Definition of Open Source, Thursday, February 19, 2009

The term "Open source" does not just represent right to use the source code. The distribution terms of open-source software has a necessity to meet the terms with the subsequent standards:

  • Redeployment without charge

  • The certificate does not limit anyone from advertising or giving away the software as a module of a combined software distribution encloses programs from numerous different sources. The license does not entail a fee or other payment for such sale.

  • Source Code
  • The program should consist of source code. It has to permit sharing of source code in compiled form. If some form of a product is not circulated with source code, there must be a fine revealed means of how to obtain the source code for a rational reproduction cost preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The format of source code must be like a programmer can be able to alter the program. Intermediate forms like output of a preprocessor or translator are not permitted.

  • Derived Works

  • The warrant must let them to make any modifications and derived works. It should permit them to be distributed the software under the similar conditions as the license of the original software.

  • Reliability of the Author's Source Code

  • The license possibly will confine source-code from being distributed in customized form only if the license agrees to distribute "patch files" with the source code for the intention of transforming the program at build time. The license must openly allow distribution of software built from modified source code. The license may need derived works to bring out different name or version number from the original software.

  • No inequity against Persons or Groups

  • The license is required to distinguish beside any person or group of persons.

  • No favoritism against Fields of Endeavor

  • The license should not put a ceiling on making use of the program in a particular field of endeavor. For instance, it may not confine the program from being used in a trade, or from being used for genetic observations.

  • Distribution of License

  • The rights enclosed to the program should be relevant to all to whom the program is rearranged with no need for implementation of an additional license by those parties.

  • License should Not Be precise to a Product

  • The rights attached to the program should be unique. It should not depend on other program's which is part of a particular software distribution.

  • License Must Not Restrict Other Software

  • The authorization should not put limitations on other software that is distributed in conjunction with the licensed software. For instance, the license should not claim that all other programs distributed on the similar medium ought to be open-source software.

  • License Must Be Technology-Neutral

  • No stipulation of the license may be predicated on any individual technology or style of interface.

posted by power @ 9:34 PM permanent link   |

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