Rss Feed ColdFusion, Saturday, June 13, 2009

ColdFusion is an application server and scripting language used for Internet application development such as for dynamically-generated web sites. ColdFusion is like Microsoft Active Server Pages, Java Server Pages and PHP. Similar to othe server-side scripting languages,ColdFusion permits developers to build

active WebPages driven by database back-ends.
We can also create Rss feedsusing ColdFusion.We can customize the codeas per our wish. We can list all the titles of

the postings or we can list a posting title with some content.Here is a sample coldfusion code for listing the blog titles.

To get the rss feed xml file

Then parse the xmlfile by using the

code given below.

Search for the "item" tag in the xml file.

Assign it to a variable.

Then in a loop display all the titles.It

will display 5 titles.To display all the

titles, give #ArrayLen(items)# instead of "5"

Print all the titles in an anchor tag.

Loop ends here.

After using the above code, Output will be as given below.

posted by seoprogrammingblog @ 12:39 AM permanent link   |

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