Content Management Systems:
One of the trendy today to design the Content Management Systems (CMS) are Mambo. It is the open source software on the web for creating and managing websites through a simple web interface. Mambo includes many advanced features such as page caching to improve performance on busy sites, higher templating techniques, and a strong API. It also provides lots of tasks such as web indexing for static pages.
Mambo can provides RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, forums, polls, calendars, website searching, language internationalization, and other potential.
Mambo is released under the conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL)Version 2. It was written with the PHP programming language and use the MySQL database.
The minimum requirements for Mambo should have Apache or Windows IIS
, MySQL and PHP.
Joomla CMS is the Open Source applications for creating websites. It is free to apply and has a great society support.
Some benefits of the Joomla:
Multiuser and Multilevel background: various users can interact and add to the development of the Joomla-based site. Users can be assign to diverse groups with diverse privileges.
- WYSIWYG editor – the perceptive What You See Is What You Get editor allows for effortless editing of the content online.
Additional components / modules – the Joomla system can be simply improved with extra functionalities from integrate a forum to installing an E-commerce resolution.
Templates – there are many free Joomla templates on the net to design Joomla CMS.
If you plan to begin your own blog website, the best option for a blog application would be WordPress. The WordPress Open Source tool provides rich set of blog skins.
WordPress has instinctive management, which anyone can hold. In WordPress you will be capable to make a post and publish it on the web easily. With WordPress you can easily modify the look of your website for there are lots of free WordPress themes on hand on the Net.
WordPress is a state-of-the-art publish platform with a heart on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and invaluable at the same time. More simply, WordPress is what you use when you desire to work with your blogging software, not struggle it.
Webservices :XML, SOAP & WSDL
XML Web services are the basic building blocks among the distributed computing on the Internet. Open standards and the focus on communication and collaboration among people and applications have shape the location where XML Web services are becoming the platform for application integration.
Some of the key aspects why XML was mostly used for their Web Service:
- XML Web Services interpretation useful functionality to Web users through a standard Web protocol in most cases SOAP was used.
- XML Web services offer a way to explain their interfaces in enough detail to allow a user to build a client application to talk to them.
- XML Web services are registered so all the potential users can find them easily.
Today SOAP is essential for application development to allow Internet communication between programs. SOAP provides a way to converse among the applications running on different operating systems, with different technologies and programming languages.
A SOAP message is ordinary XML documents contain the following elements:
- Envelope element that identify the XML document as a SOAP message.
- Header element that contain header information.
- Body element that contain call and response information.
- Fault element that provide information about errors that occurred while processing the message.
WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language it is an XML-based language that describes Web services and how to access them.
WSDL express four critical pieces of data:
- Interface information describing all publicly accessible functions.
- Data type information for every message requests and message responses.
- Binding information about the transport protocol to be use.
- Address information for locating the specific service.
How do I send and receive files once connected in MS-DOS FTP?
To get files from the server and put those files in your directory on the system you were currently working, type:
get fileyouwanttoget.htm
Where fileyouwanttoget.htm is the name of the file you desire to get from the computer connected to.
To send a file from your computer to the computer you are connected to (providing you have appropriate privileges and the file be present in the current working directory), type:
send fileyouwanttoput.htm
Where fileyouwanttoput.htm is the name of the file that exists in the current directory; if you cannot recall the name of the file, use the ! command to temporally get back to a MS-DOS prompt; once you have located the file name, type exit to get back to the location you left in FTP.
client-side vs server-side
client-side interaction
- We will get an immediate response to our interaction (once the program code has been downloaded)
- As no information is transferred from the browser, this service is more safe and sound .
- Dependent on the user who is using a particular browser and/or plug-in on their computer
- This will have an effect on the processing speed of the user’s computer
server-side interaction
- Since the program and the related resources are not downloaded to the browser, complex processes are frequently more efficient.
- there are security fear while sending sensitive information
- does not rely on the user having specific browser or plug-in
- affected by the processing speed of the host server
How the user connects to the internet affects both forms of interaction. For client-side scripting, the connection type affects the time it takes program code to be downloaded. For server-side processing, it affects the time taken for information to be sent to the server and the response downloaded.
Latest Windows operating system code-named Windows 7, to be released soon
Bill Gates the co-founder of Microsoft said that he is expecting the newest Windows operating system, code-named Windows 7, to be released in the next year. He has been planning to issue more regular updates of the operating system software that powers the greater part of the world’s PCs. However he comments that a successor to Vista might be released more willingly than expected.
Microsoft has said it expects to release a latest version of Windows around three years later than the introduction of Vista in January 2007. A Microsoft employee said Gates’s comments are in the development cycles that frequently release a test version of the software prior to its official introduction.
“That’ll be sometime in the next year or so that we’ll have a new version,” Gates said in reply to a query from the addressees.
Gates put down his day-to-day functions at Microsoft and contribute himself to the benevolent hard work of the Gates Foundation in June, said the company aimed, through its $6bn (£3bn) annual research and development budget, to acquire the products operating on its software to “the next level”.
He also said that new versions of Windows would facilitate, revolutionize mobile phones and run the desk of the future, which would have a touch surface display permitting the users to call up items with their hands.
Microsoft giving out some software secrets
Microsoft is in progress to contribute more secrets of their products and technologies with software developers.
The Redmond software giant (NASDAQ: MSFT) say publicly that they plan to share more of its technical papers with IT developers as part of a “major alterations” in how the company shares information on the month of February.
On Tuesday, the company said that they had posted beginning edition of technical documentation for protocols built into Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Developers do not require paying a fee or taking a license to make use of the information.
Tom Robertson, general manager of interoperability and standards at Microsoft said that “We suppose that providing open, regular right to utilize these protocols will promote and set free the vision of all developers to work on real-world interoperability solutions,”
odbc connectivity
Sub ConnectionExample1()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
‘ Open a Connection using an ODBC DSN named "Pubs".
cnn.Open "Pubs", "MyUserName", "MyPassword"
‘ Find out if the attempt to connect worked.
If cnn.State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Welcome to Pubs!"
MsgBox "Sorry. No Pubs today."
End If
‘ Close the connection.
End Sub