Are you looking to promote your prom dress selling website or are you already an advertiser. Yahoo Search Marketing Blog offers some valuable tips on areas you need to target and improve to get maximum exposure, sales and traffic through Yahoo Sponsored results.
Some valuable tips:
1. Separate Campaigns
Targeting different type of customers for different theme is very important. YSM blog suggests creating separating campaigns if you are running a gift card sale as well as a prom dress sale.
2. Promotional language
Ofcourse i agree with Yahoo on this one, Promotional language is very important people love to hear words like gifts, coupons, sale, discount, offers etc. So make sure you add proper promotional campaign in the ads.
3. Keyword/creative conflict
Make sure that your titles and descriptions don't clash with their associated keywords. Even when the keyword appears in the creative, searchers may skip the ad if the main focus appears to be on something else.
4. Keyword insertion and Alt Text
Our Keyword Insertion tool helps make sure that the user's search term always appears in your ads, and Alt Text helps the ad appear the way you want it.
5. Customization helps
Greeting card sites that offer customizable cards should be sure to mention that in their ads, as it likely will resonate with searchers.
6. Scope of offerings
Searches using general terms shouldn't lead to an ad for a very specific item. For example, people searching with terms like "prom dress" usually want to be able to browse a variety of styles and colors, and may not click on an ad that promotes a "red floor-length strapless prom dress."
You may not still remember everything about your prom night or graduation, but if you remember these few important tips, you can make your ads the "class" of '08.
Labels: yahoo search marketing
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