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Creating a Google Action using Schema requires integrating structured data markup on your website or content to enable Google to understand and process your data effectively. Google Actions are voice-activated apps for Google Assistant that provide users with valuable information or perform specific tasks. Schema markup helps define the content and context of your data, making it easier for Google to comprehend and present to users through voice interactions.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Schema to create a Google Action:

1. Choose the Right Schema Markup:

Select a relevant Schema markup type that aligns with the content or service you want to provide through your Google Action. Common Schema markup types include “FAQPage,” “HowTo,” “Recipe,” “Event,” and more. Choose the one that best suits your use case.

2. Implement Schema Markup:

Add the Schema markup to the HTML of the web page that corresponds to the content you want to make available through your Google Action. This involves adding the appropriate Schema properties, such as name, description, URL, and other relevant details. You can manually add the markup using JSON-LD, microdata, or RDFa formats.

3. Validate Schema Markup:

Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or Rich Results Test to validate your Schema markup. This step ensures that your markup is correctly implemented and will be interpreted accurately by Google.

4. Register Your Action on Google:

To create a Google Action, you need to create a project on the Google Actions Console. This is where you’ll define the conversational interface and interactions for your Action. Go to the Google Actions Console ( and create a new project.

5. Define Intents and Utterances:

Within your Google Action project, define the intents (user requests) and associated sample utterances that users will say to invoke your Action. For each intent, map it to the appropriate Schema markup on your website.

6. Setup Dialog Flow (Optional):

You can use Dialog Flow, Google’s natural language processing platform, to build the conversational flow of your Google Action. Link your Dialog Flow project to your Google Action project to create a seamless interaction experience.

7. Test Your Google Action:

Test your Google Action using the simulator provided in the Google Actions Console. Ensure that the intents are correctly triggering and that the responses align with the structured data you’ve marked up.

8. Submit for Review:

Once you’re satisfied with the functionality and testing of your Google Action, submit it for review by Google. This process ensures that your Action meets Google’s quality and content guidelines.

9. Deploy Your Google Action:

After Google approves your Action, it will be available to users on Google Assistant-enabled devices. Users can invoke your Action by saying “Hey Google” or “Okay Google,” followed by the name of your Action and the intent you’ve defined.

Using Schema markup to create a Google Action enhances the relevance and accuracy of the information your Action provides to users. It also ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience. Remember that creating a Google Action involves both technical and conversational design aspects, so a well-rounded understanding of both is essential for a successful implementation.

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DuckDuckGo, a new search engine Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:59:07 +0000 DuckDuckGo is a new search engine launched, similar to Google having a better visual appeal.
They claim to be unique in keeping users privacy as they don’t track and record your search results. They also guess relevant result for your keyword and highlight the same inside a red box which will be usually drawn from Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha. DuckDuckGo also ban spam sites (loaded with ads). Additionally  they own some interesting features such as “Bang’,where you have the option to get results from specific sites alone, for Eg if you want to get information about Osama Bin Laden  from Wikipedia alone, you have to type “!wikipedia Osama Bin Laden” to get all the results about the person from Wikipedia. There is a long list of bangs which you could utilize to get relevant results.

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An array of Search Engines in diverse segments unveiled Thu, 17 Mar 2011 09:22:22 +0000 A free search engine exclusively for Genealogy search was launched. It enables the search of more than 50 billion words including names, dates and places, within a fraction of seconds. They claim to be the provider of the first large scale, free search engine for family history search.

Online People Search Engine was launched and will help you to locate people and possess latest features such as additional information and improved programming interface. The website was in the public testing mode for the past three months and received over 2 million visits a day.

Another search engine “ibod” originates and claims to be a potential rival for Google. South Bank-based “ibod – short for’ intelligent business on demand’ – provides free business search engines, social networking and advertising for charities and SMEs. It has already created eight jobs and a further 20 positions are expected to be available within a year. Designed to help organizations boost their profile through internet marketing, ibod will generate revenues through advertising and turnover is expected to hit £12m in four years. Kevin Robinson, an entrepreneur and a marketing specialist is the brain behind this venture.

Another one, quite different from all the above, The First Semantic Image Search Engine NachoFoto was unveiled, and  provides real time images based on the meaning of the user’s query. Image is the second most popular search on Google, resulting in 1 billion page views each day. So this new venture is likely to get more hits in the coming days. In their press release they say that Nachfoto is comprised of three distinct features such as ‘related searches’, Image results, and Timeline to ensure delivery of the freshest image results.

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Google updated Google docs with new features Mon, 07 Mar 2011 09:29:55 +0000 Google has expanded Mobile editing in 44 languages and more page sizes in Google documents. This was apart the one they have launched earlier which was only in English. With this feature in effect, you can edit your documents in 45 languages on Android with Froyo (version 2.2) and on iOS devices (version 3.0+) including the iPad.
Also they have increased the print sizes, now there are eight more print sizes in Google spreadsheets, including tabloid, statement, executive, folio and A3, A5, B4 and B5.

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Bings’ “New natural language capabilities” makes shopping easier and interesting!!! Wed, 02 Mar 2011 09:21:58 +0000 The main criteria what you see for shopping is your budget and when you find lots of things within your reach, you will surely be overwhelmed. And Bing helps you to meet your expectation and get your things quickly. For eg, If you want to get jeans under a particular price range then you could just type “Levis jeans under $ 100″ and Bing will do the rest, delivering you refined results. Bing says that they received help from Microsoft Research, to handle price queries to deliver automated results as per your budget. This feature is really helpful to get specific results without much searching.

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Bing introduces a new feature “Autosuggest Flight Prices Wed, 02 Mar 2011 06:45:24 +0000 Bing introduces a new feature “Autosuggest Flight Prices”. It will display the flight prices and the Price Predictor for key markets in the search box which helps you to get the cheapest airfares. This feature gives you a prediction on what you are searching for. For eg, With the Autosuggest Flight price natural language capabilities, you can simply type “Fly to Chicago” or “Chicago Flights” and Bing will immediately recognize where you are, and instantaneously display the Price Predictor based on your location. Also you don’t have to bother about entering the formal city name or airport, it could also comprehend short-forms and colloquial terms.This new feature provides you an option to decide on rather than searching.

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Bing follows Google’s path making search results more Social Mon, 28 Feb 2011 09:50:24 +0000 After the partnership with Facebook, Bing introduced ‘Liked Results’ in their search results.

I could find some similarity to Google’s updated social search algorithm in which Google produces not only links but also ‘shared’ results of the friends in social circle, such as in Twitter (retweet), Blog, Flicker, YouTube etc (“Facebook Likes’ an exception). And here comes Bing with their new social search partnering with FB, they claim that, this is the first time in human history that people are leaving social traces that machines can read and learn from, and present enhanced online experiences based on the traces.” In other words, Bing produces search results considering the shared links in ones’ social circle too and especially “Facebook Likes”. If your friends had shared or liked something publicly, it will be shown in your search results (once you are logged in)

They have cited an example, It says that “If you are planning a trip to somewhere (For Eg, Washington and wants to find about the stay, a traditional search results shows a long list of weblinks and captions, which would take more time to see them individually to take a decision. But with Bings’ tie up with FB makes your search results more social, For Eg, If your friends who had been to that place and had “liked” that particular place or a hotel, then those results will top in your search which will make it easier  for you to refine your search and decide on where you should stay. And Bing says that you may not find “Liked Results” on every query but then if you find then it would be a good experience. They even added on their blog that they continue to work with Facebook to make search more social and relevant.

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Who is the ‘cheater’ and the ‘fraud’ Mon, 07 Feb 2011 12:12:11 +0000 The debate on the ‘copying’ issue must be known to everyone. Google blames Microsoft for copying the search results of the former, and Microsoft firmly denied giving some justifications. The growth of Bing over the past 8-9 months was beyond expectation and Google has reached to a point where it realized that BING is a good competitor and is afraid of losing the first rank. After this realization they are constantly observing the growth of Bing and the reasons that led to the same. Some terms they have used in this fiery debate is notable. Google started off saying that Bing has done ‘a cheap imitation’ and as a response Bing accused Google of trying a “spy-novelesque stunt”.

compared with


compared with

Mehdi, Microsoft’s Senior VP of Online Services, published a strongly-worded denial of Google’s claims on the Bing Search blog which again would keep heating up the debate; It says – Google engaged in a “honeypot” attack to trick Bing. In simple terms, Google’s “experiment” was rigged to manipulate Bing search results through a type of attack also known as “click fraud.”

We could definitely wait for an apt response from Google for this 🙂

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The Performances of Google, Yahoo and MSN in 2010 Sat, 08 Jan 2011 07:11:17 +0000 The world of search engine technologies has been altering at an extraordinarily fast rate. Even from one year to the next, one can view major trends in how the search engines are faring.

Based on the report release by Hitwise, 2009 witnessed Google in the top spot, Yahoo Mail in second spot, the core Yahoo search in the fourth spot, Microsoft’s Live Mail in the sixth spot, the Yahoo search page in eighth spot, and MSN in ninth spot. This signifies that 6 of the top 10 sites belonged to one of the search engine giants.

Search Engines

Presently, in 2010, Facebook has reached the number one slot. The Yahoo properties remain chiefly unaffected; Yahoo Mail is now in third , the core Yahoo page is in fourth, and the Yahoo search page is in ninth. For the time being, Microsoft seems to be creeping up. MSN grabbed the number 6 slot, and while Live Mail dropped to position eight, Bing crept into the tenth slot.

Though it may look like Yahoo and MSN are closing the gap on Google, it should be noted that there’s a major gap between the second and third slots for 2010. While Google’s third place ranking is from having around seven percent of all online traffic, Yahoo Mail’s third place position depicts only about three percent.

The above study is based on pages that obtain visits most recurrently, and is based far more on repeat visits than it is on exclusive visitors.

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Google Instant-A Dramatic Break From The Conventional Google Search Experience Thu, 09 Sep 2010 12:47:31 +0000 Google displays its role as the leader of search engines by relentlessly pushing technology to its limits, with the launch of Google ‘Instant’.The new feature ‘Google Instant’ that was launched yesterday, is a huge enhancement to its search platform as it displays result as the user types ,without even clicking on the search button.

Within the next couple days, Google will be launching a new enhancement to its search platform with its newest addition of Google Instant.  Google Instant is a new feature that shows results to the user as the user types, without even touching the search button. Infact every letter the user inputs, updates the search results in view of that. It was really exciting to watch this major transformation today created by Google.

Google has always been an supporter of simplicity, Google estimates the latest improvement can save around 2-5 seconds for every search. The new system also enhanced on the prediction feature that’s been utilized by Google and many of the other search engines like Yahoo, MSN, and Bing. The smarter prediction will help guide users through their searches, making it simple even if you’re not precisely sure what your  searching for.

The following corresponding output was obtained while typing in each of the  letters a s m in the search:

google instant search

google instant search

Marissa Mayer, Google’s vice president of Search Products stated that the user benefits of Google Instant are numerous but the primary one is time saved. Mayer announced the novel feature at the company’s launch event in San Francisco yesterday.

Google Instant is presently only available for desktop searches, but the company announced that it is at this time also working on the mobile version, which will be released soon.

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