Graphing Capabilities added to Google Search Results

Google search bar has now turned into a graphing calculator. When a mathematical function has been entered on Google,the search result will now contain an interactive graph of the of the function that is entered into the search bar.

Everything from a single geometric function such as sin(x) and wild set of equations can be entered in the search bar. More than one equation can be graphed at once.

It also allows the searcher to pan around on, zoom in , zoom out and gets point-by-point information from the graph.Both mathematical symbols and standard language are accepted. According to Google blog “Google graph technology is capable of mapping out of trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and their compositions”.

Google has been working on many different things that really pulls people in.High school students would love this new feature from Google to solve their mathematical questions. What do you think of this new feature from Google?

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