Yahoo Signs up Ad Deal with 94 Newspapers

Yahoo Inc exposes a new plan to add 94 newspapers to its online advertising consortium, comprising the Chicago Sun-Times. The deal with Sun-times incorporates 70 of its other newspapers as in the Chicago area. These 94 newspapers bring the consortium’s total of 800 by now. However, terms of the deals are not yet announced.

Additionally to the Sun-Times, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (owned by Journal Communications), the Akron Beacon Journal and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin (owned by Black Press Ltd) as well join the group that are selling online advertising across newspaper Web sites using the job board’s technology.

Sunnyvale, California-based Yahoo further proclaimed this week about new advertising contract with Wal-Mart Stores and CBS. Yahoo would become the elite reseller of display advertising on and as well would stream CBS’ television shows online.

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