icloud – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing https://www.searchenginegenie.com/news-seo Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:17:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://www.searchenginegenie.com/news-seo/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/cropped-favicon-32x32.png icloud – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing https://www.searchenginegenie.com/news-seo 32 32 iCloud Beta launched by Apple https://www.searchenginegenie.com/news-seo/icloud-beta-launched-by-apple/ https://www.searchenginegenie.com/news-seo/icloud-beta-launched-by-apple/#respond Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:46:07 +0000 http://www.searchenginegenie.com/news-seo/?p=1167 iCloud,Apple’s beta version of new suite of media streaming and cloud based services has been unveiled. The beta version is available is available to all users with an Apple Id. The features of the ICloud include web based version of Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Find my IPhone and IWork.

iCloud is accessible through iCloud.com using iOS5 or Mac OS X Lion. iTunes Match is not included in Apple’s cloud music services. The first 5GB of storage is free and an addition of 10GB will cost $20. 20GB and 50GB will cost $40 and $100 respectively. Apple’s services are costlier than Amazon which gives 20GB space for just $20 and allows users to store unlimited amount of music for free.

The initial conclusion from Mashable is that iCloud beta is a modified version of MobileMe.The addition of iWork support is a welcomed addition though, as is the simplistic and universal interface for all of Apple’s cloud services.

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