Google search – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing Thu, 11 Jan 2024 09:41:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Google search – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing 32 32 Google: Keyword-Heavy Titles Not Against Our Guidelines Mon, 04 Sep 2023 07:21:57 +0000

Google doesn’t explicitly penalize websites for using keyword-heavy titles, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind for effective SEO and user experience:

1. Relevance and User Intent: While using keywords in titles is important for SEO, it’s crucial that the titles remain relevant to the content and accurately reflect the page’s topic. Keyword stuffing or using irrelevant keywords can negatively impact user experience and rankings.

2. User-Friendly Titles: Titles are one of the first things users see in search results, and they play a significant role in click-through rates. Crafting titles that are clear, concise, and user-friendly can lead to higher engagement.

3. Search Engine Algorithms: Search engines, including Google, have become sophisticated in understanding context and user intent. Over-optimization or using too many keywords can be seen as an attempt to manipulate rankings and might not yield the desired results.

4. Long-Tail Keywords: Instead of focusing solely on highly competitive short-tail keywords, consider using long-tail keywords that are more specific to your content. These can attract more targeted traffic and result in higher conversions.

5. Title Length: While Google doesn’t explicitly penalize long titles, it’s a good practice to keep titles under 60 characters to ensure they’re fully displayed in search results. This helps users quickly understand the content.

6. User Experience: Titles should be crafted with users in mind. A clear and compelling title can lead to higher click-through rates, better engagement, and improved user satisfaction.

7. Natural Language: Use keywords in a way that fits naturally within the title. Titles should make sense and not appear as a random collection of keywords.

8. Mobile-Friendly: Ensure that your titles are mobile-friendly and display well on various devices, as a significant portion of searches are performed on mobile devices.

Remember that Google’s algorithms and guidelines can change over time. It’s always a good idea to stay updated with the latest information directly from Google’s official sources or reputable SEO resources. Additionally, prioritize providing valuable content to users, as search engines aim to deliver the best possible results for their users’ queries.

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Google “search” becomes more personalized Mon, 14 Mar 2011 09:15:23 +0000 Google is providing you many options as far as its “search results” are concerned. For the improvement of the same Google had introduced Searchwiki, Stars in search and Locations settings where you can prioritize and mark your search results. Now they have added one more efficient feature for its users to blocks sites which they don’t want to see again.

Many of you surely had a bad experience in getting the apt results in Google. You might have visited websites that carry irrelevant and low quality content and hence resent it and would be looking for an option to block particular domains from your search results for ever. Google now brings out this feature letting you block sites. When you click a result and then return to Google, you’ll find a new link next to “Cached” that shows “Block all ———.com results.  If you proceed with the same by clicking the link “Block all ——.com results, you will receive a confirmation message as well as an option to undo your choice. You could view the link irrespective of whether you are signed in or not but the domains you block are connected with your Google Account so you will have to sign in to confirm a blocked site.

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Bing follows Google’s path making search results more Social Mon, 28 Feb 2011 09:50:24 +0000 After the partnership with Facebook, Bing introduced ‘Liked Results’ in their search results.

I could find some similarity to Google’s updated social search algorithm in which Google produces not only links but also ‘shared’ results of the friends in social circle, such as in Twitter (retweet), Blog, Flicker, YouTube etc (“Facebook Likes’ an exception). And here comes Bing with their new social search partnering with FB, they claim that, this is the first time in human history that people are leaving social traces that machines can read and learn from, and present enhanced online experiences based on the traces.” In other words, Bing produces search results considering the shared links in ones’ social circle too and especially “Facebook Likes”. If your friends had shared or liked something publicly, it will be shown in your search results (once you are logged in)

They have cited an example, It says that “If you are planning a trip to somewhere (For Eg, Washington and wants to find about the stay, a traditional search results shows a long list of weblinks and captions, which would take more time to see them individually to take a decision. But with Bings’ tie up with FB makes your search results more social, For Eg, If your friends who had been to that place and had “liked” that particular place or a hotel, then those results will top in your search which will make it easier  for you to refine your search and decide on where you should stay. And Bing says that you may not find “Liked Results” on every query but then if you find then it would be a good experience. They even added on their blog that they continue to work with Facebook to make search more social and relevant.

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Googles’ updated algorithm in effect Mon, 28 Feb 2011 08:53:14 +0000

To provide the most relevant content for the users, Google has revamped their algorithm recently. Google says that this upgrading is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites (sites which are low-value add or users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful) and claims that it have an impact over 11.8% of the queries. This update also provides better rankings for high quality sites (sites which possess original and good content, in-depth reports, research, analysis etc. Google also adds that these changes not only rely on the feedback, they have received from the “Personal Blocklist Chrome Extension“(which they launched last week) but also from the Blocklist data they have gathered with the sites by their algorithm too. Google consider this as a great step in their commitment towards better user experience and keep working for more updates for page quality. Google is launching this change in the US only, but will roll out around the world soon.

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Google updates “Google Social Search” Mon, 28 Feb 2011 07:12:09 +0000 Google updates “Google Social Search” which they had introduced in 2009 with some advanced features to offer its users with the most relevant information which is also personalized according to the users’ interest and relationship. ‘Google social search”, finds relevant public content from your friends and contacts and highlights it for you at the (bottom in the past but now at the top ) of your search results.  With this new updating,  Google facilitate you to get even more information from the people related to you, from their YouTube , Flickr, Blogs or website and shows at the top of search results.

But keep in mind that you will only get social search results, when you log in to your Google account

There are mainly three important features which Google highlights:-

First, Social search results will now be combined all through your results based on their relevance. You will start getting results on top from co-workers, friends which they have created or shared. Google has quoted an example for this, it says that; If you are thinking about climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and your colleague Matt has written a blog post about his own experience, then that post will come up with a note and a picture. In the past, results were shown at the bottom

Second, unlike in the past where Google shows results for content that was created  by people in your social circle, now they shows results what they have shared also (for eg retweets, exception Facebook Likes) ,. If someone connected to you has shared a link publicly, Google will show those results. Google cites an example on their blog. It says, if you’re looking for a video of President Obama on “The Daily Show” and your friend Nundu tweeted the video, that result might show up higher in your results and you’ll see a note with a picture of Nundu:

And finally, Google provides enough control over how you connect accounts and also makes the same more easy and convenient.Users are provided with two options to connect accounts publicly on your Google profile or privately in your Google Account and your social connections won’t be shown to the public on your Google Profile, but those connections could influence your search results.Also, if Google’s algorithm finds a public account that seems to be yours due to similarity in usernames they invite you to connect your accounts right on search results page in your Google accounts.

These updates have been rolled out in in English only and by next week only searchers could see it.

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Google brings in ‘New Chrome Extension’ which block sites from Google web search results Sat, 26 Feb 2011 05:58:59 +0000 Google have been exploring various algorithms to detect ‘Content farms’ (low quality content sites).  For the same they consider users’ feedback as one of the signals and introduces experimental Chrome extension as a privilege for the users to block sites from their web search results. If installed, the extension will send the blocked site information to Google and Google will conduct a study to consider that as a potential ranking signal for their search results. You could download the extension (‘Personal Blocklist extension’) and start blocking sites that carry low quality content.

When you block a site with the extension, you won’t see results from that domain again in your Google search results.

You can always revoke a blocked site at the bottom of the search results, so it’s easy to undo blocks:

You can also edit your list of blocked sites by clicking on the extension’s icon in the top right of the Chrome window.

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Google’s new content based algorithm (Content Farm) create a wave??? Mon, 07 Feb 2011 12:17:52 +0000 Most of us were in the assumption about Google’s new content farm algorithm would be an up-gradation of the algorithm for quality search but it was actually to block low quality content scraper sites and not content farms. We will have to wait and see… how well Google performs in the coming days with the ‘New Content Farm” .

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