I cant find a better tool than Google analytics conversation tracking tracking visitors on their navigation to a website. We use conversion tracking for all the dynamic websites we optimize and it works great. Especially installing the code on correct pages like the checkout page or the cart page etc will show where you loose the users where they get stuck, what are the problems they are facing etc.
For example one particular client gets 1000s of visitors per but his conversation was very low he contacted us to find out the problem. Initially everything looked pretty fine and it was very difficult for us to find out the problem. Later we used Google analytics conversion tracking code on important pages like the shipping page, cart page, checkout page etc. After 2 or 3 days of monitoring we were able to identify that the users get stuck on the checkout page since for some browsers the checkout button javascript throws an error and redirects to the cart page again. Even after multiple clicks the potential customers were unable to go beyond the page on certain older version of IE and Mozilla browsers. Since our client and we use IE 7.0 we didnt find any problem but the conversion code showed us the problem since users were unable to go beyond the checkout page.
Immediately we checked with older version of the browsers identified the problem and were able to fix it. So I recommend when you have a dynamic site make sure you use conversion tracking its available in adwords too and also helps track Adwords conversions.
Labels: Adwords, google analytics
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