest number of English speaking experts. Good communication skill is needed with the clients. SEO is nothing but to rank the online site at the top of search engine. One of the major works of an SEO is writing contents and articles so for that proper knowledge of English and at the same time knowledge about the subject is also required. The main cause of SEO outsourcing in India is the language. One more benefit of outsourcing SEO work to India is there are huge numbers of IT professionals who are well qualified in their work. Another advantage is that you end up saving huge amounts of money. That's why more and more companies are outsourcing their SEO work in India. If the SEO work is done in any country it would cost nearly eight dollars, but if the same work is done in India it would cost only three dollars. That is half the amount. Many companies have earned huge profits after shifting their SEO outsourcing in India.
posted by Skarmund
@ 4:00 PM
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Functionality do all links work, and go to the expected page? Can visitors successfully navigate their task from start to finish?
Quality is the page written in plain language? Are there errors in spelling or grammar? Does the page duplicate information found elsewhere on your site, or another government website? Does the page follow your standard website template?
Review top task content more frequently than lower priority content. The content that is most important to your visitors, or that is likely to change often, should receive the most attention.
posted by Alenjoe
@ 2:54 PM
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As you all are aware with the advent of computers, and within a short span of time online business is having a fast and a rapid growth. In this fast growing business scenario it is important that the consumers access your website easily. One way to do this is the link building, which is an excellent tool and good links can have your website at the top of the list in the various search engines.
Some of the tips with which you can make a better use of this process are:
Links directory: A content rich site with a good relevancy can always act in your favor and developing a link directory can ensure the repeated visits of your prospects. You can choose to have reciprocal links with the sites that are linked to your sites. But make sure about the relevancy of the content. If you have the provision of submitting links to your site then ensure that you screen the links well and remove all the dead links.
Article submission: Fresh content is the requirement of the different websites and publishers. It will offer you added advantage if you offer reprint facility for your content or articles with the deal for a link back to your site. Submit your articles to the different article banks.
Frequent updation on your websites is very much required. This will definitely attract more prospects to your website.
If you have some valuable stuff on to your website then you will find many people just linking to your site. Make it a simple process for people to link with you, you can offer a link to us page that could enable all your graphics, images, text to link to them so that they can use it for their own site. It is good that you display the different terms and conditions for linking on your web page incase you have any.
posted by sarah
@ 12:16 PM
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If you're a non-American business with a .com web address, and your regional Yahoo ranking is important to you, then my story might interest you.
Recently my copywriting website dropped out of Yahoos Australian rankings. For quite a while, it had been at number 1 for my primary keywords advertising copywriter, copywriter, and website copywriter. But then it suddenly disappeared. I clicked through about 10 pages of results, and it was nowhere to be seen. I then searched for my domain, and Yahoo couldn't find it.
Something smelt fishy.
I'd done nothing to my site to warrant a ban, and I still had heaps of links to my site (actually, I had more than ever before).
I'm an Australian advertising copywriter. I'm based just north of Sydney and I host my website with a major Australian host. But my web address is a .com, not a .au. I started thinking this might be the problem.
So I emailed Yahoo support, explaining the problem, and sharing my thoughts on the cause.
And all of a sudden, nothing happened.
So I waited. And I waited. And I waited. And finally, after about a couple of weeks, I received an email from a Yahoo support representative informing me incorrectly that my keyword wasn't featured in my page title or description. I should remedy this shortcoming and re-submit my site to Yahoo.
Frustrated, I replied. I repeated the important facts from the first email just to ensure they listened. They hadn't even searched for my domain to confirm that Yahoo no longer recognised it.
When they got back to me this time, they had started paying a bit more attention. The support rep confirmed my suspicion that Yahoo had excluded my site because of its .com URL. Her very helpful solution was that I should change my domain to .au! She included some ridiculously complex instructions for how to do so, and sent me on my merry way.
As you might expect, I wasn't satisfied. Nor was I merry. I explained to her that this was not an acceptable solution because all the links to my site on the internet are pointing to the .com and my email address uses the .com.
She was unmoved. She asserted that this was the best and only way to solve the problem. It might help if I added my primary keyword to my title and description.
My laughter was not good humoured! I wrote back expressing my displeasure at this solution. I painstakingly explained how Yahoo had made a mistake, and that if Google was capable of recognising my Australian business despite its .com addresses, I would think it's technically possible. I also cited several other .coms in the first couple of pages of Australian results.
No response.
The situation didn't look promising
If this sounds like a familiar story to you, don't despair. A week or two later, I searched Yahoo Australia for my primary keyword, and surprise, surprise. My site was ranked number 1 again!
The moral to the story? Don't be intimidated by Yahoo. Trust your instincts and don't give up. If you're an Australian business with a .com, and you're not listed in Australian searches, this might be why. In fact, I would think this story is relevant to all regional Yahoos. (Of course, before making any accusations, it's a good idea to make sure your site is properly optimised and that you have plenty of inbound links.)
Anyway, thats my story. I hope it helps someone.
And they all lived happily ever after. So far at least
posted by Horshan
@ 9:36 AM
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Metadata is important for many reasons
posted by Alenjoe
@ 11:35 AM
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Link popularity is the number of hyperlinks pointed to your website. It's also a lot of times used as term
Here's an example of how I consider link popularity works:
Let's say that Sally Pizza Palace Web site has a link to Michael Clothing store. This almost certainly won't assist Michael link popularity for the keywords "men's clothing." However, if both Sally Pizza Palace and Michael Men's Clothing Store are both situated in the city of Sydney, and people are penetrating for "men's clothing in Sydney," the excellence of that link, may have now gone up a small. There's now a ordinary thread (Sydney) between the sites. It probably won't help for those people simply probing for men's clothing, but may help if they're searching particularly for stores in the City of Sydney. A higher quality link for Michael, though, would be one from "Sam's Clothing Store Directory," which lists a whole group of clothing stores that can be found on the Internet. That is precisely the kind of link that the search engines would credit in the direction of link popularity. The key is in having that ordinary thread between the sites.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 10:32 AM
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When you are engage in building links to enhance your link popularity, who to link to? The query of where to link to enhance ranking can be puzzling. Logical thoughts is needed to attain link popularity in a natural means.
Google Page Rank
First and Primary, Page Rank is part of the algorithm of Google's positioning in the search engine results. New search engines utilize link popularity in their algorithm to assess your website as well. But Page Rank is only one of the 100 plus criterion Google uses to assess your web pages. Use the thought of Page Rank as a "tool" to assist make decisions, there is no need to exist and die by the results. Link popularity itself is simply one way to progress your ranking.
Should You Link To Them?
Think about it. You see an excellence website; you see high-quality content. The website is a "Mom and Pop" site with little ranking. Thus what if the Google Toolbar says Page Rank 2/10? That 2/10 might one day be 8/10. More prominently, you are linking to it since it is good to link to for your guests.
posted by sarah
@ 10:57 AM
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In the age of fair competition you may find it hard to believe that a search engine may hinder the appearance of a new website. This is what is currently believed to be happening on more web servers today. Some programmers have viewed Google as uncomfortable to rank newer websites until they have proven their viability to exist for more than a period of months. Thus the term Sandbox Effect applies to the idea that all new websites have their ratings placed in a holding tank until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence.
However the website is not hindered as much as the links that are reciprocated from other users. Newer links that are created are put on a probationary status until again they pickup in rank from other matured sites or placed directly by an ad campaign. The idea behind the hindrance is to prevent a fast ranking to occur on a new website. The usual holding period seems to be between 90 and 120 days before a site would start obtaining rank from reciprocal or back linking.
Some advice has been given to have companies you are going to reciprocate back add your link first to the website. This may help grandfather your site in, thus reducing the waiting time associated with new websites. People have noticed a 0 page rank when first signing up and receiving a bolstering 7 page ranking after 4 months. Why the delay? The fact is, that if people realized how easy it would be to get a high ranking, would that take away the credibility of the engine. It depends on whom you ask, but it does seem to be happening frequently to newer subscribers. Do not discontinue back linking, your rank will eventually appear.
posted by Horshan
@ 9:34 AM
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Having an effective homepage is one of the best practices for managing your website. A homepage serves as the front door of your website. You should design your homepage to feature the public's most requested information and services and to serve as a top-level directory to access the primary sections of your website.
The homepage is the main tool for sending your visitors in the right direction.
posted by Alenjoe
@ 3:31 PM
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Interestingly sufficient, if your site is well written and provides a group of useful information, you won't have to look for out links at all. Other sites will link to yours of their own wish. We have seen this procedure in action with our Rank Write Roundtable site. Without vigorously requesting any links (other than the major Directories and a few sites that list email newsletters), many extremely relevant sites have added Rank Write to their list of links. Every week, I locate more and more sites that have added our link. This, of course, is the perfect, and isn't going to occur for every site. However, if done properly, still some commercial sites might be able to benefit from this approach. If the commercial site adds a number of content, and if the content is unique and useful, other sites may desire to link to it. You just need to be original. For instance, Michael's Men's Clothing Store could add some pages telling the latest trends in men's fashion. What's hot this season and what's not. If Michael does a good job presenting this in order, and updates it often, other fashion sites might put in a link to Michael's site, because it adds value to their possess site.
These are the types of things you require to think about when it comes to the link popularity of your site. How can you create your site so good that others will be only too eager to link to it, without you even having to inquire for it? If you can figure that out, you won't have to worry about link popularity still again!
posted by steve Sahale
@ 11:48 AM
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Google is stepping into personalized search results. The growth of personalized search should have an impact on search marketers.
According to Danny Sullivan, anyone who signs-up for any Google service using a Google Account (such as Gmail, AdSense, Google Analytics among others) will automatically be enrolled into three additional Google products:
Search History
Personalized Search
Personalized Homepage
Personalized search has been enabled for all accounts, new and old alike. All accounts also automatically get home pages generated based on account information.
Personalization benefits users as their searches can be relevant. This can benefit site owners also because they have excellent content which will be weighted more favorably. Apart form good content, web pages need good title and meta tags play an important role, because these are displayed on the search results page, through which human users will judge whether to visit that particular site or not.
You can also gain by getting yourself on the Google personalized homepage of many search users. One way to make users visit your site is to have a Google gadget, add to Google button, Google bookmark button so that more users can visit your site. The more a user relies on your site, the better ranking your site will receive.
In-depth competitor intelligence can reveal which sites ae competitive strong or weak compared to the client's site, regardless of that the respective ranking numbers would show with rank checking. In- depth competitor intelligence will tell SEO practitioners how to prioritize the SEO factors revealing semantic relationships between client's content, the competitor's content, and he semantic nuances of a keyword phrase related to search personalization of user results. Search will change dramatically once personalization is widely adopted.
posted by Skarmund
@ 7:27 PM
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Organizing and categorizing content is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your users can easily navigate and search your site. Here are steps to help you do that:
Organize content based on audience needs
posted by Alenjoe
@ 3:24 PM
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The majority of all traffic to a website comes from a search engine; the only way you'll get that traffic is to optimize your site for those search engines. There are many ways to optimize your site, and fortunately, it isn't hard to do just that. If you're looking to start a site, the first thing you should do is build your site around search engines.
You already know the reason for your site; the only thing left to do is figure out what keywords you'll need to get the traffic you desire. The use of "SEO Tools" such as keyword analyzers and rank analyzers, which can be found online, will be of great use to you in building your site. These tools will ensure a correctly optimized website for all search engines.
Each search engine is different; some require a certain amount of "link backs" or clicks to your website from other sites to rank high, while others need targeted keywords. The most used search engine by far is Google, and if you want to rank high in Google, you'll need "link backs" from known sites.
Unfortunately, it can be hard to obtain the "link backs" you need, though the cheapest and easiest method is to create targeted content unique to your website. Larger websites will have a reason to link to your website if you give them one; creating content relevant to your site is the best way. After you finish creating the site of your dreams and have packed it full of the content and keywords you want the next step is to submit your site to search engines.
Before you submit your website directory to a search engine, you'll want to make sure you have quality material focused on the keywords you're targeting. You'll want to create "Metatag data/descriptions" for each of your web pages, giving the search engines into what your site is about. There are tools you can use to accomplish this and make things much easier for yourself.
So you've created the site, built the content and submitted it; so now what? Well, let's make sure you've done the job correctly before quitting. You looked over the available SEO Tools to maximize keyword usage correctly. You've built the right content to increase "link backs" from well-known websites. Relevant Meta Tag Descriptions are in place on all web pages you wish to index, and you've submitted your site to be crawled by the biggest search engines.
posted by Horshan
@ 2:58 PM
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Now these days, inbounds links are the one of most significant factor for getting a high keyword ranking, the majority search engines are ranking their look for result on the link popularity from your site. Not the quantity from the links, but the excellence of those links is significant. It's also important that the inbound links are in the similar topic. Remember one good link can be more important than hundred terrible links. Not only has the search engines page ranking is significant, good links created also extra traffic to your website.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 10:42 AM
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So, you have a website filled of large content, optimized for the search engines, but yet not ranking well? Perhaps it is time to build your link popularity.
Link popularity is a gauge of the quality as well as quantity of web sites which link to your site. The hypothesis is that great sites will attract lots of links whereas poor sites won't. But, you notice that word "quality", true? Yep, the search engines would think the quality of your links, not just how several you have. So, just as you have tweaked your keyword density and Meta tags, you need to be certain your links also exemplify the relevancy of your site.
So what are those darned search engine spider looks for?
The GOOD (Improve link popularity):
1. In coming links from quality web sites associated to the topic of your site
2. Links from main directories
The BAD (most likely unnoticed by search engines):
1. In coming links from zilch pages, or other less quality sites
2. In coming links from web sites with topic not related to your site's topic
The UGLY (most likely to damage your link popularity):
1. Links from web sites that are nothing but a link or banner "farm"
2. Links to your web site that are buried in a long list of links on unrelated sites
By the method, the search engines look at the links OUT of your web site, too. As much as probable, out-going links must provide your visitor by an additional valuable basis of information linked to your website's topic.
Do your greatest to avoid the enticement to put in your website URL to any site that would have you, or to swap a link with anyone who asks. And, be very cautious on using software to build a "links page". If these sites have low quality and/or immaterial to the topic of your website, exchange of links with them can actually injure your link popularity.
So, what's the best method to get good quality links?
Your first strategy is to fill your site with high quality content. No one needs to link to a site with deprived content. And you are more likely to obtain links with no even having to ask! Second, get scheduled in the main directories. Third, look for out quality sites with topics associated to yours and demand that they link to you site, or if they will swap a link with you.
The search for links can be dreary, but it is definitely value the time as well as effort. Luckily for all of us, there is a fresh free service that will radically cut that effort and time.
Even if you are not involved in increase of your search engine ranking, being listed on other pertinent sites is still a fine idea. These kinds of links will sometimes carry you a lot of traffic all on their own!
posted by sarah
@ 10:35 AM
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This works much the same as the contrary hook, you just get to be much, much ruder. It's a tough one, because just posting about such a thing could land me in hot water. But then im not here to play nice, i'm here to talk about gaining traffic, and whilst an attack hook is 99/100 NOT the way to go, sometimes it's absolutely killer, and can gain you credibility and reputation overnight.
Really though, careful with that one. It can just as easily go the wrong way.
These kinds of hooks are just too easy.
Funny thing is, those things always get links, it's like people never seem to tire of them.
posted by Horshan
@ 2:55 PM
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Link Popularity is the number of hyperlinks pointed to your website. It's also a lot of times used as word for Google's Page Rank, Google's own method of search. But we present quality links to our customers which means links from connected pages and with high rankings in search engines since the search engines don't want "artificially created" (or useless) links
posted by steve Sahale
@ 10:03 AM
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Ever found it hard to get other bloggers to link to a new blog? Sure you have, it's not easy sometimes. Even established blogs need to expand their traffic and influence on a regular basis, and linkbaiting is one way to do it. It's not without potential perils, but the time honored tradition of being contrary, in order to get attention is well proved, and done right, it's a killer way to break into a new area. There are also safer ways of linkbaitng.
In order to bait a link, you need a hook. Hooks come in variety of flavors, some of the more popular would include:
There are others, but you see the point. There are two main types of hook in there, the nice hook, and the nasty hook. I'd say in most cases you can get away with a contrarian viewpoint, but not an attack. No one likes an arsehole, so there's no real benefit, as sure you may get a ton of links from outraged blog peers, but they'll likely ignore anything else you write.
Saying that though, it's a judgement call. I've often slammed someone on a blog, but you need to be able to judge it very well. Go just a little too far, and you'll do more harm than good.
posted by Horshan
@ 2:52 PM
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Link Bait is a technique used to create links by creating content that appeals to social networks and blogger's.
The purpose of building link bait is to develop incoming links to your website. Certain thing that may confuse you is how links to internal pages on your site helps you rank highly.
Here are the steps for building link bait:
1. Just find out what appeals to others so that they can link to you.
2. Write a great article on a subject which people are interested in reading.
3. If you are not sure as to how your new link bait will be received, test it. When you want to test your article as to whether people are interested in reading your article, try to visit a few forms and post the link to it and see what the reaction is. Just see as to how they're going to be received by your site visitors and site owners you are hoping will link to it.
4. It is time to link the content inside your site. If you feel your clients will enjoy it, add it to the navigation.
5. There are various ways through which you can promote your link. Promotion can be done through your site like building large buttons on the homepage, navigation or other prominent spots. Try to add in any industry newsletter.
6. Now the time is to watch your stats and back link counts to monitor the success. If there is heavy traffic or backlinks you may just want to do the same thing again. But if the results are not satisfactory then just consider how well you have performed the five steps above, how they might be adjusted, and what else you can do.
A successful site will continue to develop greater and greater numbers of incoming links through a variety of methods.
posted by Skarmund
@ 2:36 PM
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Search Engine is getting smart by the day. Over a period of instant Search Engines evolve from "Ignoring" spamming to a point where they currently 'penalize' websites for using spam methods. Following are the famous Search engine spam techniques you should shun.
1. Hidden text:
Hidden text is using identical color text on pages as the background color. In order to acquire a superior keyword density, webmasters occasionally add a set of keywords as hidden text since they are not visible to the human onlooker but can be examine by the search engine web crawlers in the source code of the particular page. Most search engines can now notice which pages use such technique and disregard or forbid such sites.
2. Doorway pages:
A doorway page is a web page intended for search engines so as to rank fine for precise keyword phrases as well as redirect a user to a dissimilar page on visit. This is known as "switch & bait" method. These pages frequently rely on recurrence of the keyword phrase, and attempt to "trick" search engines into ranking them fine. Most search engines can now notice techniques such as "Meta Refresh" and punish such sites. If you have used doorway pages on your running website and it is not penalized, you stand a good possibility to come out clean by removing these pages instantly.
3. Doorway domains / multiple domains with similar content:
This method uses URL redirection meant to show another web address for the similar web page or several domains shows same content. In a typical case, the user type in a web address as but the URL is redirect to Alternately, these two websites show the same content that one or other may rank very high in search engine result pages (SERP). Most of the occasions these domains are register by the similar party. A lot of people also use 'disposable' domain name in transfer out email spam so as to defend their main domains. Search engines can simply spot these techniques.
4. Duplicate content:
Many site owners attempt to enhance their content base by making multiple pages of the similar content either on the identical site or doubling the same site over numerous domains they may own. Search engines shun cluttering their index with replica content and penalize sites which do extreme content reproduction in order to 'trick' their algorithms.
5. Cloaking:
Cloaking is a method of serving keyword stuffed spam page to search engine spiders by noticing their IP address, while serving totally dissimilar pages to human guests. This is diverse than geo targeting wherever you may show unlike content to different guests based on their county or language. The search engines can distinguish between the two and may penalize your site if you attempt to 'trick' them. If you want to shun any penalties, the thumb law is to show the similar content to search engines that you illustrate to the visitors.
6. Keyword spam:
Keyword spam is a method to stuff a lot of keywords all above the page - in the Meta tags, Anchor texts, Title tag, Alt Attributes etc., in an effort to increase keyword density or accommodate great number of keywords on the same page. This not merely results in the page text to sound stupid to your reader, but you also mislay the 'theme' of the page.
7. Excessive HTML markup:
It is general information that search engines give extra credit to text marked as Headline else other attributes like making the text colored, italicized, bold, underlined, etc. In an attempt to improve significance of the text, a lot of webmasters do an extreme HTML markup of their page content and conceal the ugly display behind a shrewdly made CSS.
posted by sarah
@ 11:37 AM
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Index content frequently
Index the content of your website at least once a month. Content that is added and updated frequently, such as press releases, should be indexed more frequently; however, content that changes infrequently, such as archived or historical documents, may be indexed less often.
Have a quick response time
Your search engine should produce results in less than three seconds (on average). Monitor and log search response times to ensure that adequate hardware and software capacity is available to achieve this response time standard.
Ensure relevant results
Routinely identify the common search terms used on your website, evaluate the relevancy of your search results for those terms, and configure your search services to provide the best ranking possible. You should conduct this review at least quarterly.
Provide an advanced search function
Although usability research indicates that very few people use "advanced" search features, you should allow visitors to conduct more refined, focused searches to achieve more relevant results. For example, you may want to provide options for searching within certain sets of information, databases, or applications.
posted by Alenjoe
@ 11:08 AM
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Link Exchanging is the idea of 2 webmasters approving to post each others links on each others websites to add to Link Popularity.
It increases its quality, not quantity. Search engines may penalize your site for counting unconnected links. Its best to link to websites in your type. If you own a casino site, do not link to a farming site.
The procedure of link exchanging takes time. Once you've exchanged links, its up to the search engines to revive their databases with new information. Once this is complete, watch your search engine listings move stealthily up.
There are a few benefits concerned with link exchanging technique of Link Building process:
I. Increased search engine rankings - With manifold links linked back to your site, search engines see this as a significant website, which this in revolve increases your search engine rankings.
II. An increased quantity of sites link to you - If you sell a product on a website, you want it on as a lot of websites as possible. You will be astonished at the amount of hits your may receive from links pages.
III. Think concerning it this way - If there are 5000 websites out there in your type, whats leaving to put you close to the top? The three most significant things are: Link exchanging, keyword content, and page density. What if you have the same satisfied and same keywords? Link exchanging is the answer!
posted by steve Sahale
@ 10:23 AM
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Link building is the procedure of forming a network of websites that link to your website and you connection to them. In a link building campaign your sole object should be to obtain as a lot of inbound links pointing to your websites from supplementary websites as probable. When you have unique rear links pointing to your website, your website gets additional importance from search engines as they will think your website as a valuable source of in sequence. When a website carries a link pointing to your website, it efficiently serves as a recommendation for your website from the other website. So a link building campaign helps your website not only get better its search engine ranking but also help enhances the reliability of your website.
Although in a link building campaign more stress should be placed on procuring exclusive back links for your website, you should look at additional ways of building links as well like reciprocal linking and article submission. A lot of time in many link building campaigns, the webmasters blindly follow quantity of links quite looking for quality links. It is significant to understand that large number of links will not get better your rankings if they are not coming from excellence and credible websites. In your link building campaign you also require to concentrate on quality of links for a small number of good quality links from senior ranked websites will provide you more traffic than links from inferior ranked websites.
Moreover a link from websites that are not supposed can do more injure to your rankings than good. It is also significant to link with websites that are in your area of business because this will give you a more under attack traffic to your website. So when working on your link building movement make sure you make a catalog of all the websites in your field and link only with them because linking to websites that are not in your niche can get you traffic but will not be able to improve your sales. The process of link building can be time overwhelming and tedious but since it forms a big part of your internet advertising campaign it cannot be unnoticed as well.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 6:01 PM
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Providing a search function is one of the requirements for managing your agency's website, as outlined in OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites. A search engine will help the public find the government information and services available on your website.
OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites require agencies to include a search function on their "principle agency website and any major point of entry.
In limited cases, such as small websites, a site map or subject index may be used instead of a search function. The search function should allow visitors to:
posted by Alenjoe
@ 4:52 PM
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The search engines will not be beaten for lengthy. Those who suppose they can get away with something else in the short term will usually come unstuck in the lengthy term. Google recently altered their algorithm which has upset a lot of website owners who relied on Google results to supply them business.
Websites who conquered the rankings since of link popularity abruptly became unstuck and are at the present, nowhere to be seen. Websites with minimum popularity but great content as well as even those with little content and average popularity have begun to take over the rankings for their given terms. Many people guilt Google, blame SEO's and anyone else they can guilt. These are gratis rankings that you're contending within, which are incessantly being manipulated to use each inch from the system structure.
Users are not going to bear this for long period if they cannot find excellence content and products when they look for. With this abrupt upset and some minor change by Google, the results will ultimately steady and those who once subjugated will still not be seen.
posted by sarah
@ 3:55 PM
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Some of the most important task for a webmaster:
1.Website statistics:
The webmaster has to check the web statistics very often and take necessary action if the site is going down. If the number of visitors have come down last month then the webmaster have to do something abut it. The webmaster has to know what went wrong.
2.Login Details Maintenance:
Webmaster has to look after a lot of websites so it may be difficult for him to remember all the usernames and passwords. Avoid using the same password for all the websites. Do track all the website's login details, when you want to access those websites via FTP.
3.Taking Backups:
If the web server does carry automatic back ups then it is the duty of the webmaster to take copies of the website's data. Regular use of back ups can help the webmaster when he wants to change servers.
4.Email Management:
Looking after a lot of websites means a lot of email addresses. The best way to go through it is by using email forwarding. This will redirect all e-mail messages from one e-mail address to another. All messages will be redirected to your main email address.
5.Client Management:
Webmasters also offer web hosting services, through which they can earn some extra money. If the webmaster has certain clients then he has to keep track of their web hosting accounts.
6.Website/Domain Management Software:
Now WHM/C control panels can control all the accounts. New software has been created based on these control panels that helps to manage multiple websites and accounts even if they reside in different servers.
There are a lot more issues to talk about relating to webmaster's tasks. Some of the important tasks have been discussed above.
posted by Skarmund
@ 2:38 PM
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1) Find the right site to do a reciprocal link exchange with. Define the kinds of sites with which you want to trade links. These sites are normally in your website's category of interest, or sites that you feel your visitors might find interesting.
2) If you are at the beginning of promoting your site and want to see results soon, exchange links with popular and quality web sites. This doesn't mean that popular web sites will accept that, but you have to try. Don't hesitate. Lots of popular web sites that are in another category of interest, maybe accept exchange link with you. It's your decision..
3) When you contact the webmaster of the other site, you should be kind. Tell him that you run a site that has a similar topic and describe your site a bit. Say that you like his site and have included a link to it in your site (give him the address of the page where the link is), then ask him to return the favour by linking to your site. If you never get a reply or your proposal gets rejected, just forget it and find another site.
4) Never be disappointed! There are a lot of webmasters who will exchange links with you.
5) Be patient! With hundreds of thousands of sites out there, it takes time and efforts to find and choose web sites for reciprocal links. Keep working.
6) If another webmaster asks you to exchange link, give him an answer. If you deny, explain why. If you like the content of that web site then add the link. Every link is useful.
7) Exchange as many links as you can. Don't be afraid to swap links with competitor websites. This is not going to hurt your business. World wide web is a huge area. Internet has space for everyone.
8) Don't remove your link without contacting the webmaster of the other site first. Some webmasters agree to exchange reciprocal links, add your link on their site and after a few days/weeks they remove it without noticing you. You should check the site of your partner every now to see if he's keeping his part of the deal. If he is not, contact the guy and kindly ask him to explain why your link has disappeared. If you don't get a satisfactory explanation, remove the link to his site from your site and find another partner.
9) Prefer text links rather than graphics as this would be more search engine friendly. If you want to make your site more impressive and satisfy your partner, add a graphic link too, but don't overdo it.
10) Your reciprocal link request is more likely to be taken seriously if you have your own domain! Some webmasters may not even wish to trade reciprocal links with websites with URLs based on other providers' domains, fearing the sites are not high quality. If you are serious about your website, consider getting your own domain. It costs some money, but the cash spent is well worth it when you realize how much better your website will be perceived in the eyes of your visitors.
posted by Horshan
@ 11:13 AM
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Link Building looks to be a simple part but it is not. It requires group of research and analysis proceeding to you go for any link building campaign. Research involves analysis of the link partners website and search engine penalties if any by any main search engine such as Google. If any website is link back to your website and which is fall by the search engines then it will power our websites as well.
A high-quality link Building strategy is must and sure before we start on link building campaign. Few Good Links be able to do much better search Engine positioning when evaluate to vast links which are not value.
Link Building Services: our Link building Services is devoted to help you get better your website's search engine ranking visibility, under attack traffic, and link popularity that is very much cost efficient. We have come onward to give you the best Link Exchange Services plus our own unique methods to get you best possible service besides improving your link popularity.
We provide all types of link building services One way Link Building, Reciprocal Link Building, and Three Way Link Building.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 11:41 AM
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There are many different commercial web analytics products and tools used by government agencies. Key criteria for selecting products are:
Because most leading metrics tools have similar features and functionality, you may find that other criteria such as vendor support and cost are more important.
posted by Alenjoe
@ 5:59 PM
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Promotional Articles & Repetition
If possible, you want to release a few promotional articles, at the very least. Timing is important. For example, if all you have is three articles currently, space their release. Don't release them all at once. Promotional Articles can be fast acting. Yet, it really depends on the market the article is geared toward and how well it is written. I have seen my articles end up on other websites within hours of release.
Once released, the search engines will begin to pick up the fact your article is on other indexed websites. When this happens, your back links go up, which can continue for quite some time. Without a doubt, you'll discover the process for releasing promotional article to the world quite simple. At my website,, there is an article all about how to do this.
Further Linking
Once you have allowed a little time to pass after step three, your website will begin to take hold. When it does, it's time to seek solid links on other websites. Stick to websites that are either on the same topic or related. For example, if you owned a website that sold cheese, receiving a link from a website that sold motor oil wouldn't be beneficial. However, receiving a link from a website about cheese or wine would.
As time permits, search for smaller websites in your field, then see if they sell advertising on their front page for a small fee. For example, one night I found a website, which was set up decently in the search engines and was on the same topic as one of my websites. The site offered a homepage text link for $2 per week. I not only received a nice link to help my search engine status, but a possibility for highly targeted traffic as well. The Internet is full of on-topic websites for you to locate for potential profitability.
posted by Horshan
@ 10:30 AM
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Web servers house your agency's web pages and "log" all the activities that occur on your website. By analyzing those logs, you can learn more about your website visitors and "measure visitor traffic." Agencies often use commercial products to compile and analyze this data.
Log analysis can help you determine:
posted by Alenjoe
@ 4:29 PM
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Sitemaps is a simple way for webmasters to tell search engines about various pages on their sites that are accessible for crawling. In its simplest term, a Sitemap is an XML file which lists URLs for a site all along with additional metadata about all URL (when it was finally updated, how often it typically changes, and how significant it is, relation to other URLs in the site) so that search engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn etc can more astutely crawl the site.
Web crawlers generally discover pages from links inside the site and from new sites. Sitemaps supplement this information to permit crawlers that support Sitemaps to pick up every URLs in the Sitemap and study about those URLs using the related metadata. Using the Sitemap protocol does not assurance that web pages are incorporated in search engines, but provide hints for web crawlers to do a superior job of crawling your site.
posted by sarah
@ 10:44 AM
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Often new website owners ask me how to get traffic to their new creation. Some have been known to stare at their computer in an attempt to will visitors to the site. The truth is, the Internet is evolving every second of every day. And with that, it becomes more difficult to establish a viable presence--or does it? Follow these easy steps and carve your slice of the cyber pie.
Before going out to proclaim the glory that is your website, first make sure it's in tiptop shape. Was your website carefully and professionally constructed? That includes content copy. It's vital that your copy (the text on your website) be written well, including a logical flow, clarity, good sentence structure, wise word choices and proper grammar/punctuation. Studies reveal the average Internet visitor is getting more sophisticated and expects features, such as proper language use (whether English or another language). Fail in this area and you'll lose business. It's that plain and simple.
Now that your copy is humming, how is your search engine optimization? Did you at least look into some basics? Search Engine Optimization is the act of making your website search engine friendly and more likely to appear under the keyword phrases appealing to your targeted audience. While it can be a complex process, the basics should include having your pages search engine friendly, containing some keywords to attract your target audience. Once these two components are satisfactory, you're ready for the next step.
Your website needs links. Today, even a simple link exchange can be complicated. Many website owners don't want to reciprocate links with a new website. So how can you advance if you can't get links? Thankfully, there are alternative solutions. When you're first starting out, don't spend too much time trying to find websites willing to link with you. Instead, work on establishing yourself first.
Today's Internet world revolves around content. Website owners across the globe are just waiting for free content from people like you. So the best way to gain links to your website in bunches is by providing content to other websites--also known as "promotional articles." These articles offer other website owners something of value. The result? Your new website receives many one-way links from other websites easily.
Naturally, your article needs to be written well to succeed. Simply throwing words down on paper doesn't cut it. The better your article is written, the more it will appeal to website owners. In the end, you'll glean more worldwide coverage, which is what you want. Not a writer? No problem. You can visit and have promotional articles professionally crafted for you. Simply slap your name on them and away you go. And even if you've written your own article, I strongly suggest using their editorial service. As every good writer knows, all writing should be professionally reviewed and polished by a savvy editor before publication.
posted by Horshan
@ 10:28 AM
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Regularly reviewing your internal and external links is one of the requirements for managing your agency's website, as outlined in OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites. According to OMB, you must have "reasonable management controls" to ensure external links remain active and appropriate. Establishing a regular review process is an important part of your linking policy.
Importance of review link
Here is additional guidance from the Federal Web Managers Council to help you implement this requirement.
Without doubt, it is hard to reach top positions in search engines especially If you are not an expert and intend to reach this high rankings with the most frequently used keywords and key phrases like, Internet marketing, home business, Money, money making. In a word, the most relevant keywords and phrases to sites which contain information about the art of making money on the Internet.
Despite of this fact we all, who are involved in Internet Marketing, do our best to reach top positions in search engines, knowing that this is almost a guarantee for getting visitors - for making sales. But to believe that just a top ranking will stay as guaranteed asset for ever, is too optimistic. Top rankings are a very good thing but, you can never have 100% control over your position. Therefore, if one day you reach a top position and visitors begin to flood your site, - keep in mind - your position lays in the hands of the search engines leading personnel.
When I say search engines, I am talking the major search engines. Google, Yahoo, MSN.
More than 80% of all searches worldwide occurs through them, which means, your site will get more traffic from Google, Yahoo or MSN as from all the other search engines together. This major search engines, Using their leading position, are creating the "Internet laws", making you a hard time in optimising your pages for high ranking. The page rank, how you know, is calculated through periodically changing algorithms. remember Googles "Florida Update" from October 2003 , when many sites lost their top position and hundreds of thousands of dollars with it, because of a totally new algorithm.
posted by Horshan
@ 10:26 AM
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Web servers house your agency's web pages and "log" all the activities that occur on your website. By analyzing those logs, you can learn more about your website visitors and "measure visitor traffic." Agencies often use commercial products to compile and analyze this data.
Log analysis can help you determine:
posted by Alenjoe
@ 2:29 PM
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Link popularity and link quality are very important because every major search engine now considers them as a part of their ranking algorithms. If you don't have links, you won't rank well for competitive keywords.
Link popularity consists of:
In other words, do your site visitors:
Factors That Affect Popularity
posted by Alenjoe
@ 4:02 PM
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Link Exchange for High Page Rankings
To master the art of text link exchange, initially we must understand exactly what is a the meaning of back link? A back link is a hyperlink on a website that point to the other. The total number of websites hyperlinking to a particular website is called back links. Link Exchange as the name implies is the method of exchanging text back links in two or more websites to enhance the link popularity of the websites that is involved. The techniques of Link Exchange if done correctly, further boost the Page Rank as well as search engine ranking of a website.
How to locate a Website for Link Exchange
Finding a pertinent web site for exchanging link is not such a tough thing to do. You can merely Google 'submit URL link exchange' and you will find a list of websites that ease quick link request submission. 'Submit URL' is in fact a faster means of performing web site link exchange but the catch here is to idiom a personalized link exchange request in such a way that it yield you higher conversion. If you have finished all things right and manage to get pertinent one way text link exchange, you can anticipate your website rankings to fire up.
Things to kept in Mind while Exchanging Links
There are few things that you should be kept in mind if you get optimum advantage from the link exchange. Firstly you must only exchange links from industry pertinent websites. If you are a traveling website, only travel link exchange will enhance your rankings for travel linked keywords. In addition, keep a check on the number of reciprocal links on your website. Needless to utter, also make certain the text links comprise the target keywords in anchor text.
posted by sarah
@ 2:54 PM
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There are ways to develop online visitors. You need to stay in touch with people and make multiple touches. People usually need 5 to 7 touches before they will buy.
The Internet offers many means of affordable marketing, often with full-color imagery to go along with text. And multimedia components add some spice to the mix and increase online visitors and purchases. Here are some top Internet marketing techniques to help increase your sales and income.
1. DIRECTORY - Create your own directory on a specific industry topic, placing your own ad or banner along the top. Then invite others to add their website links via a link exchange program, listing themselves in your directory. This will result in lots of free advertising for you as your directory expands with links across the World Wide Web. Enter "link exchange software" into your favorite search engine for help with setup.
2. TEACH A COURSE - Write out a simple step-by-step instructional class in your area of expertise. Then break it up into smaller segments and set them up in an auto responder as email messages with your ads included at the top and / or bottom of each message. Invite website visitors to sign up through on online form or email subscription address offered through the auto responder service. Then as people sign up, they will learn more about you and your products and services.
3. EZINE EBOOK - Forget about small daily or weekly e zines. Try publishing one large monthly e-zine as an e-book format, preferably an Adobe .pdf file. Include a large number of articles with each issue and regularly featured areas like inspirational quotes, industry tips, favorite sites and advice from the pros. Also insert full-color graphics, multimedia components like audio file links, if you like, and ads. Then you can charge a monthly rate, with an annual discounted package purchase, and sell advertising spots.
4. TIP OF THE DAY - Set up your own Tip of the Day targeting your own area of expertise, relating to your own products and services. You can set it up on your website in a targeted box, via auto responder, a blog, an RSS feed, an audio file or others means of communication. Add your own ad along with your tip for whichever product or service you want to target or maybe even your own online store for all. This will gently remind your target audience where to go to learn more.
In summary, by using Internet Marketing techniques customized to fit your own products and services, you can reach out and increase your website traffic and purchase opportunities. Internet marketing can mean a more affordable way to grow your business.
posted by Horshan
@ 10:22 AM
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Directory structure
Most search engines don't recognize anything beyond two directory levels. They will index 40 to 50 files in those directories and do it alphabetically. It is crucial for you to place your most important pages at the first or second directory level, breaking it up into 50 files per directory. Be sure to name your files and directories with your keywords. Don't underscore to separate keywords. Instead, use hyphens. Don't stuff too many keywords in your file or directory names. Make them keyword rich but not too long. Name image files after keywords, which is particularly important now that many search engines have image searches. Name your PDF files after your keywords as well.
Entry pages
Pages that bring you traffic are entry pages, and each should be optimized and submitted to directories and search engines. Make the pages stand-alone, like your home page. When a visitor lands on one of your entry pages, the visitor needs to know where they are, who your organization is, and what the page is about. Include full navigation on all entry pages and make it obvious what the page and site is about. Don't assume visitors will find the index page first.
Robots.txt file
Search engine robots will check a special plain text file in the root of each server called robots.txt before indexing a site. Robots.txt implements the Robots Exclusion Protocol, which allows the website administrator to define what parts of the site are off-limits to specific robot user agent names. Web administrators can disallow access to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), private and temporary directories, for example, because they do not want pages in those areas indexed . Learn more about search engine indexing and robots.txt files.
posted by Alenjoe
@ 2:36 PM
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Google refers to the technology as a way of evaluating the usefulness, importance, and quality of a website. The PR of a webpage can mean different things for different people.
For a webmaster, a high PR is a sign of accomplishment. It shows that your website is moving in the right direction and has the potential to become successful. PageRank also directly effects your Google search engine listings. Acquiring a higher PR than your competition could mean more traffic for you, and less traffic for your competitors.
Visitors to your website probably won't care about the page's rank. However, visitors who understand PageRank may use your PR as a sign of how credible your content is. Would you rather use the information from a website with 0 PR or a website with 5 PR and hundreds of other websites linking to it?
How is Page Rank determined?
Page Rank is basically determined by backlinks. A back link is when another page links to your page. For every page that links to you, that page is "voting" for you. The more votes you get, the better your Page Rank will be.
However, it gets more complicated than that because some votes weigh more heavily than others. The weight of the vote is determined by the PageRank of the page linking to you. This means that a couple links from pages with high PR could be more beneficial than hundreds of links from pages with low PR. But it gets even more complicated - each page can only transfer so much PageRank. The set amount of PR that the page can transfer must be split up between each "vote" that the page gives out. This means that a PR 7 page could actually give out as much weight per vote as a PR 3 page if it had too many outgoing links.
posted by Horshan
@ 2:30 PM
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Here are some tips to help you create a good site structural design and navigation scheme. These tips, when used with keyword and link best practices, will help search engines find the content on your web pages.
posted by Alenjoe
@ 11:00 AM
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Providing a search function is one of the most valuable tools you can provide for visitors to your website and many good options are available to you.
Search engine solution prices have dropped dramatically, making it affordable for even the smallest organization to add a search function to their website. Below are several easy-to-implement and inexpensive search engine solutions. This list is by no means comprehensive and does not imply an endorsement of these products or services.
Inexpensive solutions include:
Hosted search services live on a server located and are managed by a search hosting company. The host's crawler indexes the pages on your website and stores the index in a database on the remote server. When a user searches your website, the request is directed to the remote server, returning the results to the user.
posted by sarah
@ 10:58 AM
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