search engine
Google Reader now gets Google+ Integration
Search Engine Giant Google’s RSS reader Google Reader will get a new look and integration with Google+ next week will allow you to create reader specific circles.
The changes that are requested include a new design and drawing back features like friending, following and shared link blogs inside of Reader which will be supplanted by Google+
The integration allows you to export your subscriptions , friends, likes and shared items to another RSS reader.A new makeover was given to Reader with follows and friending in 2009,when social services like Digg was much more influential
The retiring of Google Buzz was retired last week as Google has began to concentrate much more on Google +
Google acquires Social Grapple,Twitter Analytics Startup
Social Grapple,twitter analytics start up has been acquired by Google.The details of the acquisition has not been disclosed by Google.
Social Grapple was started by Andrey Petrov,a year ago which gives you visual insights,email reports and other monitors helps you understand what going on behind the scenes.
With the help of it you can able to show growth of a particular keyword you choose and track any Twitter socail graph.Here’s a statement released by SocialGrapple about the acquisition:
SocialGrapple started a year ago, and launched only a couple of months later as a social graph analytics service. It was an amazing learning experience and I am incredibly grateful to all the users who supported this venture. Much of what was built over the months came directly from your needs and requests, so I feel like we were all on this journey together.
Since the first launch, we also explored keyword tracking and branched out to other social networks, but this was only scratching the surface. I’m looking forward to taking these ideas to the next level and revealing metrics on an incredibly larger scale.
Thank you again for being a part of my journey. I strive to continue building tools that make the world more transparent and empowered, and I can’t imagine a better partner than Google.
News from the inside sources said Google has acquired them to help with the analytics for Google +.
Bing Powered Translation Service launched by Facebook
A new option has been available for the Facebook users for reading foreign fan pages.With the help of Microsoft’s Bing Translator technology, the users can click a link to translate Facebook pages not written in their language without leaving Facebook.
This move has come from Facebook a week after Microsoft’s announcement for new Microsoft Translator API.
This is, however, another win for Bing on multiple fronts. It is one more commitment from a social network into their service. It’s also another major player to use their translation API.
Many companies will be forced to decide what to do about translation, since Google decided to make their Translate API a paid service only, effectively shutting down the free translate API as of December 1, 2011.
The translation doesn’t happen automatically. Translation is provided via an app that users must install (give permission to) in order to translate Facebook pages into their own language.
By clicking on the translator button, Bing Translator will provide the translation to your language in a popout window. Apart from the translation, users will also have the opportunity to correct the translation and submit it. If a user-submitted translation receives enough support, it will replace the Bing translation automatically each time future users click the translate button for that individual post.There are also options to turn the translation ability off altogether.
Real Time Traffic Data added in Google Analytics
Now Google has brought changes in Google Analytics providing a window into real time web traffic with Google Analytics Real Time.
The newer version of Google Analytics contains Real Time reports and the administrators will now get access to Real- time reports.In the Google Analytics blog, product manager John Jersin said “Google turned the feature on Thursday for a number of you”.
For the users who want to know how their campaign or post is performing,Real-time will track the immediate impact to site traffic.If a user posts something and then tweets about it, for instance, Real-Time will track when traffic from the tweet stops driving visits.
At present there are other tools like Chatbeat, Woopra and a number of other tools provide data in real time.Google Real Time will be available free of cost to the user.
Google also rolled it’s first paid Google Analytics Product “Google Analytics Premium”.Perks for the service include extra processing power, advanced analysis and 24/7 support for $150,000 a year.
+1 Buttons Now Available In Mobile Web
Google +1 buttons have found themselves everywhere and now they are also present in the world of mobile web. +1 buttons for mobile made it’s debut on select Android and iPhone browsers on Thursday.
Punit soni,lead product manager for Google said ” the button will automatically be visible to anyone on Android 2.1+ and iOS 4.0+ browsers.When you +1 something,it will be displayed publicly across the web as an annotation on the content you +1’d “.
Friend annotations, +1 sharing with Google+ circles and +snippets are other recent feature roll-outs before +1 button mobile. In more than one million websites, +1 button had been embedded and still there is plenty of improvement to be made.
Google + API’s launched by Google
The first developer application programing interface(API) for Google+ has been unveiled.The launch of API is the first step towards creating Google+ apps and integrating social network into existing apps.
Google Developer Advocate Chris Chabot said I’m super excited about how the Google+ project brings the richness and nuance of real-life sharing to software, and today we’re announcing our first step toward bringing this to your apps as well by launching the Google+ public data APIs”.
Google has made it clear that the retrieval is available for public posts and public profile data.As stated by one of the developer,the API’s allow for querying of a single person or an activity in Google+. The API’s would not allow TweetDeck or Hootsuite to support posting to Google+.
After the release of API,many developers feel that Google+ can catch up with Facebook.The release of API is still a major milestone in the growth of Google+ which was launched just three months ago. Google + still has a long way to go and compete with Facebook.
Flight Search Introduced by Google
Google has forayed into the travel industry with the quiet launch of web-based tool Flight Search that allows you to find and book flights.
An early look of the service has been provided by Google with flights to and from major cities that includes New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis and Dallas. The airlines which are participating are Continental, American, JetBlue and Delta. Flight Search is more user friendly and offered flight information when typed flight from one city to another in the search window.
$700 million purchase of ITA,developer of airfare search and pricing system QPX has helped Google a lot to make further inroads in the travel category
Have a look this video on Flight Search
Offline Versions of Gmail and Calendar launched
In order to increase the offline utility of the products,Google is launching a new Gmail web app and updates to Calendar and Docs.
Bringing the Gmail, Calendar and Docs offline has now become an essential step for improving productivity. Rajen Seth of Group Product Manager told “when the users need offline access to their email or calendar,they really need it”.
Gmail Offline is the new Chrome app that is launched by Google. With the help of this new app it is possible for accessing, managing and sending email while you are disconnected from the web.With the help of HTML5 standards ,the new app has lot of capabilities to make it work offline
The look and feel of the app is lot like a Gmail app for the tablets.The key features that is focused on the new app is including organizing, starring, lableling, archiving and responding to email.there is no access to Gmail labs feature and but it will get the job done.
Apart from the Gmail app for tablets,Google is rolling out the ability to access Calendar and Docs offline.This let you view the events and RSVP to appointments in calendar and view documents in does not have the ability to edit a document offline, but Google promises to find a make it work.
At the moment,the apps are available through Chrome Web Store and Google has also plans to release the offline apps to other browsers once they support the functionality.
Google Chrome celebrates third birthday
Chrome,Google’s web browser celebrates it’s third birthday and the milestone was represented by an interactive infographic and the list of improvements to the product in the official blog.
The browser has surpassed Firefox to become the second most popular browser behind IE in UK and has great market share than expected in many countries. Chrome’s adoption rate is nothing short of impressive compared to the great starts IE and Firefox had.
Chrome also changed the way web browsers are built and released making it tougher for its competitor to rethink their strategies.It took three years for Firefox to go from version 3 to version 4.
The infographics provides a clear detail on how the browser market has evolved over the past 15 years highlighting key innovations that has happened.
Let us know your comments and views on Chrome and it’s contribution to the browser market.
Yahoo Traffic Stats in Bing webmaster Tools
Bing has recently announced that their webmaster tools will show traffic stats from Yahoo directly in the Webmaster tool reports.
Duane Forrester,senior program manager for Bing Webmaster Tools said “Data integration is important because it gives you a true sense of what Bing is serving and where you are being served by Bing,”
We can able to view this integrated date by clciking on the Traffic Summary Report or Page Traffic report under the Traffic Tab.Due to this combined traffic data from both Yahoo and Bing,impressions and clicks will both appear to go up.There will aslo be a change in the Click throgh Rates or CTR since they are a ratio of each other.
The data integration began on August 12th and was completed on August 16th to completely populate the accounts.Site owners will not be able to select individual properties to view the data separetely.
It may be the end of the road for Yahoo Site Explorer but bing won’t comment on Yahoo tools. Yahoo’s search results are now being powered by Bing in seven more countries.Bing will power will power Yahoo Maktoob in several Arabian speaking countries in Middle East and North Africa.