Animation – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:17:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Animation – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing 32 32 Edge launched by Adobe for HTML5 Fri, 12 Aug 2011 06:36:11 +0000 The new web motion and interaction design tool Adobe Edge by Adobe was released for public preview last week. Adobe Edge is the first professional grade HTML-5 editing tool which enables users to create content using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

It is currently available for free as the company is looking for the feedback from the developers.There was some confusion among the users as Adobe Edge shares the name with Adobe’s free newsletter.

Adobe’s Edge is not mean to replace existing web design tools like Dreamweaver or Flash but they want to dominate Web Infrastructure as HTML5 has gained a lot of popularity in the world of mobile.Adobe has made it clear that company is supporting both the platforms and in the following month Adobe has launched Flash to HTML5 converter which is the first step towards supporting HTML5.

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