Google Maps
Built in URL Shortening added in Google Maps
Google Maps URLs have always been long and messy. It’s really unpleasant to paste a complete URL linking to a Google Map on an email, IM, or blog post.Specially for twitter users ,it is very inconvenient since there is a restriction of 140 characters for each tweet.
To start using short URLs on Google Maps(, all you need to do is go to Google Maps Labs by clicking on the little green flask on the upper right corner. The next step is to enable the Short URL option, which is the second on the list of experimental features. Refresh the page, and the feature should be good to go. We obtain a URL something like this is Google’s official URL shortening service that is being utilized. is entirely integrated into Google Maps once you enable it, so the only URL you see when you hit the Google Maps “Link” is the shorter and the simpler version.
We tried the option by giving the following in Search Maps
Seattle, WA, United States
The original URL before enabling the Short URL option:
The URL after enabling the Short URL option: