PC components

To keep your PC’s Cool..

Normally during summer our PC components run themselves much hot abnormally. These computer components were not designed in such a way to work above a certain temperature.

So for a trouble-free computing, please follow the steps provided below to make sure that your PC stays cool.

1) Computer fans are one of most important component in PC’s, without them computer’s processor, hard disk and other very important parts may scorch and in due course fail or may slow down your computer speed or to working intermittently.

a. So once a year or especially beginning of summer is the right time to inspect the all the PC fans(i.e. processor fans, external fans) to ensure that they are working properly or not.

b. Clean the fans regularly as all the fans collect dust and function less efficiently as a result.

2) The Term ‘Overclocking’ is the used to attempts to run your computer parts at higher voltages or speeds than they were designed to support. You may configure the basic input output system (BIOS) by pressing DEL or F2 buttons when your computer boots up. But make sure unless you know what you’re doing and have taken steps specifically to provide extra cooling to your computer, avoid the attraction of Overclocking. If your cooling fails, your components will overheat much faster than otherwise – and may even be damaged permanently.

3) The next main thing is where you are placing your computer, when it comes to keeping your computer cool. It’s better to place your computers on the floor, if possible, since its cooler down there – and move them close to an air conditioning vent, too, if one is available. Do not place them close to other heat-generating devices.

4) One of the next most important computer components is Monitor; it generates a lot of heat when turned on – even when they’re not displaying an image. Get into the habit of turning off your monitor when you step away from the computer for extended periods of time.

You may also install and use few computer software programs which allow you to monitor your pc’s temperature. These utilities will prompt you when your computer components gets too hot.

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