Punctuation Marks and Symbols in Google Search Results
Another update from Google on it’s search results and now you can see results for punctuation marks and symbols.Searching for the symbol equivalent of a percent sign,comma,carat and more symbols will return search results but the results are not exactly relevant.
Wikipedia page ranks as the top link for for the following punctuation marks.
- ^ (caret)
- ( ) { } [ ] (bracket) – parentheses, brackets and curly brackets are all combined into the same search result
- ~ (tilde)
- | (vertical bar)
- “ (quotation marks)
- < (less-than sign) > (greater-than sign)
- $ (dollar sign)
- . (full stop/period)
- , (comma)
- : (colon) – however, the colon that is a piece of the large intestine currently outranks the punctuation mark of the same name
- ; (semicolon)
- # (number sign)
- % (percent sign)
- @ (at sign)
These punctuation marks in Yahoo and Bing diplays “No results found” to the user.
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