Most often what we do for a link building letter is either we write a formal letter of our own style or we copy someone's letter. But still that sounds to be a formal letter referring a formal letter mainly when you send the same letter to several sites handled by the same webmaster. Let your letter be unique from others. The very first thing to be concerned of when writing a link building letter is the subject of the letter.
Unfortunately, not all the mails sent by you are read. As the personal filtering systems get better, the chances of your message getting received declines. Hence it is necessary to pay attention to your subject, as you REALLY want to get your mail read by someone you have never contacted before and you also need them to at least give your message body a couple second glance.
Give the actual purpose of the letter in the subject line for that don't use subjects like Trading links or trade links? Free links etc. Just mention regarding what and which site you are contacting a person in brief. Make an analysis on how to increase the open rates of your email.
Not only the subject line but also other potential elements that appear in the headers of an email and get displayed in a reader's inbox requires an attention.
Then comes the actual body of the letter, if you own a website, surely you would have seen some annoying requests for links that usually go something like this:
Dear Webmaster,
I need link in pr3+ of any yyy site.
If you have my requirements, kindly add my link info given below :
Url :
I can put your link details on my sites :
(Url) pr2
(Url) pr2
Please add my sites information on your site and mail me, your link will add within 12 hours.
We will be glad to see our link at your site and have you as our links partner. It will be appreciated if you can send us the exact location of our link.
Waiting for your positive reply
This was a link requisition letter that I received recently for my site. Such letters whether for link building or link exchange, with no doubt goes to trash. So have your body neatly presented unlike this one.
Write such letters from a company e-mail address as it will help the webmasters to know you better. Don't mass-mail. Find out the name of the person you're writing to, and use it. Finally sign your own name and title. And that's all is to be done for a good link building letter.
posted by Jessy
@ 1:13 PM
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All our packages approach with deep link building. This means we do not now build links to your homepage; we construct links to internal pages as glowing. This is effectual because it ensures you emerge to have a natural link profile to search engines and it also income you can aim more keywords through having higher rankings for all pages on your website.
We will present your website to 12 deep link directories, which are elevated quality and well-indexed (in search engines) directories.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 1:13 PM
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A powerful technique to increase link popularity is called Contextual Link Building. It involves having your keyword topics written regarding by blogs and websites. In addition to the advantage of having your topics discussed by these authors, they will link back to your website inside a pertinent post, on topic, and with anchor text. We contact bloggers asking them to write about huge content on your site. If necessary, we will even make original articles for them. According to Google and the other main search engines, contextual links are some of the best inbound links you can obtain for your site. These make permanent text links to your website at a very cost effectual rate.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 1:13 PM
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One small step in any link building process is to make sure that you have links from all appropriate businesses that they actually have a real relationship with. In the SEO world, it'd be unthinkable to enter into a partnership without a few links between your sites, but in many industries, this happens. Beyond partnership, what about all your suppliers and customers? This has been written about a lot of times before - along with techniques for getting links from those suppliers.
When you actually start writing a process to do this though, you realize that it's no good having a line in your process that says: "get links from suppliers" or even "get client to get links from suppliers". We know from much experience that "actions" like this tend to sit on to do lists for ever before being silently forgotten about. What you require is something much more actionable. Like this:
Step 1: "get client to tell us who their IT support company is". Easier to action.
Obviously this wants to be followed with something like:
Step 2: "research suppliers website to observe if they use testimonials or link to clients".
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Vertical Measures uses advanced tools, industry contacts, and years of experience to follow an advanced link building movement for your website. We begin with the information developed in the Competitive Link Analysis, contacting these sites pursuing links rear to your website. In addition, we work hard to get links from power sites such as About, wiki’s, media sites, universities, paid directories and others. These are lasting, one-way links from elevated pagerank sites. With the Competitive Link Analysis, we learn the sites of all your competitors who rank high for your significant keyword phrases. We locate out which sites link to three or more of your competitors sites. If they helped those sites get a top 10 ranking, they are sure to help you get there as well. One way link building, from quality sites, is one of the most significant link building strategies you should assume.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 1:13 PM
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Mention without a Link - This one is amazingly effective. Your goal is to identify sites/pages that already mention your brand/product/service/website but have failed to offer the direct HTML link. Just shoot them a pleasant, personal email and request the link - success rates can be very high. To find these willing linkers, you can use Yahoo's advanced search parameters. Profile Sites - All those "Web 2.0" sites that permit for the creation of profiles with links, from Frappr and Newsvine to MySpace and Yahoo! 360 to Digg, and StumbleUpon are goldmines for links. Even those that don't have direct links enabled often allow you to submit sites or explain what you've "tagged" or visited. If there's a mainly strong site in your sector that you desperately want a link from, this tactic can be of occassional use. The idea is to write a news article with some authority and request a quote from the company/individual you want a link from. Sites from City search & Yellow Pages to Google provide global, local links if you sign up with them, but in nearly every mid-large metropolitan area, there are literally hundreds of directories and lists of local companies in every possible category. Oftentimes they're free and even when they arent; the prices to be listed are fairly inexpensive.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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The history of linking might seem a tad tedious at first, but it is actually critical to understanding how to get top rankings for your site on the major search engines.
In the early days of the internet, the idea of using search engines to find things wasn't even a shine in a programmer's eye. Nobody really thought about it because the web was just a group of chat sites and news groups where programmers and researchers were yacking about different things. My, how things has been changed!
As the web evolved, the idea of linking gained more credibility. Using basic html language, it became general practice to put links to other sites you found interest on your own site. Although it has been dressed up to look better these days, this is essentially still how we get around the web - link to link to link.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Triangle linking is appropriate only when you have two websites. We ask for the other party (the website from which you desire a link) to have a link pointing to your site1, which is your major site. We respond by putting the other party's link on your site2.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 1:13 PM
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A link farm is any collection of web sites that all hyperlink to every other site in the group. Although some link farms can be formed by hand, most are created through automated programs and services. A link farm is a structure of spamming the index of a search engine . Other link exchange systems are designed to allow individual websites to selectively exchange links with other related websites and are not considered a form of spamdexing. Where link weighting is still believed by some Webmasters to influence search engine results with Google, Yahoo!, MSN , and Ask , link farms remain famous tool for increasing PageRank or perceived equivalent values. PageRank-like measurements apply only to the individual pages being linked to, so these pages must in turn link out to other pages in arrange for the link weighting to help. The expression "link farm" has always carried with it a derogative reputation. Many reciprocal link management service operators advertise the value of their resource management and direct networking relationship building. The reciprocal link management services support their industry as an alternative to search engines for finding and attracting visitors to Web sites.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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The whole idea of link exchange research and came up with a 3-step process that involves an analysis of 3 pages of the web site we need to exchange links with. The 3 pages are:
One way is to obtain the Google toolbar and visit the web site to see its PR. Another way is to use one of the many web sites on the Internet that enables us to find the PR of any web site. And still another way is to appear for software that will tell you the PR of any web site.
Although you will commonly need to look at these 4 things together in a sort of table in order to decide whether the target site passes the first step or not, there are definite results that would cause me to decide straight away not to exchange links with a site:
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Link building has long been the staple dietary topic for SEO and Internet marketing experts, but with good quality reason. This is hardly ground breaking news but having a great link profile will help you to rank well in the search engines. Having an particularly powerful link profile will also drive traffic directly to your website.
As the webmaster of a new site, there are several things you should do. First, you want to create a genuinely useful website filled with equally useful and informative content. You have to to ready yourself to add fresh content on a frequent basis, in order to retain existing site visitors and to attract the search engine spiders. You also want to start building links? A good link profile takes time to expand so it is essential that you start as soon as possible. Below are some of the more and less successful methods of building quality inbound links to your new website.
-Create Quality Content
-Free Directory Submissions
-Paid Directory Submissions
-Join Forums And Post Relevant Comments
-Tagging And Social Bookmarking
-Request Links
-Blog Commenting
-Article Syndication
-Offer Content To Other Sites
-Reciprocal Links
-Avoid Any Dubious
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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1.) Address the email to a person by name if possible.
2.) Start with a kind statement about what you like on their site.
3.) Introduce yourself and your site.
4.) Lead into why you feel your site is a good, non competing match.
5.) Mention that you have already linked to their site and hope they feel a reciprocal link will be valuable. Provide the URL to the page you linked from.
6.) Explain why you linked from the page you did and the anchor text you used to explain you understand link strategy.
7.) Request that if they link back they use one of your anchor text suggestions along with the correct URL you want them to link to.
8.) Offer to change the link anchor text of their URL if they wish.
9.) Thank them genuinely for their time and sign with your first name to make it more personal and normal.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Forums are online discussion groups that tell to an exacting theme. We attempt to find forums connected to your interests and contribute on your behalf. Forums that let users read without needing to login are attractive. We post messages on your behalf, counting your name, website name, and a link to your site. Search engines connect a lot of importance to such links due to the huge body of pertinent content on the forum website.
posted by steve Sahale
@ 1:13 PM
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1.)Write down the keywords you want to be establish for.
2.) Draft a standard letter you can use to easily modify for each site .
3.) Run a search on Google for each keyword and jot down the URL for each and every match returned.
4.) Remove some direct competitors from the list.
5.) Go back through your list and find the contact info for each site.
6.) Create a link to each page you need to get a link from. This must be from the most appropriate page on your site, not the homepage. Do not exceed 10 outbound links per page at most.
7.) Send the modified email with the considerations outlined below.
8.) Verify their backlinks.
9.) Remove any outbound links that do not reciprocate within a month or so.
10.) Check your inbound links every couple of weeks. Ensure you are still getting the links you earned and that the people linking to you have not moved you to a less desirable page.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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PageRank (PR) is a Google tool that expands on the easier link popularity calculation. * The Gray Bar in the PageRank tool indicates that a web page has not been added to the Google PageRank file, or Google has banned the website. * PR0 to PR10. PR0 indicates that the web page has been added to the Google database, but it does not yet have any PageRank assigned to it, usually because there are not any PR value pages that link to it at this time. If one is tracking PageRank from the Google toolbar, then it needs to be understood that the database that stores PageRank values is only updated about once every 3-4 months. While Google does use links to a web page to determine the web page's PR value, it is impossible these days to make use of Google to find what links are directed to your pages. Even the Google webmaster tools interface will not explain you all of the links Google is counting towards your own Link Popularity or PR value.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Our vertical linking campaign will help you get listings on high-quality sites, which complement your business. Think of it as a partnership of sorts. If you sell shoes, perhaps we would request links from sites that sell socks. Sell salt? What about those pepper sites? You get the idea.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Buying links from Direct Traffic is fast, simple and effective
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Link exchange campaigns have lost their result. It is common knowledge among SEO firms that for you to rank well in on the internet, websites require to have more direct inbound links than outbound links, getting this ratio right is crucial. Although some SEO agencies still use link exchanges as part of their link building plan, it has finally lost its effect with the most recent Jagger update in Google. All website pages are ranked out of ten in Google. Even though one 'page rank eight' link will improve your link popularity score more than ten 'page rank five' links, it is very important to acquire a wide variety of page rank links. Even if you had your own team of search engineers constantly looking for ways to stay in front of your competitors with online marketing, our latest discoveries and recommendations should only increase your advantage in the online market place.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Link building is one of the main keys in ranking effectively with the search engines. Many techniques have evolved to capitalize on the hidden gold from attaining top rankings and receiving free search engine traffic. Of them all, link baiting has to be one of the best methods to build incoming links.
Link popularity is the amount of relevant quality inbound links pointing to your website. Most major search engines use link popularity as part of their algorithm which helps to decide the relevance of your website.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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Anchor text is the text that falls within a hyperlink leading to another page. The Anchor Text of Incoming Links plays a main role in your website's ranking in the search engine result pages. Anchor text is very important from ranking point of view as your most important keywords are used in the links pointing to your site which help in gaining rankings in SERPs. For wider keyword coverage, you may work with different link text options. It is important to have a amount of combinations of anchor texts and associated link texts, so that the linking does not have a fixed model that the search engines can detect. This has become even more important due to recent Algorithm updates of major Search Engines. If you have more number of quality links pointing to your website, the keywords within your anchor text could benefit your website's ranking greatly for those particular keywords. The web page of your site that the link is pointing to must also be optimized for that keyword(s) in order to properly influence rankings.
posted by Sarah
@ 1:13 PM
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