Yahoo – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing Sat, 08 Sep 2012 06:03:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yahoo – Online SEO News – search engine News, latest seo news, webmaster news, search engine marketing 32 32 Yahoo mail revamped, integrates more features Tue, 24 May 2011 09:46:19 +0000 In order to survive and be a competitive player in the market Yahoo mail underwent significant changes. The new features includes a redesigned email format, an option to update Facebook and Twitter account via yahoomail platform and above all double faster service with 100 megabytes attachment capabilities. The ‘makeover’ also consist of better chatting ability with dear ones who are logged into Facebook and also improved Junk mail controls. These overhauls are mainly to get modernized with the current trends where people spend more time Social media and also due to the rivals’ constant up gradation.  Though once upon a time Yahoo was much larger than its rival Google, for the past several months they are losing the grip. According to Comscore research report, yahoo faces a drop out in its subscribers whereas Gmail had grown to 220 million with 24% increased subscribers on to their credit.  Russia’s most popular search engine Yandex will be offering shares double of Google’s earning.

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A Visual amalgamation of search engines results- Yometa Wed, 13 Apr 2011 08:58:47 +0000 has launched a visual search engine which provides search results from Google, Yahoo and Bing on a single screen.

The search results will display as Venn Diagram on three different colors representing the respective search engines and offer its users a visual representation of their search results on how they rank in three search engines simultaneously. According to, there is only 3% overlap in search results for the top 100 search terms which means that 97% of the results on the three search engines vary since their algorithms are different in assigning relevancy to each websites. Through, you could get search results on a single page without spending time in each. The three main features of are

* View search results simultaneously from Google, Bing and Yahoo.

* Users could navigate through the search results according to the relevance by browsing through the Blue boxes on the left side.

* Users also have the privilege to view results from each search engines separately (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and also from combination of search engines like Google/Bing, Google/ Yahoo, Yahoo/Bing or all the three (Google, Yahoo, Bing).

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Yahoo optimizes its “search” Thu, 24 Mar 2011 11:03:16 +0000 To sustain in the market, Yahoo is leveraging many attempts and also surrendered its search engine to Microsoft to woo more people towards their site.

Adding to this effort, yahoo introduces “Search Direct” which is quite similar to Google’s Instant search’, where they produce instant search results predictions without having to click on the search results. This feature known as “Search Direct” provides celebrity biographies, weather forecasts and news reports before users finish typing the question. To avoid being blamed as just a follower of Google’s Instant search, Yahoo’s Search Direct offers ‘advanced’ results producing edited information and images just under the search results instead of a page full of links.

You could avail ‘Search Direct’ on Yahoo’s search page, but not from its home page. Yahoo is testing the performance of this new feature before going full fledged.

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The Performances of Google, Yahoo and MSN in 2010 Sat, 08 Jan 2011 07:11:17 +0000 The world of search engine technologies has been altering at an extraordinarily fast rate. Even from one year to the next, one can view major trends in how the search engines are faring.

Based on the report release by Hitwise, 2009 witnessed Google in the top spot, Yahoo Mail in second spot, the core Yahoo search in the fourth spot, Microsoft’s Live Mail in the sixth spot, the Yahoo search page in eighth spot, and MSN in ninth spot. This signifies that 6 of the top 10 sites belonged to one of the search engine giants.

Search Engines

Presently, in 2010, Facebook has reached the number one slot. The Yahoo properties remain chiefly unaffected; Yahoo Mail is now in third , the core Yahoo page is in fourth, and the Yahoo search page is in ninth. For the time being, Microsoft seems to be creeping up. MSN grabbed the number 6 slot, and while Live Mail dropped to position eight, Bing crept into the tenth slot.

Though it may look like Yahoo and MSN are closing the gap on Google, it should be noted that there’s a major gap between the second and third slots for 2010. While Google’s third place ranking is from having around seven percent of all online traffic, Yahoo Mail’s third place position depicts only about three percent.

The above study is based on pages that obtain visits most recurrently, and is based far more on repeat visits than it is on exclusive visitors.

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Conclusions Drawn From Google Zeitgeist 2010 Wed, 15 Dec 2010 11:30:28 +0000 Google’s yearly Zeitgeist, which delivers the top searches of the year, once more offers a remarkable look into what the world was thinking about,as well as interested in.

Google Zeitgeist 2010

The results conclude that “Chatroulette” was the “fastest rising” search term around the world in 2010, overtaking Apple’s iPad and Justin Bieber, which took the second and third place spots, correspondingly.Twitter and Facebook also made a showing in the top 10 list, taking the No. 8 and 10 spots, respectively.

But just as rapidly as those search terms developed during the year, there were some queries that were cut down from the top spot.

Google revealed that “swine flu” was the “fastest falling” sort out term around the world this year, followed by “wamu” and “new moon.” Michael Jackson, who was last year’s top search query, obtained the ninth spot in Google’s list of declining queries.

Google also examined what topics were most well-liked in the consumer electronics space this year. And needless to say, Apple’s iPad and iPhone 4 took the top two spots. They were followed by the Nokia 5530, HTC Evo 4G, as well as the Nokia N900.

Google’s Zeitgeist findings are significantly different from those released recently by the company’s competitors.

Yahoo findings conclude that the BP oil spill was the most popular search term on its service in 2010, trailed by the World Cup and Miley Cyrus.

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Rich Search Assist-New Search Feature From Yahoo Mon, 22 Nov 2010 06:53:10 +0000 Yahoo has commenced testing a new search feature that displays answers and results as you type based on search suggestions. Though there are big similarities between Google Instant and the fresh “Rich Search Assist“,the feature is surprisingly not named as “Yahoo Instant”.


Ethan Batraski,Group Product Manager at Yahoo Search,stated that at Yahoo, it is known that sometimes search is just about doing things at a faster pace.Whether one is looking for the latest game score, dietary facts about any breakfast, or a favorite TV show – one needs to be able to obtain answers with little to no effort. Presently,Yahoo Search is testing a beta version of a more sharp and content-rich Search Assist (a technology that Yahoo! pioneered) with a fraction of searchers.

The novel Rich Search Assist replaces the accessible Search Assistant. In the past, users would see connected searches and suggestions. In future, along with the suggestions, they will get direct links and answers based on the type of search.

Yahoo is merely testing the new feature with about 5 percent of users for now, but will roll it out further ultimately. There is no ultimate version yet, so several users may get different variations of the feature until Yahoo settles on the best one.

Wonder what strategies “Bing” would roll out in future !

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Google Instant-A Dramatic Break From The Conventional Google Search Experience Thu, 09 Sep 2010 12:47:31 +0000 Google displays its role as the leader of search engines by relentlessly pushing technology to its limits, with the launch of Google ‘Instant’.The new feature ‘Google Instant’ that was launched yesterday, is a huge enhancement to its search platform as it displays result as the user types ,without even clicking on the search button.

Within the next couple days, Google will be launching a new enhancement to its search platform with its newest addition of Google Instant.  Google Instant is a new feature that shows results to the user as the user types, without even touching the search button. Infact every letter the user inputs, updates the search results in view of that. It was really exciting to watch this major transformation today created by Google.

Google has always been an supporter of simplicity, Google estimates the latest improvement can save around 2-5 seconds for every search. The new system also enhanced on the prediction feature that’s been utilized by Google and many of the other search engines like Yahoo, MSN, and Bing. The smarter prediction will help guide users through their searches, making it simple even if you’re not precisely sure what your  searching for.

The following corresponding output was obtained while typing in each of the  letters a s m in the search:

google instant search

google instant search

Marissa Mayer, Google’s vice president of Search Products stated that the user benefits of Google Instant are numerous but the primary one is time saved. Mayer announced the novel feature at the company’s launch event in San Francisco yesterday.

Google Instant is presently only available for desktop searches, but the company announced that it is at this time also working on the mobile version, which will be released soon.

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Partnership Deal between Yahoo and MSN Fri, 27 Aug 2010 11:29:07 +0000 With Google being the present leader in the search engine kingdom, other competitors confront a massive mountain to climb if they need to emerge as the winner. Research firm comScore reported that in July, Google claimed an enormous 66 percent of the total search traffic within the United States. Much behind were Yahoo with 17 percent and Microsoft’s Bing with 11 percent .Rather than uniting with Google or being absorbed by them, Bing and Yahoo decided to be united in their quest for preeminence in the search engine market.Within the last couple months, Bing and Yahoo announced that they would become partners in order to unite their efforts to take up the number two spot in search engine market share and take direct aim at Google’s top spot.

The amalgamation is a great move for Yahoo, for whom the market share dropped over the last year. For the moment, Bing, which began in 2009, has seen its share steadily climb. While Yahoo brings abundant search engine experience to the table, Bing can bring can launch a fresh start to the partnership.


Presently, Bing is powering Yahoo’s search results in English within the United States as well as Canada. People who visit Yahoo’s search will notice “Powered by Bing™” at the bottom of each page to officially indicate the partnership between the two services.

In future, other languages are expected to be added for more of an global flair. In addition to the standard search engine services, Bing and Yahoo will also merge their advertising services. Yahoo and MSN are working on a total shift over to Microsoft’s adCenter, which is the company’s advertising service that provides pay-per-click advertisements to those involved. They hope to complete the shift this fall, appropriate for the holiday season. Bing and Yahoo will divide advertising revenue once everything is finished.

It would be interesting to notice how search engine technologies develop as competition increases, and what type of response Google will have in this search engine race.

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Yahoo News Undergoes Major Transformations! Wed, 18 Aug 2010 11:38:05 +0000 Yahoo has launched a new search-powered module for their News Section(,driven by their search algorithm. SEO friendly content which would obtain increased visibility would be the end result of this algorithm.

One of the major highlights was the inclusion of images,videos as well as slideshows.Its also visible that unlike google news, yahoo news tries hard to be more editorially managed in its choice of stories from online news providers rather than algorithmically delivered.

Presently being tested by a few Yahoo users, the fresh feature appears as a subsection on the Yahoo! News page as well as in the ‘Today’ module on the main portal. It’s complemented by the fresh ‘Trending Now’ lists, noticeable on the Yahoo home page. When a visitor clicks on any of the terms on the Trending Now list,she/he will can get hold of the most recent information about a hot topic and determine related content from Yahoo! search.

Lately Yahoo stated that the click through rates on its Trending Now lists have doubled from the time the firm implemented the fresh content optimisation technology that powers the Today Module of the Yahoo! Homepage.

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