windows – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:17:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 windows – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing 32 32 Flash 11 and AIR 3 launching in October Thu, 22 Sep 2011 06:11:55 +0000 On Wednesday, Adobe announced the availability of Flash 11 and AIR on variety of platforms that includes Windows, Android, iOS, Blackberry Tablet OS, Mac OS for early October.

The ability to run hardware accelerated 3D graphics inside the player is the biggest feature in Flash 11. Improvements have also been made in Flash’s 2D capabilities which enables 1000 times faster rendering performance over the previous versions.

Support for native extensions as well as captive run time means developer can automatically pack AIR3 with their apps which will simplify the installation process.

Rental and subscription options are available for for content publishers across all supported platforms including mobile platforms

You can check out the feature of Flash 11 and Air 3 in the below video.

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Edge launched by Adobe for HTML5 Fri, 12 Aug 2011 06:36:11 +0000 The new web motion and interaction design tool Adobe Edge by Adobe was released for public preview last week. Adobe Edge is the first professional grade HTML-5 editing tool which enables users to create content using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

It is currently available for free as the company is looking for the feedback from the developers.There was some confusion among the users as Adobe Edge shares the name with Adobe’s free newsletter.

Adobe’s Edge is not mean to replace existing web design tools like Dreamweaver or Flash but they want to dominate Web Infrastructure as HTML5 has gained a lot of popularity in the world of mobile.Adobe has made it clear that company is supporting both the platforms and in the following month Adobe has launched Flash to HTML5 converter which is the first step towards supporting HTML5.

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iCloud Beta launched by Apple Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:46:07 +0000 iCloud,Apple’s beta version of new suite of media streaming and cloud based services has been unveiled. The beta version is available is available to all users with an Apple Id. The features of the ICloud include web based version of Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Find my IPhone and IWork.

iCloud is accessible through using iOS5 or Mac OS X Lion. iTunes Match is not included in Apple’s cloud music services. The first 5GB of storage is free and an addition of 10GB will cost $20. 20GB and 50GB will cost $40 and $100 respectively. Apple’s services are costlier than Amazon which gives 20GB space for just $20 and allows users to store unlimited amount of music for free.

The initial conclusion from Mashable is that iCloud beta is a modified version of MobileMe.The addition of iWork support is a welcomed addition though, as is the simplistic and universal interface for all of Apple’s cloud services.

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Windows 7 to be released on October 22nd inspite of the "show stopper bug" Sat, 08 Aug 2009 08:41:00 +0000 Windows 7,the latest OS from Microsoft,is set to release on October 22nd.Microsoft managed to sign off the Windows 7 RTM (release to manufacture) build on June 23.A week later ,the RTM build was stamped as a “show stopper” bug and it was expected that this bug will be a hindrance for the release on October 22nd.The bug became a major issue on the web until recently.The bug that was reported was this..Once a user runs “CHKDSK/r” in command prompt,it will crash the entire system.This was because running this command resulted in a memory leakage,which led to the system crash.

Following the widespread issue this “show stopper bug created in Windows 7, the president of Microsoft’s Windows Division, Steven Sinofsky recently mentioned in a statement that the bug though initially reported as a “critical bug” and then a ‘showstopper’ bug, would not delay the release of Window 7 on the decisive date.

Microsoft have held a chip-set controller responsible for the error and have suggested Windows 7 customers to call/visit their motherboard manufacturers and download the most modern chipset drivers for their particular motherboard.

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Microsoft sets limitations for Windows 7 upgrade Wed, 01 Jul 2009 09:17:00 +0000 Microsoft has fixed the date of Windows 7release as Oct 22nd,but now though this date remains unchanged, Microsoft has announced some limitations.Microsoft has restricted the number of machines which can be upgraded freely to its new operating system to just 25.Microsoft recently revealed details of the Windows Upgrade Option program for the initial time.Consumers who buy a Vista-based personal computer as of last week are qualified to upgrade their system to Windows 7 at no or modest cost when the latter releases in October.

The limitation has however created controversies from some industry watchers. Michael Silver,Gartner analyst who published a research titled “Enterprises Should Demand Windows Upgrade Option.” ,has mentioned that organizations need to comprehend their Windows 7 requirement and obtain the necessary privileges for the most excellent value.

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Downgrade options for Windows 7 by Microsoft Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:11:00 +0000 Microsoft provides the option of downgrade for Windows 7 Customers. The options are available to Windows Vista as well as to Windows XP. Microsoft intends to offer n-2 downgrade option with Windows 7 to enable customers to plans their migrations from XP. Thus this download option is a good news for users of Windows Vista and Windows XP.

The Vista version of Windows was not received well by many Microsoft users. Microsoft doesn’t usually provide active support for more than 2 versions of Windows. Hence there has been a great deal of apprehension about the loss of XP support when the new OS was announced to be released soon.

With the release of Windows 7, Microsoft hopes to overcome the stains caused by Windows Vista.

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Release of Windows 7 Beta Fri, 26 Dec 2008 10:11:00 +0000 People who attend the next month’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) could get the first glance at Windows 7,the next version of Microsoft’s client OS.At its Professional Developers Conferencewhich was held in Los Angeles in October, Microsoft informed about the release of the beta early in 2009. Though everything has not been confirmed, signs are pointing that the release date could possibly be the CES show in Las Vegas.CES is scheduled for Jan. 8-11.

Microsoft will be releasing Windows 7 in early 2010, although some industry observers expect it may be out by the end of 2009 because of feeble customer response for thier operating system Windows Vista. Several business customers in particular have opted to skip Vista and run XP till Windows 7 is released in the market.

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Microsoft transforms its live site to a social network Sun, 16 Nov 2008 09:59:00 +0000 Microsoft has updated its online services and has transformed its live site to a social network.The changes include photo sharing,email,instant messaging capabilities as well as including contents from around 50 companies.The Web Services include Flickr,LinkedIn Corp,Twitter, etc., through profiles and a news feed.The Web 2.0 industry observers have received several positive reviews regarding these updates. users can now access several online services like mail, calendar, photos, online storage,etc.,including downloaded services like a mail client, instant messaging,Movie Maker,Photo Gallery,the Toolbar and other services. Eventually,this has become one huge social network.Check out for more.

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Android software for Mobile Phones by Google Thu, 29 May 2008 04:57:00 +0000 Google Inc. exposed its nearly done mobile software system to about 3,000 computer programmers this week, expecting to grow more services and marketing for people on the go. Although short, the display at the Internet search leader’s annual developer conference at San Francisco stated the most wide public look so far at “Android” – an open-source platform being intended for “smart” phones and other mobile devices, which surf the Web. Android was first proclaimed about seven months ago.

The bells and whistles exposed Wednesday comprised: a way to unlock phones by drawing a precise shape on the touchscreen in its place of typing a password; bookmarks for favorite Web sites on the device’s index page; a “compass” tool, which mechanically roams with the phone while a user looks at graphic images of a city map; a expanded tool to zoom in on Web content; and a mobile version of the video game “Pac Man.”

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We’ve withdrawn the offer and moved on – Windows Live General Manager Wed, 07 May 2008 04:15:00 +0000 On the ground of Microsoft’s choice to get the Yahoo offer, executives are now attempting to make the case that Redmond’s online work could go it alone. Talking to investors yesterday, Windows Live General Manager Brain Hall attempted to get the focus back to what Microsoft is down by own, other than would could have been.

“We’ve withdrawn the offer and moved on, and now are focused on how we grow as fast as possible organically,” Hall said, speaking at a Merrill Lynch technology conference. Pressed further on the statement, Hall said Yahoo would have helped in the e-mail business worldwide–and in the instant-messaging arena in the United States, in particular. ]]> 0