Introducing +1 Buttons In Adwords

You can get no better recommendation than one from a friend. On the Internet, everyone can suggest content to friends using the Facebook “Like” button. Now Google also want to help you make recommendations with their new +1 button. However, Google’s button comes with a twist. It will be included within AdWords ads.

+1 is a simple idea. In order to understand how this new feature might work, let us look at an example.

When Brian signs into his Google account and see one of your ads or organic search results on Google, he can +1 it and recommend your page to the world.

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The next time Brian’s friend Andrew is signed in and searching on Google and your page appears, he might see a personalized annotation letting her know that Brian +1’d it. So Brian’s +1 helps Andrew decide that your site is worth checking out.

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Google says that there is no strategy to use the +1 button as part of the calculation for Quality Score. However, a well-recommended ad should see a big boost in click-through-rate. You could therefore see an in-direct advantage on your Quality Score and the price you have to pay in order to bid on a particular keyword.

Currently, the +1 button is being rolled out only on You do not have to make any changes to your account. The button will be incorporated in your ads when available. Other languages are being worked on and you can be expecting further releases to be announced soon.

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