Once a Site Visitor Arrives They Make Some Key Judgments in fewer Than the Time It Takes to Blink
Once a Site Visitor Arrives They Make Some Key Judgments in fewer Than the Time It Takes to Blink
So you’ve made great seo work and people are arriving on your site(s). Now, how long does it take for a visitor to make aesthetic judgments that, “influence the rest of their experience”? According to some new follow a line of investigation out of Canada it takes less than the time it takes to blink your eyes. A Reuter’s article: Web sites judged in a blink, says that it takes, “one-twentieth of a second — less than half the time it takes to blink…”
“It really is just a physiological response,” Gitte Lindgaard [a professor at Carelton University] told Reuters on Tuesday. “So Web designers have to make sure they’re not offending users visually…”If the first feeling is negative, you’ll probably drive people off.”
So, does the research give’s any suggestions on how a page might look? Nope. The professor goes on to say,
“When we looked at the Web sites that we tested, there is really nothing there that tells us what leads to dislike or to like.”
Much of this comes down to personal taste.
Tic Tac Websites Integrates with Online Business Opportunities
Tic Tac Websites Integrates with Online Business Opportunities Tic Tac Websites makes it possible for a website maker, newbie or otherwise to build their own website in a matter of five (5) minutes. Through the Easy Online Website Builder, website building becomes quick, easy and hassle-free. Newbie website makers can have a chance to build a efficiently designed and marketable web site as easily as professionals can. Tic Tac Websites now becomes a melting pot for drop ship centers and other online selling business resources where great opportunities are introduced for those starting websites to test the waters of online selling business. Vancouver, BC (PRWEB) January 17, 2006 -– Web site building can now be achieved without too much hassle in a space of five (5) minutes. This is made possible by Tic Tac Websites’ latest innovative website building system, the Easy Online Website Builder. By just logging in at and subscribing to its monthly or yearly payment plan, website makers can start having the website they want without going throughout puzzling technical jargon. Recently, Tic Tac Websites integrates with a Drop Ship Product Center, Clickbank, an Online allocation Center, and Paypal, a credit card/checking account payment center. This combination means great opportunities for newbie and specialized website makers to test the waters of online selling business and earn extra returns. They can easily install these links on their website and form their very own e-commerce website. Tic Tac Websites and its new partners introduces lots of sources to be needed by those who are into the online business, either as an eBay seller, or other sellers on website stores and auction sites online. Tic Tac Websites website building program boasts of an easy-to-use system, which gives no difficulties for newbie website makers even if they have limited technical know how. They have easy-to-understand and learn technical support system that’s designed especially for the non-professional website maker. This is embodied by the “Getting Started” tutorial, 33 chapters of Online Documentation Help features, a knowledge base with a stronghold of 350+ articles and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) provision.
To Promote and Protect
In-House SEO :: To Promote and Protect An appealing thread for in-house SEOs appeared at the IHelpYou Forums this morning. “In-house SEO” is a term referring to an SEO who is employed by a non-search connected company as a staff member in charge of website promotions. In the JohnC, an IHY moderator notes his job has shifted subtly from website promoter to website protector. “An SEOs primary responsibility is typically seen as “promoting” a web site. However, more and more I find for myself in the role of “Protector”. Someone will have an idea for a site feature or technology change and it is up to me to make sure this change will not hurt the web site in anyway, search wise. unavoidably, someone will read about a “cool” new technique to get better search placement. I find I must be on constant guard against these “Monday Morning Optimizers”. Usually, they don’t see the whole picture or understand that the information they found is years out of date.” (JohnC) With organic search again becoming a more vital component of website promotion, SEOs of all stripes are seeing more “Monday Morning Optimizers”. They are also dealing with the injure those well-meaning but ill-informed extra efforts can bring. Whatever his motives for addressing the topic this morning, JohnC has performed a public service for frustrated SEOs. “I think every person involved with a website has the potential to get it banned from the search engines. As the SEO it’s my job to see that they don’t.” (JohnC) “Recently i helped a client with their in-house design and seo guidelines. The list of warning/dont’s has become larger than the list of “do’s”. More than ever, it has become important to know what to avoid.” (Danny) Anyone with similar experiences or tips on dealing with armchair optimizers should read and add to the thread.
Web search temporarily suspended on Yahoo! Japan portal
TOKYO — Web search service was suspended for five and a half hours Sunday on the Yahoo! Japan portal due to a computer server glitch, Yahoo Japan Corp said.
The company said it has already taken measures to prevent a recurrence and that the problem was not caused by a cyber attack. The search function was out of service from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
A user comments saying
From what i can find, yahoo jp is tended by Akamai Technologies Japan KK. begining in 2001this however is a joint venture between softbank and Akamai Technologies Inc. (headquarters – cambridge, MA)info on softbank:”A notable loser was Softbank Corp, Japan’s largest provider of broadband Web access and Wednesday’s most active issue by value, losing 5.49 percent to 3,960 yen.Softbank took a beating on news of the arrest of four men in two separate cases on suspicion of stealing confidential data of customers to Yahoo BB, Softbank’s high-speed Internet service joint venture with affiliate Yahoo Japan Corp, and trying to extort money from the company…”
Ask Jeeves introduces sports Smart Search
Ask Jeeves UK has introduced a new service for sports fans, giving them access to the latest information on their favourite football or rugby team. The new sports Smart Search gives users the latest news, fixture lists, and stats for their chosen team, as well as handy quick facts such as manager name and team nickname in one unique package at the top of the search results page.
More news here
Bronze Statute of Gen. Walker to Be Dedicated Dec. 23
Former Korean shadow warriors seek benefits
SEOUL — Every morning, Park Bu-seo, 73, enters his office in Seoul. The gray metal desks, coffee table, national flag and wall photos are standard, but above a filing cabinet is something unusual: A bundle of dried fish — a Buddhist charm to keep evil spirits at bay — dangles above a single white candle.