news feed – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing Tue, 19 Jun 2012 09:58:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 news feed – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing 32 32 Sponsored Stories in Facebook coming to News Feed Wed, 21 Dec 2011 12:04:42 +0000 Sponsored Stories will be rolled out by Facebook in the news feed. From January ads will be rolled out which allows the brand to reach friends of users who have interacted with their pages.A like or comment is enough for the brands to interact with the users.

Users will be able to see sponsored stories in the news feed about people or friends they are connected to. Sponsored stories of pages which users are not a fan or friend will not be visible for the users.

Facebook spokeperson Annie Ta told “We want to be really thoughtful about this, so we’ll have a lot of rate limits in place. We hope to show people no more than one Sponsored Story in their News Feeds per day and we’ll clearly label the story. They’ll also be of the same size and treatment as other stories in News Feed.”

Sponsored Story Feed will soon be available in the ticker which appears in the upper right hand part of the site. There was no information about the brands that would be part of the roll out.The price of the news feed ad units was also not determined.Sponsored stories in the news feed will not be extended to mobile

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